Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Great Anti Aging Skin Care And Treatment Advice

By: David Maillie

The reality of life is that inevitably our bodies and therefore our skin age. However, with recent advances in the skin care and treatment industry we can slow and maybe even stop or reverse this process. We hear about miracle cures every day on TV and in magazine advertisements. But what really works? Is it really possible to turn back the clock and enjoy 10 or 20 year younger skin? Some say it can’t be done as we are genetically predisposed to the aging process. Doctors, dermatologists and plastic surgeons say it is possible and there are treatments that can actually turn back the clock and reveal younger, rejuvenated skin.

The number one recommendation from dermatologists is to stop smoking. Smoking has been proven to constrict blood vessels and result in a reduction of blood flow to the extremities. Smoking also causes the skin to dry out and will age your skin by 10 or more years. If you want to have younger looking skin you must stop smoking.

Another recommendation is proper hydration. It is recommended that we drink 6-8 glasses of water a day for proper hydration. According to the American Skin Association most Americans are not properly hydrated and this can cause the skin to lose elasticity and its ability to heal and defend against disease. To test for proper hydration pinch and pull the skin between your thumb and forefinger. If it goes right back you are properly hydrated. The longer it takes the more likely you are not properly hydrated. If it doesn’t go back at all you are badly dehydrated. Dehydration and improper hydration can age your skin similar to that of smoking.

Dermatologists recommend exfoliation to remove dead cells, unclog pores and stimulate the skin. This can be done by a variety of methods from masks and microdermabrasion to various skin peels. The most recommended method is also the one used in more dermatologist and plastic surgeons offices than any other treatment, the TCA peel. The TCA peel was made famous by Dr. Obagi whom created the infamous Obagi Blue Peel.

The Obagi Blue Peel is a TCA peel with the addition of a blue or green colored skin dye. This dye colors the skin and indicates what areas have been treated and which have not. The Obagi Blue Peel is a good treatment, but many doctors have found that a pure TCA peel gives better results that last much longer and require ffewer if any follow up treatments. Whereas a Obagi Blue Peel may require 3 to 5 treatments over a years time, a pure TCA peel may only need 1. And at a cost of $300 to $500 or more per treatment that can get very expensive. Recently the TCA peel has been made available for in home use at a great savings.

TCA peels are one of the most effective anti aging treatments due to their ability to exfoliate the skin, unclog pores, restore skin pH, and even stimulate the production of collagen. This production of collagen will plump skin and make it more youthful naturally. The TCA peel should be added to every anti aging skin care regimen.

Another recommendation is stay out of the sun and wear a sun block or lotion with a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Damaging UV rays will age your skin, damage skin cells and DNA which can lead to mutated cells and even skin cancer. The rule is every 1 day you spend unprotected in the sun makes your skin at least 10 days older. It won’t seem to matter at first, but it really adds up after a while. Who wants to have old, wrinkled and leather like skin? Sun protection is a must for any anti aging skin care treatment or regimen.

Take the time to properly protect your skin and it will look healthy and younger for a long, long time.

Copyright 2006 David Maillie

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. For more information on the Obagi Blue Peel, TCA peel for in home use and great anti-aging products and ideas please visit www.bestskinpeel.com .



Thursday, September 21, 2006

Men Should Take Care of Their Skin

by Kadence Buchanan

During the recent past I have experienced numerous instances when a make friend of mine entered my bathroom to come out holding a cream I had left on the sink and asking me why do I use it, how do I apply it and what it supposedly does to my skin. The first time this happened, I began laughing and thinking that my male friend had some feminine characteristics he wished to show me by asking me all these questions. When the exact same incident was repeated by others, I realized that men are curious of how the women's cosmetic industry has evolved to a multi-billion dollar one and how exactly all these cosmetics assist women's skin stay young and fresh looking.

Over the last few years, men's magazines have slowly introduced pages that in women's magazines have existed for decades, presenting skin cosmetics and offering advice to men and how to take care of their skin. Beauty editors unveil simple approaches to male grooming and men have come to understand the importance of taking care not only of their wardrobe, but also of their skin. "Dress for success" is not anymore just a term that corresponds to the outfit a man will select to feel comfortable in and win his case, but it has evolved to a generic term that describes the state of the contemporary male mind and beauty tactics used to look sharp and handsome.

In order to maintain their edge, guys of all ages are interested in taking care of themselves and indulging in image enhancing products, gadgets and treatments. But since they are still men, they are impatient and less likely to grasp the concept of maintenance procedures. In fact they prefer to get it over with in one shot.

Beauty salons and massage clinics have reintroduced skin treatment techniques, especially designed to cover the male needs and men are not anymore bothered with the too many skin care products a woman usually carries in a trip. They have themselves started by doing the basics, cleansing, protection, moisturizing, post shaving and a weekly anti-clog treatment, while TV series and advertisements have discovered a virgin target audience that wishes to be fed with information and learn from the previously annoying women experts.

Although men's skin is thicker, specifically approximately 0.5mm thicker than women's, it is also oilier, with larger exposed pores, and more of a tendency to break out in a sweat. Thus, using deodorant soaps directly on the face is a practice men should avoid, as they might irritate their skin and leave a sticky residue. Men should try something tangy that will leave their skin feeling fresh and clean. Moreover, for those men that are super lazy, multi-tasking products for face, hair and body will save them precious steps.

