Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Skin Care- How Skin Changes With Age

By CD Mohatta

With ageing, skin also changes. The changes in skin are both intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic changes are those that appear with ageing of body. Extrinsic changes are those that occur because of external factors such as sun, smoking, gravity and bad skin care. We cannot stop any intrinsic change because that is programmed in our body, but we can surely change habits and reduce changes due to extrinsic factors.

Let us look at the changes in skin with ageing. As you know skin has three layers- Epidermis (Outermost layer), Dermis (Middle layer) and subcutaneous layer that is below the dermis. As we age, the epidermis or the outermost layer begins to thin. The melanocytes (Pigment containing cells) decrease. Though melanocytes decrease in number they increase in size. This gives a pale look to the skin. Ageing changes due to sun such as liver spots or lentigo appear. They are also called age spots. The blood vessels in the dermis begin to lose strength and easily lead to bruising and bleeding under the skin. The subcutaneous layer that gives fat padding to skin thins. This again increases the risk of skin injury. Both sweat glands and sebaceous glands become less active.

As we age, our skin loses its suppleness, texture and strength. With age spots and other pigmentation, the look is lost. With weakening of strength, it becomes easy for skin to suffer damage easily. Healing becomes very slow. The healing may be four times as slow in old age as compared to youth. Skin turns dry and our sense of touch heat etc. reduces considerably. Other growths such as skin tags, warts, mar the appearance further.

Wrinkles appear on skin at all the places. As the underlying fat in the subcutaneous layer is lost, hollowness appears on the cheeks and eye sockets. Jowls form because of gravity. The hair grays and turns white. Some people lose hair and some grow hair at unwanted places. The nails become thin and half moons on the nails disappear.

As with every part of our body skin ages and brings about changes that mar the look completely. Sun damage can accelerate the skin aging considerably and can also cause skin diseases such as skin cancers etc. regular care of skin is necessary along with protecting skin from the harm full rays of sun to maintain youthful look for a longer time.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit http://www.doctorgoodskin.com/ for more information about how to have good skin. The author also writes for free animated screen savers and desktop wallpapers at http://www.screene.com/ on topics like nature, spirituality, motivation, love, holidays, animals, etc. You can downlaod as many free wallpapers as you wish from here.



Monday, May 29, 2006

Evie's Tip: Pigment Fading

Mix 5 teaspoons fresh tomato juice with 1 teaspoon honey.
Then apply on the pigment,
rinse off thoroughly.

Keep using for 10-15 days; your pigment will fade away.



Sunday, May 28, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care Popular Methods

By Oliver Turner

While exploring the scope of anti-aging skin care treatment, the most commonly asked question is ‘What skin renovation medicines have so far proved to be effective’? Collecting right information regarding the anti aging treatments flooding the marketplace is the best strategy to adopt anti aging skin care techniques that suit your aging skin.

To regain your eternal beauty and to get back your youth, go with the anti aging skin care supplements. Anti aging cosmetic products can dramatically improve your look by nourishing you from inside. And that is a natural procedure. No need to go for a painful surgery. Anti aging skin care products can drastically change the way you look and can make you feel young. You can challenge the aging process with anti aging skin care medicines that provide life to your dry or oily skin. You can really stall the ageing process for a few more years with anti aging skin care treatments and enjoy the excitements of youthful life. Try to select anti aging products that will alleviate your rough and dry skin and provide sufficient hydration. Make sure that your anti aging skin products get promptly absorbed into your skin and produce immediate results. Check out whether your anti aging product is hypoallergenic and non-photo toxic. Be careful about damaging your skin instead of repairing it.

Anti aging supplements will rectify the health of your internal system as well as take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkle prone skin. Anti-aging skin care cosmetics usually contain active anti aging components that support the skin’s natural ability to remove free radicals, age spots, and chemical toxins that obstruct healthy skin, and improve your skin agility and elasticity. A good quality anti aging product can reduce skin drooping and wrinkling. Anti aging skin care supplements works in complete harmony with the body, supplying and balancing the necessary anti aging dietary requirements thus making your skin glow and look young for a long period of time.

We have made the most comprehensive research on the subject of anti aging skin care products. Find the results only on the antiaging cosmetic product research. Find more anti aging info on http://www.leandernet.com



Friday, May 26, 2006

AntiAging: What Does It Mean?

By Caroline Mettarod

AntiAging advertisements are everywhere. You will see them in cosmetics and cosmetic surgery magazines. Supplements and exercise plans. But what does it mean? We all age, don’t we? Where does this anti-aging desire come from? Is it all about vanity?

No, it is probably more about our fear of death than it is vanity, although vanity certainly plays a part. Deep down, most of us are afraid of dying.

