Monday, September 24, 2007

Wrinkle creams: Your guide to younger looking skin

by Franchis Adam

The smelly parts of a fish may soon become important beauty ingredients. This was revealed by scientists at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) who said that fish waste could hold the key to a wrinkle-free future.

That's not saying you should collect leftover fish parts, grind them to a paste, and rub them all over your face tonight. Researchers say it doesn't work that way. But they think that fish skin, liver, gills, eyes, and other fish waste may soon make their way to cosmetics counters everywhere.

That may sound fishy but researchers found that fish waste has the ability to penetrate skin cells and prevent wrinkles from forming. The basis for their optimism is a five-year-old study involving no less than 150 different species of fish.

While looking into the ability of fish parts to affect skin cells, they discovered that the yuckiest parts of the fish actually have skin-regenerating properties. Skin cells that were exposed to these smelly fish parts lasted longer and aged slower.

"They don't act like ordinary UV protectants for example, which primarily put a layer over the top of your skin, but seem to actually get into the cells and actually protect from within the cell," said NIWA's Dr Vicki Webb.

Because of these encouraging results, fish waste will soon be added to skin creams in France for human testing. Department store beauty personnel are already brimming with enthusiasm and excitement as they prepare for this fishy revolution in skin care.

"It's probably one of those products that people will come and try and if they find it works for them they will continue to purchase it," said Gary Nicholson of the Kirkcaldie & Stains department store.

Those who are open to experimentation might be bold enough to apply the fish parts themselves but NIWA cautioned against this, saying not all parts are good for the skin.

"Don't try this at home," researchers said.

For now, you can avoid wrinkles by limiting your exposure to the sun's deadly rays, using a good moisturizer and sunscreen, stop smoking, and avoiding repeated facial expressions like smiling or frowning. If you can't wait for fish creams to appear in the market and desperately want to get rid of wrinkles fast, a safer alternative is Dermaxin. This powerful wrinkle fighter contains a host of anti-aging ingredients that rejuvenate and revitalize the skin to give you a healthy glow. Check out for details.

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Read out Makeup tips . Also check out for punk hairstyles and blackheads treatment



Thursday, September 20, 2007

Guide To Antiaging Medicine

by Masni Rizal Mansor

Antiaging medicine has been around for a long time. Lately, however, advances in modern medicine have greatly contributed to this popular field of medicine and several new products and services are available to the general public to help slow the signs of aging and help people cope with the prospect of getting older in a better, healthier way. Antiaging medicine has certainly come a long way since the miracle drugs and serums of the past, yet those products still exist and people are still buying them.

Advanced Medicine

With medicine as advanced as it is, there is really no good reason to buy a bill of goods that tells you that there are miracle cures and serums to the process of aging. Aging is natural, healthy, and normal for all people. The one thing we, as a human race, have in common is aging. Fighting aging is a normal desire, but it should be considered with a grain of salt and most of all, a moderate attitude as overdoing it is generally harmful and may do more to speed up the process of aging then doing nothing at all.

A broad definition of antiaging according to most health professionals is anything done to slow or impede the process of getting older. This includes exercising, eating right, and taking medications as well as applying topical solutions and ingesting miracle drugs. The spectrum is broad; there is a normal healthy way to go about it and an illogical way to attempt to fight aging. In the end, the effects of aging are insurmountable and unavoidable.


Good hygiene and taking good care of your body and being safe are the most effective and time-honored methods of antiaging. The best antiaging medicine is your own good common sense. Diet, exercise, and stress reducing techniques are also critical to any antiaging process. Keeping yourself healthy throughout the span of your life is one of the best things you can do to preserve a good standard of living and a healthy life overall.

Antiaging medicine in a practical sense involves the use of hormone therapy. Basically, youthful hormones replace the older hormones and produce a rejuvenating effect on the body's cellular compounds. The process can also involve various antioxidants which help the skin to breathe better and reverse the degeneration of skin cells, helping the prevention of wrinkles and other skin problems that come with age. Hormone therapy is just the tip of the iceberg, however, in terms of what antiaging medicine is available to you!

About the Author

Please visit for more information on antiaging medicine.




Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Traditional Asian Antiaging Skin Care Recipe - Wined Egg Mask

by Sonia Xie

Looking for antiaging skin care tips? Let's learn from the best.

On an age-limit-free Asian beauty pageant in 1995, a 47-year-old Chinese lady shocked the world with her flawless and ageless appearance. Gong, Xuehua, who entered world beauty pageant at the age of 57, looked as if she's barely entering her thirty's. Later, she revealed her secrets, which were passed down from her great great grand father, who served in he Chinese royal palace for 20 years as the royal doctor in Chin Dynasty.

This facial mask formula was, as revealed, been favored by the Chinese queen, Cixi, as a daily routine to keep herself young and fair until the time she died at the age of 73.

Alas! Wined egg mask is a powerful antiaging skin care mask with long and amazing legend.

