Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anti Aging Treatments - Antioxidants And Anti Aging Remedies

by Joel Davis

Anti aging treatments come in various forms, some of the most common are anti aging skin care products, anti aging therapies such as chelation and for some surgery. One crucial part of the anti aging equation is lifestyle, how we treat and what we put into our bodies. Getting this right can make a significant difference at any age. However the sooner you start good nutritional habits and looking after yourself physically the more youth and vitality you will have as you age.

Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress.

Briefly Antioxidants are the protective force against free radicals. If we have insufficient anti-oxidants in our diet or an excess of free radical generators then we suffer oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a key link to heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

A healthy, nutritious diet can make people feel and look younger, here are some tips for using Antioxidants in your diet as an anti aging treatment.

Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Plants produce anti oxidants for their own defense but they also happen to protect us. Shop by color, intensity is the key, e.g. dark leaf greens.

Anti oxidants work better together, so take a variety rather than large doses of one.

Lycopene is a proven cancer fighter found in tomatoes, watermelon and red paw-paw, eat plenty.

Kale is the best antioxidant vegetable with the highest levels of lutein of any food. Exellent eye nutrition.

Berries top the chart as antioxidant super foods, and are high on the list of antiaging treatments. The ultimate antioxidant defense food being dried goji berries. They also contain several times the vitamin C than citrus and have the highest level of cartenoids of any plant.

Rooibos Tea is a rich source of antioxidants not compromised by caffeine. Note that milk added to tea negates the antioxidant benefits.

Red Wine - While red wine is nicer, red grape juice is better medicine, and although red wine is good for you the bad news is that, after more than one glass the alcohol content negates the benefits. Many people enjoy a glass of wine or a cocktail and although drinking in moderation is not an anti aging treatment it should not be a problem for those worried about the aging process. Moderation is the key.

When drinking alcohol - Milk Thistle is the best antioxidant herb for liver support. Also hydrate, take B vitamins and Vitamin C, eat and avoid sweet mixers. Avoid excessive amounts of alcohol.

Chocolate, good news here for an antiaging remedy, dark chocolate containing 70% cocoa is amongst the worlds most powerful antioxidants. Again milk added as in milk chocolate negates the benefits.

Devices that ionize and alkalize water also offer a remarkably inexpensive source of antioxidants. I.e. alkaline water scavenges active oxygen compounds including free radicals - it bonds with active oxygen to prevent oxidization.

Exercise is the best of anti ageing treatments it expands clogged up blood vessels to help remove waste through perspiration. Vigorous walking is great, try for at least four times a week of a minimum of thirty minutes, and don't be afraid to do more!

Eliminate stress, this is a topic on its own but important. See our blog for more on this.

Many people fail get enough sleep. A good nights sleep will help slow or reverse the aging process. Try to get at least eight hours every night.

Most of these anti aging treatments require a modest amount of discipline, remember good habits slow the Aging process.

About the Author
Joel Davis provides information on staying healthy and youthful with aging health tips on fitness nutrition and anti aging supplements.




Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Facial Skin Care Products and Treatments in Spas

by Annie Glasson

In these days of high stress and long working hours many people are turning to spas to help alleviate the effects of stress on their bodies and minds. But it is not only our muscles that become casualties of our lifestyles it is also our skin particularly our face.

This is where a spa offering skin care treatments and products will come in handy. You will find there are spas dedicated to skin care offering a range of packages of treatments to treat various areas of skin on our bodies. Often these spas will also carry a range of specialized skin care products to alleviate certain conditions of the skin and promote various conditions of the skin. This kind of specialized attention is often offered in Day Spa. Looking around you will also find many spas offering skin care treatments and products as part of a larger range of spa services.

Each spa has its own signature treatments and products varying in terms of the ingredients used in products and the range of skin care treatments available. This article cannot hope to cover the unique services of each spa or the whole range of services available. Below you will find a brief overview some of the main facial treatments.

Facial skin care is concerned with beauty as well as alleviating various skin problems. A good spa therapist will isolate your particular range of needs and suggest an appropriate treatment or product. The following are some available services.

A typical facial will include skin cleansing and exfoliating, facial massage, application of a masque, and moisturizer. This kind of treatment will last usually around an hour. The general effect will be an overall toning and revitalizing of the skin. Facials although associated with women are increasingly becoming popular with men.

Some facial treatments involve the use of machinery. For example some spas use a microcurrent device to smooth out wrinkles and tone up facial muscles and improve the complexion. This can be used around the forehead, eyes, cheeks and neck. Some treatments using microcurrents are referred to as a non-surgical facelift, where the aim again is to tone up the facial muscles and these can also be offered to tone up other parts of the body like the breasts and buttocks.

Not all facelift treatments involve machinery. An Indian facelift uses the hands to massage the skin with the benefits of improving circulation and muscle tone and generally relieving stress. This may come with other treatments like a skin peel and aspects of a general facial.

Other individual facial treatments have included different types of masque for different types of skin whether oily, dry or normal. Others focus on women over 40 offering collagen serum to rejuvenate particularly the eye area reducing puffiness, eliminating dark circles and reducing the signs of aging. Others specialize in teen problems such as oily skin and acne. Some treatments aim to deal with over large pores on facial skin and skin blemishes.