I don’t care what Toastmaster’s says, fear of dying is big for all of us. Toastmaster’s has been saying for years that most people are more afraid of public speaking than of dying. That might be true if you are about to get up on stage and speak to 3,000 people, because speaking is more imminent to us than death. But look deeper and you might even find that our fear of death is right there under the fear of public speaking. We are afraid people won’t like us so much that they might kill us.

We can apply creams, do laser treatments, enhance our breasts and get face lifts until the day we die. But that day will still arrive. What if we could really get close to this feeling? This fear of dying? What would happen?

Try something. Close your eyes and imagine the moment of your death. It doesn’t matter how you die. I mean the very moment when you die. Not the moment before and not the moment after. The exact moment of dying. Imagine it. You may think this is scary. Trust me. It is an experience you will never forget. If you can imagine the exact moment of your death, you may be very surprised what you find.

What do you feel? When I ask my clients to do this exercise, every single one of them replies with things like, “Peace,” “Release,” “Letting Go,” or “Floating.”

Okay, now you can buy all the anti-aging wrinkle creams and cosmetic surgeries you want. Let it be about looking good and your health.

Caroline Mettarod has been working as a geriatric nurse for 23 years. Recently, she has been spending Saturday mornings offering beauty clinics for her patients.You can read more articles about antiaging at AntiAging



Thursday, May 25, 2006

Antiaging Health Products

by Leokadia Angela

There are several essential nutrients missing from the diets most people eat. Replacing them with vitamin supplements doesn't make up for the synergistic effects of nutrients found in food.


Fiber is the indigestible part of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Whole grains and cereal fiber can lower your heart disease risk by 30%. To increase the fiber in your diet to the recommended 14g for every 1,000 calories eaten, have a 1/2 cup serving of Fiber One cereal and add more beans to your diet with lentil soup. Use whole grain bread and add some fruit and vegetables to your meals.

Magnesium and Potassium

Magnesium and potassium are linked to blood pressure control, protection from osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and stroke. To add magnesium, have a half-cup of bran and cooked spinach daily. For potassium, eat sweet potatoes, white potatoes, white beans and bananas.


Calcium provides the raw material for building your teeth and bones. It prevents bone-thinning osteoporosis, contributes to healthy blood pressure, and can reduce the risk of colon cancer. To have the right amount in your diet, drink three glasses of low-fat or fat-free milk every day, or have eight ounces of fat-free yoghurt and 2-3 ounces of low-fat cheese each day.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A cares for and maintains our eyes, the linings of the respiratory, intestinal and urinary tracts, and the quality of our skin. To add more vitamin A to your diet, add darkly-pigmented foods to your daily diet. These include carrots, spinach, kale, winter squash, and a medium baked sweet potato. They do not include lettuce and french fries.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is necessary for our body to create collagen, a glue that holds our skin, bones, blood vessels and skin together. It also helps to make brain chemicals, neutralize damaging free radicals, and metabolize cholesterol. Vitamin C may also help the heart and reduce arthritis and diabetes. To add vitamin C to your diet, simply add a glass of orange juice or an orange every day. Other helpful foods with vitamin C are kiwifruit, cantaloupe, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, red or green bell peppers, and broccoli.

Vitamin E

Sufficient vitamin E also neutralizes free radicals to protect cells from damage, plays a role in the immune system, can help prevent the common cold, and can lower the risk of Parkinson's disease. Foods healthy in vitamin E include almonds, sunflower kernels, and sunflower oil in salad dressings, which helps you gain the nutrients from the vegetables and carry the vitamin E into the bloodstream.

If you add essential Vitamins and an antiaging supplement like one of our GHS Products to your Diet you can live longer, look and feel your best and achieve total health.

Leokadia Angela has various online websites, e.g. For the best of your health:



Monday, May 22, 2006

Evie's Tip: Fruit Mask

Fruit Mask:
Juice apple, cucumber and pear, mixed with flour, add a teaspoon of water, and stir thoroughly.

Apply after cleansing, avoiding eye and mouth areas, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off thoroughly.



Friday, May 19, 2006

Anti-Aging Skin Care

By Josh Riverside

Age brings wisdom, but it also brings wrinkles. Therefore, beauty salons, spas, and plastic surgeons offer a variety of anti-aging skin treatments that claim to reduce if not eradicate wrinkles and rejuvenate skin.

With age, skin loses elasticity and essential moisture, resulting in fine lines and wrinkles, dryness, and roughness. Pigmentation and puffy eyes are other common problems. In addition, premature aging is a threat that many individuals encounter. Although most skin care products and treatments focus on the face, the neck, arms, and legs should not be ignored.

Skin ages prematurely due to both internal and external factors. Internal factors include poor nutrition, lack of sleep or inadequate sleep, and stress. The most significant external cause is overexposure to sunlight, which damages the skin, making it dry and coarse. Improper beauty regimens or no skin care at all can also result in premature aging of the skin. Certain prescription drugs also have a similar effect.

