Zap Those Puffiness and Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
By: Lesley Chew
Isn't a major nightmare to wake up in the morning to discover you have dark eye circles like a panda bear? Do you want to completely eradicate those nasty looking dark circles that are under your eyes?
Dark circles under your eyes are a major bane to looking good. Who wants to look like a panda bear? No other facial flaw is more noticeable to everyone than dark circles are. The appearance of dark circles increases how old you look, makes you tired looking and signs of someone who is unhealthy. They make others think that you are stressed or you have poor living habits.
What are the causes of dark eye circles? The following are a few of the factors that might contribute to the condition :
1. The culprit is really a combination of things like heredity, allergies, aging, and of course - lack of sleep!
2. Sometimes even if you get enough sleep and are stress free, as you age there is likelihood that you may develop dark circles anyway. Why? This is a result of the layer of fat underneath your eyes that actually thicken in time and gives the illusion of dark circles when you are in certain lighting.
3. Another major cause is sun damage. In addition to that extra fat layer that contributes to dark circles, years of sun damage causes microscopic blood vessels underneath your eyes to loose their stability and add to the problem.
The culprit is really a combination of things like heredity, allergies, aging, and of course - lack of sleep!
Sometimes even if you get enough sleep and are stress free, there is a likelihood that you may develop dark circles as you age anyway. Why? This is a result of the layer of fat underneath your eyes that actually thicken in time and gives the illusion of dark circles when you are in certain lighting.
Another major cause is sun damage. In addition to that extra fat layer that contributes to dark circles, years of sun damage causes microscopic blood vessels underneath your eyes to loose their stability and add to the problem.
So in order to stay as free from dark eye circles as possible, make it a point to have sufficient sleep each night, eat healthy food and avoid the sun (or at least use proper sun protection).
Have a hot date? Below are 3 simple ways that you can take advantage of to help with your tired looking eyes.
1. For a quick fix try using a concealer. Using yellow will neutralize the blues, purples, and husky hues on the skin. This does not rid the problem, but a temporaily solution that can build your confidence for the day to alleviate the 'tired look'.
2. Use tea bags and cucumbers! There definitely is something to seeing those commercials with women having cucumbers and tea bags on top of their eyes. Both tea bags and cucumbers reduce inflammation and decrease swelling. Tea bags are especially good to use for dark swollen circles because there is tannin inside of the tea that helps with eliminating the puffiness. So stock up on teabags and cucumbers!
3. Use more anti-oxidants. Antioxidant treatments help to reduce fluid buildup under the eyes, which decreases the look of the dark circles. Go for treatments that involve a lot of vitamin C and GHK copper peptides. Also, vitamin K is great for restoring stability and strength to the blood vessels under the eyes, which reduces their proliferation.
Getting rid of your dark circles permanently is a long process. However, if you persist everyday by getting enough sleep, living a stress free life, eating healthily and avoiding the sun, you may well be cured of dark eye circles eventually!
Lesley is the owner of Discover Skincare Secrets website which provides free skincare information and news. Visit now and learn how to look younger today!
posted by Evie @ time 9:31 PM 0 comments