Three Simple Steps for Soft & Beautiful Skin
by Tara Mathews
Face it; we all want soft & beautiful skin. This seems so much more attainable when we are younger though. One reason why this is the case is that when we are younger, our body produces an abundance of vital skin proteins known as collagen and elastin. Collagen is a fiber-like protein that gives our skin its structure. Elastin is a protein that gives our skin its elasticity.
However, as we age, our body stops producing these vital proteins. Therefore, we need to find a way to stimulate the re-production of collagen and elastin. Thankfully, some specialty skin care products contain specific natural ingredients that can help to stimulate the re-growth of these skin proteins that are so important to the overall health of your skin.
Thus, the number one step for achieving soft & beautiful skin is to apply the right skin care products. These products should contain specific natural ingredients that will help to stimulate the re-growth of collagen and elastin. In addition, they should be rich in antioxidants, which will help to repair damaged skin cells. In addition, applying the wrong products can be harmful to your skin. Some skin creams and lotions contain ingredients that should not be applied to your skin. These include fragrances, mineral oil and parabens. Parabens are especially harmful because they are potential cancer-causing agents. Mineral oil can clog your pores, which will lead to acne breakouts. Fragrances can cause skin irritations or allergic reactions.
Step number two for achieving soft & beautiful skin is to protect your skin from the sun. The suns ultraviolet rays are very harmful to your skin and can cause lines, wrinkles and age spots to appear. If you are in the sun, an SPF 15 is the minimum rating for a suitable sunscreen. Over exposure to the sun is a big reason people end up with skin conditions when they are older.
Step number three for achieving soft & beautiful skin is to eat healthy food. The old saying that 'you are what you eat' is very true. If you eat many fatty foods or processed foods then your skin will reflect it. For healthy skin, you should eat healthy food it is that simple. Plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants are excellent for your skin's health.
There you have it, three simple steps to soft & beautiful skin. If you would like more information on the most effective natural ingredients used in the best skin care creams and lotions then please visit my website today.
About the Author
Tara Mathews is an advocate for using organic skin care products. Her plan is to educate people on how to find the best firming creams for reducing loose skin. Visit our site for more information today!
Labels: skin care
posted by Evie @ time 7:47 AM 0 comments