External damage to skin can be prevented to a large extent by applying a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher when one goes out during the day. A proper skin care regimen based on products that suit individual skin type should also be followed. All skin types benefit from regular cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Periodic exfoliation helps to remove dead cells and dirt and refreshes skin. A mask made of raw egg yolk, olive oil, and a few drops of rosewater can rejuvenate aging skin. Cucumber and cabbage juice when applied on the skin are supposed to have anti-wrinkle effects. Masks and juices should be applied both on the face and the neck. Puffy eyes can usually be cured by getting adequate sleep and using a good outer eye cream. Arms and legs should be massaged regularly, with olive or almond oil or yogurt before bathing. After bathing, a moisturizing body lotion should be applied.

A wholesome diet that includes low-fat dairy products, fresh salads without trimmings, whole wheat bread, cereals, strawberries, peaches, carrots, fish, and a little olive oil can combat age-related skin problems. Proper diet can also reduce the need for taking medicines. Furthermore, regular exercise and massage help to tone body and facial muscles, while drinking at least eight glasses of water every day can keep the system hydrated. Meditation or yoga can help in dealing with stress.

To conclude, factors like proper beauty regimen and a healthy body and mind can prevent premature aging. However, aging itself is a natural process and these factors can help individuals to age gracefully.

Skin Care provides detailed information on Skin Care, Skin Care Products, Natural Skin Care, Anti Aging Skin Care and more. Skin Care is affiliated with Natural Skin Care Products.



Thursday, May 18, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care – Tips And Common Sense

By Pieternel Van Giersbergen

As we get on in years, who isn’t trying to stay young, to hold the line on aging? And where do we see our age and fret our age more, than in our skin? I’d like to share with you some general anti aging skin care treatment that will keep your skin young and healthy, and recommend some natural anti aging skin products that make a big difference as well.

The health of our skin reflects many factors. Some we can’t control, but others we can and should. Heredity and environment, for example, might be working against you. But you’re not going to leave the city just to get clean, dewy skin. And if a certain swarthiness is in your genes, there’s not much you can do about it. But let’s look at the anti aging skin care that you CAN do – and there’s a lot – to bring your skin to a whole new level.

Water – Water – yes water – is your best anti aging medicine. You need to drink at least 8 full glasses of spring or well water daily. Your body is 75% water, and your skin is a moist, elastic medium that needs to be kept hydrated naturally – from within. Your skin’s thirst for this inner hydration can’t be satisfied by just rubbing in creams or lotions on the outside. You need to follow this “first commandment of skin care” if you want to get the super benefits that anti aging creams and other products also offer.

Natural Creams – Many anti aging creams – even the most expensive ones – have a base of mineral oil, and are loaded with artificial preservatives and coloring. Just look at the labels. You need bifocals and a lab coat just to read them! Need I say more? I get many compliments on my soft skin, and always the same question: what do you use on it? First I tell people about water, lots of fresh air and exercise, and moderate exposure to sunlight. Then I get down to specific anti aging solutions.

Real Aloe Vera – Lots of products boast that they contain aloe vera – so why do we think we can improve upon nature? I go right to the source, and keep an aloe vera plant growing in my bathroom. It’s a pretty plant, it’s easy to care for, and you just cut off a section of leaf and out gushes the wonderful fresh gel. My friends and nursing colleagues all report the same excitement the first time they rub in a gel directly from their plants. And they report that it’s the best anti aging product they’ve ever used – and one that you just can’t get from a store-bought jar or tube.

Aloe vera is truly potent. It’s filled with moisture, protein, vitamins and minerals – antiaging nutrients that give your skin deep, thorough hydration. Cleopatra is known to have used aloe vera on her skin, and if you overlook her little snake bite, you must admit: she was quite a success story!

Olive Oil – When my skin is very dry I also apply olive oil, and use olive oil soap over my entire body. In fact, such were the excellent results I got from olive oil, that I created my own anti aging personal care cosmetic – a soap which is 90% olive oil, and smooth beyond belief. (Aloe vera, oddly enough, can sometimes create a superficial drying effect, which olive oil quickly smoothes out.) Besides anti aging effects, aloe vera adds proteins, minerals and water to your skin.

Application of Creams – I always tell friends not to rub in their oils and creams in a bored hum-drum way. You need to really massage it in, giving yourself pleasure and stimulating your circulation. Indeed - it’s best to make all your health practices emotional. It’s this zest that makes the magic connection between body, mind, heart and soul. So – when we’re working to make ourselves younger and prettier, please ladies - let’s make it an anti aging exercise - not act as if we’re ironing socks!