Ingredients: 3 eggs, red wine and honey.

Drop (de-shell) three eggs into a small bowl. Pour the red wine into the bowl until the eggs are completely soaked in wine. Seal the bowl are well as possible and store in the fridge for 4-5 days. Add in 2 teaspoons of honey and mix them well. Apply to your face for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Note: Do not use this formula if your skin is allergic to alcohol.

Effect: Lightening skin, even skin tone and prevent wrinkles.

Seal the leftover well and store in fridge for up to a month.

If you are a fan of home skin care remedy, please visit my site for complete list of skin care recipes and beauty tips from all over the world.

About the Author
Webmaster of the skin care site



Thursday, September 13, 2007

Guide To Anti Aging Cream

by Masni Rizal Mansor

Aging is scary for everyone. Very few people really want to be known as old and weak, and possibly unattractive. The youth is oblivious of the passage of time and very soon we find ourselves in our thirties and forties fighting to keep the lines of age from our face. Women usually get their fist wrinkles around the eyes - the crow's feet; while men get the laughter lines, around the mouth. This is the time when people start looking for remedies such as antiaging cream products to look better, to erase the signs of passing time.

Fast action is the best action

Skin care is not something that gives results overnight. Ideally you should follow strict skin care regimes right from your twenties. However, since one starts with damage control only after it sets in and that is about the age of thirty, you will need to take immediate action. The moment you touch thirty whether you see your first wrinkles or not, you need to start a good skin care program. This would include a number of antiaging cream products for periodic exfoliation, moisturizing and nutrient replenishments added as per the prescribed norms.

Skin care program is a way of life

Many think that buying expensive antiaging cream products will totally solve their problems and they can lay back and relax. Nothing can be further from truth. It is true that you can get any type of cream in the market, some which offer dramatic results. However, skin care involves a lot of other factors such as diet, sleep, smoking, pollution of air, sun exposure, alcohol consumption and so on. Each of these factors contribute to the way the skin will look and excesses in any of them will manifest itself in aging of the skin.

The antiaging cream products of today

We are lucky to have a great deal of products in the market today which can help in almost all the age-related problems. Most of them are directed to women between 30 and 50 years of age who are conscious enough to take care and invest time and money in their looks. The most common antiaging cream products consist of collagen, AHA (exfoliating agents) and sun control ingredients.

Good news for Men

While anti-aging products are most popular with women, men are now slowly getting into the market. It has been observed that aging to a certain extent looks good on men since it makes them appear more mature and wise. However, men are becoming increasingly conscious about their looks. Since men will never use cosmetics that are meant for women, the industry is now churning out a number of antiaging cream products specifically targeted to them.

About the Author
Please visit for more information on antiaging cream.




Monday, September 03, 2007

Ways To Reduce Facial Wrinkles (II)

by Ms. CiCi

7. Don't smoke. Some of this research is still controversial. However, more and more studies are confirming that cigarette smoke ages the skin - mostly by releasing an enzyme that breaks down important components of the skin: collagen and elastin. Extensive sibling studies have been done and found the brother or sister who smoked tended to have skin that was more wrinkled and up to 40% thinner than the non-smoker. 8. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The key here are their antioxidant compounds. These compounds fight damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules that can damage cells), which, in turn, helps skin look younger and more radiant, and protects against some effects of photoaging.

9. Don't squint. Get reading glasses. It is a known fact that any repetitive facial movement, such as squinting, overworks facial muscles, forming a groove beneath the skin's surface. This groove eventually becomes a wrinkle. Also important: Wear sunglasses. It will protect skin around the eyes from sun damage. It will also keep you from squinting.

10. Eat more fish, especially salmon and other cold-water fish. These kinds of fish are a great source of protein which is one of the building blocks of great skin. These fish are also an awesome source of an essential fatty acid known as omega-3. Essential fatty acids help nourish skin and keep it plump and youthful, helping to reduce wrinkles.

11. Eat more soy. So far, most of the proof has come from animal studies. However, research does show certain properties of soy may help protect or heal some of the sun's photoaging damage. In one recent human study, researchers reported that a soy-based supplement (other ingredients included fish protein along with extracts from white tea, grapeseed, and tomato, as well as several vitamins) improved skin's structure and firmness after just six months of use

12. Exchange your coffee for cocoa. In a 2006 study researchers found cocoa containing high levels of two dietary flavanols: epicatchin and catechin which protected skin from sun damage, improved circulation, affected hydratirculation to skin cells and made the skin look and feel smoother.

Here's to your good health! ~ Ms.CiCi ~

About the Author
Ms. CiCi has a gift of teaching, is an accomplished author and world traveler who enjoys sharing her life's experiences with others, making their life, their world a bit easier. Her writings expose her wealth of "secret information" so derived from her travels as well as drawing from her own personal wealth of wisdom. A great lover of nature, a visit to her website is a true delight. http://www.CiCi-Online.Com