Facial skin care products vary according to ingredients and the types of benefits they offer. Some aim to deal with youth restoration: reducing fine lines and wrinkles, tightening skin and restoring radiance to the complexion. Others aim to moisturize and produce softer, younger looking skin. Some products aim to repair and replenish sun-damaged skin. You can experience the benefits of facial skin care products in the form of creams and serums.

If you are new to spa products and treatments you have a lot of treats in store for you. Why not start with a facial....its less intimidating and you get to keep your clothes on! Looking for a very special gift for someone you care about? Treat them to the joys of spa facial treatments and products. New to these products or a seasoned indulger, it pays to find a quality spa service/product provider who can take into account your individual needs and give personalized attention. Enjoy!

About the Author
Annie is the marketing manager of Endota Spa in Australia. She writes for Endota Spa which is the largest Spa network in Australia. Endota provides spa products and services as Spa massage, Spa facials, Body treatments and more.




Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Skin Care

Your skin is your armor, your shield from the elements. Yet when was the last time you really thought about what you need to do to take care of it? Throughout your life, genetic and environmental factors will cause a lot of wear and tear to your skin. But you are never too young or too old to start taking care of your skin. In fact, skin care and protection should be an essential part of your health, fitness, and beauty regime. If you take care of your skin, your skin will take care of you! If your stuck in a skin care rut, or if you are just looking to learn a bit more about the basics of skin care, read on to learn more about this important step in your daily activities.

The Essentials of Skin Care

The first step to taking care of your skin is preventing damage. Sun, wind, pollutants, and simply aging can degrade the condition of your skin. Common complaints include dry and itchy skin, wrinkles, sagging, color changes, and age spots. There are steps that you can take to keep you skin looking and feeling its best.

Exercise, rest, and good nutrition lay the foundation for beautiful, healthy skin, inside and out. A proper diet is not only good for your overall health, it also helps to ensure that your skin will receive all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it needs to maintain and repair cells. Drinking purified water is another good way to keep your skin healthy. Water helps to hydrate the skin and move waste and nutrients through the system. It is very effective mixing a teaspoon or capful of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in with your water. Do not drink Tap Water.

The most important way to care for your skin is to protect it from the damaging rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation damages the skin and can lead to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots, and cancer. Take extra precautions to make sure your skin is not exposed to the sun’s rays. Use a natural sunscreen, or a moisturizer that contains sunscreen (at least SPF 15) everyday. Your skin does need some sunlight – 10-15 minutes of direct exposure daily.

Dry skin is very common, especially with age. Older skin has fewer sweat and oil glands than younger skin. Dry skin may be caused by frequent baths, certain cosmetics or medications. But whatever the cause, there are ways to alleviate the itchiness associated with it. Avoid using harsh soaps when bathing, and if possible, cut back on the number of baths or showers each week. A sponge bath with warm water may help to clean and revive skin without stripping the skin of its valuable moisturizers. When you do use soap, try using a natural very mild soap that does not contain any dyes, parabens or perfumes. Follow up the bath with a moisturizing lotion like Parfait Visage, concentrating on problem dry areas. A good all natural moisturizer is one of the foundations for a healthy skin care regimen. Continue moisturizing throughout the day to keep skin healthy. Your hands and face are particularly susceptible to daily damage, and may need to be moisturized several times.

A Skin Care Routine

A skin care routine does not have to be elaborate in order to be effective. But you should develop some kind of skin care routine based on your skin type, daily activities, and nutritional needs so that you can be sure you are taking the very best care of your skin. Following a daily skin care regime will also allow you to more closely evaluate your skin for abnormalities. Here's a simple routine that you can adapt to fit your needs:

1. Cleanse: Wash your skin thoroughly on a daily basis to remove the dirt, debris, pollutants, and perspiration that accumulates on a daily basis. If you have dry or sensitive skin, use only warm water to wash your skin and use a mild natural cleanser every few days like the product Oxy-Skin. If you have normal or oily skin, be sure to wash with a gentle cleanser on a daily basis. Be sure to brush your teeth before washing your face, as toothpaste residue can irritate sensitive facial skin.
2. Moisturize: Unless your skin is very oily, you will want to use a moisturizer everyday to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Your skin needs moisturizer all year long as both the indoor winter heat, and summer sun can be equally damaging to your skin. The most advanced product is “Parfait Visage” which is used for the face.
3. Protect: Use a natural sunscreen when possible, regardless of whether or not you plan on spending much time in the sun. The sun's rays are very damaging and if you get in the habit of applying sunscreen everyday, you will never be left without protection. The suns most beneficial rays occur at sunrise and sunset.

Skin Care Products

There are several types of skin care products that may make a useful additional to your daily skin care. These include cleansers, sunscreens, moisturizers, exfoliants, facial cleansers, toners, retonoids, herbal and nutrient supplements, and cosmetics.

For more information on natural skin care and make-up go to

Dr. Group, the founder/CEO and clinical director for the Global Healing Center, heads a research and development team producing advanced, new, natural health protocols and products. To learn more visit