Natural Progesterone Cream – We mention this last, but definitely not least, for it is really the “Queen” of anti aging products. This all-natural cream suffuses your body with progesterone, the anti aging hormone that turns girls into women and gives that beautiful glow to pregnant women. A natural progesterone hormone cream, such as Prosperine, delivers the right dosage of progesterone derived from the Mexican wild yam. Besides providing a protective quality against breast cancer, it wonderfully tones your skin and retards the aging process. As with drinking water, this is an approach that works from the inside out – the right way, the natural way.

Pieternel van Giersbergen is an RN with over 25 years of experience in different fields of health care,developed her own common sense health business natural-health-products manufacturers of high quality natural health care products like oil of oregano.



Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Supplements For Beauty and Anti-Aging

By Fiona Shearer-Hann

Nowadays, there’s more to retaining and attaining a beautiful complexion than simply applying topical creams and lotions. In fact, it’s becoming increasingly common to see more and more supplements touted as beauty products themselves, because of the effect they are said to have on the condition of the skin, hair or body.

Naturally, we know that our appearance on the outside is often affected by what goes on inside the body (in other words, what we put into our bodies is shown on the outside). The better we eat, the more exercise we get and the more hydrated we are, the better we look. It’s common sense, after all! However, scientists are discovering that there are ways we can supplement our diets even more effectively, giving us far more beautifying power than good old fashioned healthy eating.

For starters we’ve got vitamin and mineral supplements we can take for healthy skin and hair. These often contain various ingredients including (but not limited to) ascorbyl palmitate, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamin E, grape seed extract, vitamin A (or beta carotene), vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Biotin, zinc, copper, manganese, cysteine, PABA, choline as well as natural silica from horsetail and other components naturally derived from herbal sources.

There are also supplements containing marine extracts, fish oil extracts and other naturally occurring substances which have been shown to have a positive effect on the skin and body. Many claim to have anti-aging properties, which makes them incredibly popular, especially among those who are starting to show signs of aging and who are desperate to reverse the effects!

The question is – do these supplements really give us more than we can give ourselves through good nutrition, plenty of water, exercise and adequate rest and relaxation? And, more to the point, can we take the risk that we don’t need these sorts of supplements in order to give us the best longevity and anti-aging possible? You see, that’s quite often the crux of it. Many of us (especially women) are desperate to retain our youthful looks and complexion. And why wouldn’t we be, when we’re constantly being bombarded by images of youthful beauty? When we see women in their late 40s (Madonna is an excellent example) who look barely into their thirties? Many of us believe in the adage of “prevention is better than cure”, so we do what we can to prevent old age before it begins to catch up with us.

I’ll be completely honest here, and tell you that I’m no different to anyone else in this! As a woman rapidly approaching my mid-thirties, I’m starting to see time catching up to me all too quickly! And this is why I, like so many others, are looking into doing everything I can to maintain my health and skin long into old age. The result? Not only am I becoming increasingly aware of what I eat, the amount of activity I get, and the external skin care products I use, I’m also becoming more aware of the other things I could be doing to preserve my health, which is why I’ve started purchasing supplements designed to help a) keep my skin healthy and b) maintain my skin’s youth.

There are plenty of resources online where you can discover more about beauty products and information. It's never been easier to find supplements and beauty products to suit your own needs.

Fiona Shearer-Hann is the webmaster of several websites including Be More Beautiful and Babies and Pregnancy.



Sunday, May 14, 2006

Evie's Tip: Mask for Soft Skin

An easy, effective and cheap ways to do a mask is this:

Use an egg yolk and honey mask. Just mix one egg yolk with a little honey and spread it on your face and neck.

When it dries, rinse it off.

It makes your skin feel very soft.



Friday, May 12, 2006

Dermatology-Recommended Dry Skin Treatment and Anti-Aging Medicine

by Gloria MacTaggart

Some people think that anti-aging medicine is a fad when in fact, it is not only a legitimate branch of medicine, it is one of the most advanced - a health care model based on the early detection, prevention and reversal of aging-related diseases.

The spectrum of physical health that anti-aging specialists tackle is a wide one - from optimal health to a medically identifiable state of pathology that requires medical intervention. Most doctors' expertise is with the latter, but anti-aging specialists also have additional multi-disciplinary training on the latest advances science has to offer in the fields of biochemistry, biology, physiology, sports medicine, molecular genetics, and emerging medical technologies.

One of the first areas on the body to show age is the skin. The rush to cosmetic surgery is evidence of just how much we value our youthful looking skin. One of the recent anti- aging breakthroughs is in the field of skin care and dry skin treatment.

Years of research led to the development of a shielding lotion that actually mimics the skin's ability to form a barrier that seals in natural oils and moisture, protecting the skin from harmful irritants in the environment and keeping that firm and youthful look.

With the use of anti-aging medicine and breakthroughs that can keep our skin looking young and healthy for years, there's a good chance that when our next birthday comes around we could feel better than we've felt in a decade. That's an opportunity that wasn't available to the parents of anyone now over 30. Even a decade ago you may have had to travel to a different city to find a doctor or a dermatologist trained in this field. Now you can find one quite easily.

