Friday, May 26, 2006

AntiAging: What Does It Mean?

By Caroline Mettarod

AntiAging advertisements are everywhere. You will see them in cosmetics and cosmetic surgery magazines. Supplements and exercise plans. But what does it mean? We all age, don’t we? Where does this anti-aging desire come from? Is it all about vanity?

No, it is probably more about our fear of death than it is vanity, although vanity certainly plays a part. Deep down, most of us are afraid of dying.

I don’t care what Toastmaster’s says, fear of dying is big for all of us. Toastmaster’s has been saying for years that most people are more afraid of public speaking than of dying. That might be true if you are about to get up on stage and speak to 3,000 people, because speaking is more imminent to us than death. But look deeper and you might even find that our fear of death is right there under the fear of public speaking. We are afraid people won’t like us so much that they might kill us.

We can apply creams, do laser treatments, enhance our breasts and get face lifts until the day we die. But that day will still arrive. What if we could really get close to this feeling? This fear of dying? What would happen?

Try something. Close your eyes and imagine the moment of your death. It doesn’t matter how you die. I mean the very moment when you die. Not the moment before and not the moment after. The exact moment of dying. Imagine it. You may think this is scary. Trust me. It is an experience you will never forget. If you can imagine the exact moment of your death, you may be very surprised what you find.

What do you feel? When I ask my clients to do this exercise, every single one of them replies with things like, “Peace,” “Release,” “Letting Go,” or “Floating.”

Okay, now you can buy all the anti-aging wrinkle creams and cosmetic surgeries you want. Let it be about looking good and your health.

Caroline Mettarod has been working as a geriatric nurse for 23 years. Recently, she has been spending Saturday mornings offering beauty clinics for her patients.You can read more articles about antiaging at AntiAging




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