Using the principles of anti-aging medicine can result in a longer life, and, as importantly, a higher quality of life where you can still function well enough to take full advantage of the wisdom of age and all the work you've put into getting where you are.

Gloria MacTaggart is a freelance writer who contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, visit www.skinmdnatural.com



Thursday, May 11, 2006

Skin Care Treatment - For A Smiling, Radiant Skin

by David Maillie

Recent years have seen huge developments in the field of skin care treatment. Nonetheless, the countless choices you are being offered in the form of skin care products and remedies are rather baffling. The harm that this multitude of choices is doing to the layman is increasing every day. Here are some effective full-proof skin care treatment options and tries to resolve this crisis.

Skin Care

A little bit care of your skin will avert the effects of aging and the harsh treatments meted out to the skin by external elements. A regular skin care treatment (cleansing-moisturizing) regimen followed strictly will keep your skin healthy and happy.

Thus, make it a habit to clean your body with some mild soap that does not rob the skin of its natural oils and moisture. Clean your facial skin with a mild cleanser at least twice daily - once in the morning and again before going to bed. Do not forget your scalp skin either. Shampooing twice a week with a gentle shampoo will keep dandruff and similar hair problems at bay.

Sun protection of your skin is as essential as moisturizing. Hence, settle on facial moisturizers and body lotions that contain SPF. Working as a foil to prevent sun damages, regular use of SPF based moisturizers will lower your risks of developing skin cancer.

Inclusion of retinoids (the antiaging forms of vitamin A), vitamin C and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) to your skin care routine will prove helpful in the long run. They arrest the aging process by combating skin dryness, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles to give you a fresh, rejuvenated look.


So far so good, but what happens if your skin starts showing signs of damage in the form of acne, scars, stretch marks and all that! Well, there is nothing to fret for there are skin care treatment options abundant. Right from chemical peels to face-lift surgeries, you just have endless choices and all you need to do is consult a skin specialist before going ahead with a treatment.

If, however, you opt for Trichloroacetic Acid - TCA peels you will have nothing to worry. The medically approved 'no pains only gains' treatment promises you relief from a host of skin problems. Hence, you can use this skin care treatment safely and effectively for acne, blotchy pigmentation and discoloration, skin freckles and dullness, sun spots, wrinkles and many other skin conditions.

Used in clinics, salons and spas, TCA peels are a guarantee for 100% satisfaction. It helps you tackle your skin problems without surgery and with minimal downtime. The most wonderful aspect of the TCA skin care treatment is that it assures long lasting results. Thus, once you have taken a treatment you can conveniently forget about it for the next six months and only be aware of your beautiful, radiant skin (for more information on TCA skin peels for in home use at great savings please see the link below).

David Maillie is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels for plastic surgeons, medispas, and in home use. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: http://www.bestskinpeel.com



Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Basics of Anti-Aging Skin Care

By Sue Dolan

The very first question most people have when exploring the realm of anti-aging skin care is, “What skin rejuvenation products have been proven to be effective”? Accurate information regarding the multitude of anti-aging treatments flooding the marketplace is the best way to make informed decisions for developing your own skin rejuvenation regime which incorporates the anti-aging skin care techniques, strategies and treatments that best address your personal aging skin issues.

The basics of effective skin rejuvenation begin with the facts on anti-aging skin care treatments. There are several active ingredients that have been clinically proven to be effective skin rejuvenators. One of the most effective treatments is vitamin A derivatives such a retinol or retinyl palmitate.

The Retin A or Renova vitamin A treatments are the strongest although the most irritating treatments of the vitamin A options and are only available by prescription. If your skin needs major rejuvenation attention, ask your Doctor if you are a candidate for the prescription vitamin A treatment of Retin A or Renova.

If not, including one of the other retinol alternatives in your skin care routine is an excellent strategy. The concentration of over-the-counter retinol products can range up to 1%. The basic rule of thumb is, the higher the concentration, the stronger the treatment. Be forewarned though, read the directions carefully because the stronger retinol products can be quite irritating to the skin. Starting slow and gradually working your way up to higher concentrations will allow you skin to adjust to the treatments better. The vitamin A derivative, Retinyl Palmitate, is the less irritating of the Vitamin A options and is considered to have quite effective rejuvenating qualities.

The next most beneficial anti-aging skin rejuvenation treatment is a chemical exfoliant such as an alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) or beta hydroxyl acid (BHA) product. The most popular of these acids is an AHA glycolic acid. Glycolic acid should be use in concentrations of 8% to 15% depending on your skin’s sensitivity. Start out with a lower concentration and gradually move up to a 10% then 15% concentration depending on your skin’s tolerance in order to avoid irritation.

The last consideration is including an antioxidant to contain the skin damaging free radicals as well as to encourage overall skin repair. Products containing Vitamin C Ester, Spin Trap, or CoQ10 are all good options to explore. Then, of course, there are other viable anti-aging treatments which can be incorporated into your regime depending on your particular skin rejuvenation needs which include DMAE, Kinerase or Kinetin, and GHK Copper Peptides. Finally, the most critical and essential aspect to any successful skin rejuvenation regime is sunscreen, at least once a day, each and every day!

Sue Dolan is a researcher and instructor for the http://www.skincareresourcecenter.com which is a Skin Care e-Learning and Resource Center that provides education on anti-aging skin care while focusing on skin rejuvenation strategies, techniques, treatment options, and resources for aging skin care issues.



Monday, May 08, 2006

Evie's Tips: Ancient Chinese Secrets for Wrinkles Reduction

Mix two tablespoons of fresh cucumber juice and same amount of egg white (about one egg), stir well, and then apply on wrinkles every night after cleansing.
In the morning, rinse off thoroughly using warm water.
Keep using for a month, your skin will be firmed, your wrinkles will disappear.



Sunday, May 07, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care And Idebenone

by Ken Black

Idebenone (pronounced eedy-be-known), a super antioxidant, is now being used in select anti-aging skin care products. That's good news for you if you need to get rid of some extra wrinkles that none of us can avoid as we grow older.

While idebenone has been known for a long time as a pharmaceutical agent, it has arrived to the realm of skin care only recently. In fact, some skin care companies claim it as a new, cutting-edge discovery. But, can it really benefit your skin?

In the 1970s and 1980s, researchers had been studying the potential of Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), including its ability to improve heart failure, reduce free radical damage and slow down certain neurological conditions. CoQ10, a vitamin-like natural compound found in all aerobic organisms, plays an important role in cellular energy production and is also an effective antioxidant. Trying to boost CoQ10's therapeutic effects, scientists synthesized and tested a variety of its chemical analogs and derivatives. Most of these derivatives were found ineffective or unsafe. However, one of the few exceptions was idebenone.

It is closely related to CoQ10 in its structure. However, idebnone is more effective than CoQ10 in protecting cells from the free radical damage resulting from reduced blood flow.

What does all this have to do with skin care? Recently CoQ10 has been shown to improve skin wrinkles. Not surprisingly, some skin care companies decided that CoQ10 analogs might do a similar or better job. So, they found out that idebenone was also a good anti-wrinkle remedy.

It's important to realize that free radicals that form in the skin in response to the sun's ultraviolet rays are largely responsible for wrinkling and other signs of aging. To fight these damaging molecules, cosmetic chemists developed this topical antioxidant that's even more powerful than natural antioxidants such as vitamins C and E.

Results of a clinical trial were presented in February 2004 at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. They wanted to find out which ingredient offered the best protection against free radicals. Well, it was idebenone that finished first against vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, kinetin, and alpha-lipoic acid.

The benefits of this ingredient include shielding skin from environmental damage, improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and reducing dryness and smoothing skin texture.

Antioxidants help protect against the damage caused by free radicals in the environment. Free radicals are unstable compounds that occur naturally in the body and try to stabilize by attaching to the nearest normal cell. This results in a chain-reaction because once the free radical attaches to a healthy cell, it too becomes a free radical in search of stabilization causing cellular damage. Antioxidants, such as idebenone and others, stop this process by donating a molecule to the free radical making it stable.

But, you should know that although idebenone is thought of as a wrinkle reducer, it is more of a skin protector. It is a true antiaging phenomena because it blocks the causes of aging and treats its effects. For best results, use it in addition to a broad spectrum sunblock.

However, this all comes at a price. This wonderful ingredient is priced at up to $120 an ounce. As you know, nothing known to science will erase all signs of aging, but this formula helps with its ability to decrease collagen breakdown (which means less apparent wrinkles and lines) and reduce inflammation.

It's available in the following lotions:

-Prevage from Allergan. -True Cosmetics Youth Revealing Complex. -Radiance Revealing Complex. -Revitol Anti Wrinkle Complex.

You can get these products containing idebenone from Dermatologists' or Plastic Surgeons' offices, Spas, Fine Salons, or online.

Your skin never had it so good!

Ken Black is owner of Skin care Reviews at www.skin-care-reviews.com, a site with helpful skin care information.



Saturday, May 06, 2006

Herbal Skin Care

by Josh Riverside

Herbs have been used in skin care from times immemorial. Ancient Ayurvedic texts in India speak of the use various herbs, such as, basil, turmeric, and saffron in skin care preparations. Herbs are now being increasingly used in the manufacture of skin care products across the world because of their healing and rejuvenating properties. Some brands do not even use artificial preservatives in their products, instead depending on the inherent quality of certain herbs to preserve themselves.

Today, aloe vera is one of the most popular herbs, hailed for its skin-soothing and anti-aging properties. It is used in cleansers, face washes, massage creams, sunscreens, and anti-acne products. Tea tree oil is also widely used in skin care products for its antiseptic and anti-acne properties. Ginseng, sage, rosemary, witch hazel, chamomile, calendula, and arnica are also popular. They are used in the manufacture of skin care products for different skin types, based on their properties.

Basil and mint are used in acne skin care because of their anti-bacterial and refreshing properties. Fresh basil or mint juice can be applied everyday on pimples. Turmeric is another essential ingredient in many skin care products because of its antiseptic quality. It ensures a glowing, blemish-free complexion. Fresh turmeric fingers can be ground with a little milk and applied on the face and the body. Pure saffron is widely used in traditional medicinal and skin care preparations in India and the Middle East. A few almonds and saffron strands can be soaked in milk and then ground into a paste with the milk. Mixed with rosewater, this face mask nourishes and revitalizes skin. These are simple herbal skin care preparations that can be made by everybody at home. However, elaborate herbal remedies should not be attempted at home without proper knowledge of herbs and their effects.

To conclude, certain herbs are very beneficial for the skin and products containing them can be used with good effect. However, products of only reputed brands should be used, as the wrong mix of herbs could create problems.

Skin Care provides detailed information on Skin Care, Skin Care Products, Natural Skin Care, Anti Aging Skin Care and more. Skin Care is affliated with Natural Skin Care Products.



Friday, May 05, 2006

An Introduction To Natural Skin Care

by Josh Riverside

Research indicates that self-confident people perform well at work and have secure relationships. Great looking skin makes one feel good and adds to self-confidence. While some people are born with flawless skin, others have to work hard to achieve it. Even individuals blessed with a lovely complexion need to take care of their skin regularly.

Natural skin care involves the application of naturally occurring materials to cleanse, refresh, and nourish skin. These materials are readily available, inexpensive, and harmless unless one is allergic to any of them.

Different skin types require different skin care products and beauty regimens. People with normal skin can use a number of natural aids to enhance their looks. A mask made of fresh apple juice and honey can be applied on the face and neck and rinsed off after 20 minutes. A mix of orange-peel powder, oatmeal, and milk can also be used effectively.

Oily skin tends to be problematic, especially during adolescence. A mask of raw egg whites and freshly squeezed lemon juice can help to reduce the oiliness. This mask should be washed off with warm water. A mask made with grated cucumber and rosewater can also work magic on oily skin.

Dry skin tends to get drier with age and to look rough. A concoction of mashed ripe banana, honey, and olive oil can be applied to refresh and nourish dry, tired-looking skin. Ripe strawberries, mashed and mixed with fresh cream can also be used.

Two masks should ideally be applied on combination skin, simultaneously. One mask should take care of the T-zone and the other, the rest of the face and the neck. Alternatively, one can add olive or almond oil to the same mask to take care of the drier areas. A mask made of oatmeal and yogurt can be applied to the T-zone. Honey can be added to this mask, for the drier zone.

To sum up, natural skin care can improve the texture of all skin types, at a minimum cost. However, this care has to be supplemented with a nutritious, low-fat diet, regular exercise, and plentiful sleep to obtain glowing skin that earns praise.

Skin Care provides detailed information on Skin Care, Skin Care Products, Natural Skin Care, Anti Aging Skin Care and more. Skin Care is affliated with Natural Skin Care Products.



Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Curing Wrinkles and Aging Skin

by David Maillie

Why is it that practically everyone in the middle class to the upper levels of demographics in any country are worried about getting wrinkles? Maybe it's the fear of getting old or looking old, or the wanting to look socially acceptable, or just plain vanity. We all have our own reasons. But whatever it is, everyone is united in wanting to solve this age old problem. However, in the first place, do we even have any idea about what actually causes these dreaded wrinkles? It's highly probable that we don't. The most important factor in finding a solution to any problem is finding out the root cause of it.

As we age, our body undergoes various changes, and so does our skin. In our skin, we have tissues known as collagen and elastin. These tissues are mainly responsible for making our skin firm and stretchable. As we grow older, the amount of collagen and elastin in our skin naturally diminishes. As a result, our skin becomes less elastic and weaker, thus creating "wrinkles". Experts say that the amount of wrinkles that a person will develop through the years also depends on the genetic make up of this individual. However, smoking, sun exposure, dry skin, and repetitive facial expressions and mannerisms such as frowning, can all enhance the creation of wrinkles that may or may not be permanently present.

Over the years, beauty experts and skin doctors have come up with a vast array products to treat and minimize wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle creams and ointments help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming. These wrinkle ointments and anti-aging creams help a lot in restoring the skin's firmness and elasticity. In addition, these products contain anti-oxidants and retinol that not only aids in reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the skin, but also stimulates collagen production.

For people seeking solutions to severe damage that has already been done to the skin, there are a number of treatments available ranging from chemical peels and dermabrasion to the latest and technologically advanced, computerized laser resurfacing. However, many people looking for skin repair are hesitant to try chemical or laser peels due to the painful procedure and long recuperation period they have to undergo. The results of these procedures however, are fantastic.

One less painful procedure is the particle skin resurfacing procedure. Dr. John Studd MD, plastic surgeon at the Hale clinic explains " The process is removes the outer layer of skin in a highly controlled manner. Because of its preciseness, it is practically painless. By repeating this procedure a number of times, the younger skin moves to the surface, thus promoting visible changes in the skin's texture, color and appearance. The benefits of this skin resurfacing procedure are that it causes very little pain or discomfort, no recuperative period is needed, there is minimal risk, it can be used for all skin types, and no anesthesia is required. "

The important thing to remember when seeking out treatment for your wrinkles is to know first how your body can possibly react to the treatment. Get in touch with a skin doctor for things that you are not sure of, but are contemplating on trying out.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: http://www.bestskinpeel.com



Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Evie's tips: Facial Masks

Honey - softens and moisturizes skin and prevents wrinkles
Egg yolk - nourishes skin, especially good for dry skin
Egg white - removes wrinkles good for oily skin
Lemon juice - use diluted, especially great for oily and blemished skin



Monday, May 01, 2006

Exercise as a Solution to Anti-Aging

by Blake Turner

Facial toning exercises are ideal for keeping the face healthy and free of aging. At least to a degree, since we can never abandon all things that nature sends our way. We can never get away from eliminating all age signs, since nature is dominating solutions. As we age, we experience crowfeet, wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and other aging symptoms. Most times we experience lines around the eyes, neck, forehead and chest area, and sometimes even the hands.

Products are available on the market, including creams, machines, surgeries, toners, night creams, gels, lotions, foams, pads, and more. Few products offer natural ingredients that claim to prevent lining and wrinkles, while declining the fatty tissues around the face area, which is idea if you have excessive fat around the face area.

The gels and foams I've found to offer more in the way of making the face radiant. Thus, gels and foams I've tried personally gave my face a healthier glow and youthful appeal. Still, gels and foams differ, thus deciding on the right anti-aging solution, you must consider your skin type. Also, like any thing else you purchase it is important to make sure the ingredients are not detrimental.

One of the better solutions for minimizing wrinkles is pampering and exercising your face. Moving the mouth in circular motion is a form of exercise as well as eating meals.

Some of the products for anti-aging solutions include the masks. The substance is applied to the face and stays on the face until it starts to feel hard. The problem I've found with the masks is that it tends to irritate the skin. The solution will tighten the facial area.

The creams for protecting the skin help to restore the skins health supposedly, while toning the face and reducing the wrinkles, at the same time adding tightness to the skin to help it restore collagen. Few of the products claim to offer ongoing solutions for reducing aging signs, however, many confess that some of the products work as little as ten minutes, however I doubt this is true. I need concrete evidence to make me believe this noise.

Flex facial systems differ, yet some have remedies for making the skin feel healthy, while giving a radiant appeal to the face, and reducing wrinkles while progressing. The machines are expensive and most claim to reduce wrinkles, enhance the skin, prevent and eliminate wrinkles, and repair the skins youth. The machines may include gloves, creams, and a massager that is used to relax the face. The processes help to minimize wrinkles while enhancing the skins tone.

Again, exercises is a better solution, including the face tone exercises, which extends and pull the skin upward, thus tightening the skin. The mechanical gloves are used since the process becomes a bit wet, but the lotions, creams, or gels are applied to pads, which the machine rotates minimizing the wrinkles from aging and weather beats. Still, the natural exercises, which mean you will pin the ears back, move the mouth and jaw in circular motion and so on can help minimize wrinkles.

Crowfeet are one of the biggest problems women and men alike incur. Crowfeet develop around the eyes, developing lines. The crowfeet accumulate, starting with age, but extends when persons are around smoke, or narrow the eyes ongoing. Other problems increase lines around the eyes and face area is overexposure of the sun. Thus, avoiding sun beds, lamps, sun, smoke, and other harmful chemicals including cosmetics with CARCINOGEN, and PARABEN, OR PROPYL is your ultimate solution for avoiding wrinkles.

Baby fat is often from overweight problems, or else hereditary. If you are overweight, exercising can help you reduce aging, weight and more. Exercise in fact has proven to keep the body and face looking young, while protecting it from diseases and illnesses. Thus, if you have fat around the face area the right exercises can help to remove some of the fatty tissues. If you have a hereditary problem, try not to worry about it, since people with baby faces tend to look nicer than some of those people with narrow faces, still you want to exercise.

Blake is the webmaster at Guide To Anti Aging.com a website focused on the latest information on Anti-Aging.