In general, if you are a man you should remember that the areas prone to dryness need hydration, but it is better if you select a lighter gel-lotion formula that will be oil-free and will not add shine. In addition, eye gels work nicely for men, but rich eye creams that lock in moisture can make eyes look puffy. Finally, skin that gets shaved on a regular basis has a host of other problems, like red bumps, ingrown hairs and leathery patches. For those instances, you should remember that razor burns or skin cuts can be reduced by using a good cleanser in the shower, a scrub every couple of days and a softening shave cream with a sharp razor. Of course, changing the blades at least once a week is vital. The problem of shine can be addressed by using a scrub to get rid off dead cells and for blemishes and the advice of beauty editors is for men to use a weekly treatment product containing salicylic acid. Keep in mind that adding a toner can reduce pore size, control oil slicks, and help avoid nasty ingrown hairs, but anything too harsh will strip away essential oils when the skin is most vulnerable. Concluding, wearing a high SPF cream to protect it from the sun marks and the possible wrinkles, especially on the face, nose, ears and scalp is considered necessary during the sunnier months of the year. My impression after all these is that guys are definitely taking more notice of what they see in the mirror, while saving their skin from possible damage has become a priority.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles on many topics including Men's Health, Food, and Alternative Health



Monday, September 18, 2006

Five Miracles of Skin Care

by Sonya Bass, CH

Simplify your beauty routine and improve your complexion with these five plant-based skin care miracles.

Miracle 1: The Healing Gel

Aloe vera is a lopsided, spiny succulent that holds a natural pharmacy of skin-care nutrients. Keep this plant on your windowsill and scoop the soothing gel from its leaves to bring almost instant relief from sunburns, household burns, and scrapes. It is an amazing healer, an anti-inflammatory, and a cell-growth promoting herb. Aloe vera contains an alphabet of vitamins, including B12, which is rarely found in plants. Aloe vera also provides 20 of the 22 amino acids and seven of the eight amino acids the body requires. It is a traditional healing herb in India, Hawaii, and all countries where it is indigenous. Anecdotal tales of its health benefits date back to pre-Egyptian times. Modern-day studies continue to reveal the healing power of this gelatinous wonder. Aloe can be used topically as well as internally to detoxify and rejuvenate from the inside out-try drinking one-quarter cup (60 mL) of aloe juice three times per week.

Miracle 2: Petal Soft and Soothing

Stress and the pollutants we encounter every day are the cause of fine lines and wrinkles. Camomile creams, rich in levomenol, help to improve skin texture and reduce signs of aging. Camomile soothes and heals rashes, scrapes, and wounds. The volatile oil of camomile reduces inflammation, stimulates tissue healing, moisturizes, and refreshes. As an effective antiseptic it should be included in every home first-aid kit. How one pretty little plant can offer such a range of healing power is one of nature's miracles. People with dry skin may benefit from drinking a cup of camomile tea every day. To refresh tired skin, do a camomile steam: simmer three handfuls of dried camomile in three litres of water for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and let the steam rise to your face for 15 minutes. Camomile-even the name is gentle.

Miracle 3: Australia's Gift to Skin Care

Tea tree oil is the skin-care lotion for troubled times. Traditionally used by aboriginal tribes of Australia, the properties of this plant seem endless: antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory-the list goes on. Tea tree oil helps heal broken skin, fights infection, and encourages healing by forming new tissue. Dry cracked lips respond readily to lip salve containing tea tree oil. Try adding a drop of tea tree oil to your regular moisturizer for added healing and toning benefits.

Miracle 4: Exfoliating Foods

Apples, grapes, milk, and yogourt not only make a healthy breakfast, they are the source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs). These food-based acids are the skin cleansers of the cosmetics industry, and are used in many skin creams, lotions, and facial masks. AHAs safely and gently remove greyish dead cells from the surface of the skin, revealing a fresh, healthy complexion. AHAs are the miracle rejuvenators. It's easy to make an AHA mask or scrub with everyday kitchen items-combine yogourt with a bit of honey and some mashed fruit, such as strawberries. Slop on your face and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse. Following exfoliation with AHAs, the skin is susceptible to sunburn; a sunscreen should be used even on a cloudy day.

Miracle 5: Silica for Smooth, Silky Skin

Horsetail is never welcomed by gardeners, but don't expect to get rid of it soon. This plant is a member of the Equisetaceae family, which formed the primitive forests that covered the earth millions of years ago. Horsetail is one of the plants richest in silica, which is essential for strong cell structure. Collagen supplements containing horsetail bring strength and elasticity to skin tissue. Silica is available as a liquid supplement and in tablet form. Shampoos and moisturizers containing silica are less effective because silica is difficult to absorb through the skin.

Put your best face forward this spring with these five plant-based skin care miracles.

Sonya Bass has many years experience in the fields of natural healing. She is a Chartered Herbalist and freelance writer who regularly contributes to alive magazine. Visit alive.com for related articles.



Sunday, September 17, 2006

Beauty Products in Today's Society

by Angela Anne Declaire

With bath and body stores everywhere you turn and skin care and other beauty products slamming the shelves everyday, should you care?

To truthfully answer this question, you must ask yourself a few questions..

One. Are your looks important to you?

Two. Do you care about the beauty of your skin?

Three. Are you willing to pay for the products these bath and body stores provide?

If you answered yes to all three questions, then yes you should care about your overall appearance and I suggest you check out a bath and body store near you. If you answered yes to the first two, but answered no to the third.. then you should really think about whether your looks really are important to you. After all, you wouldn't wear a stained shirt to a job interview.. so why if you're willing to clean your shirt, something that can be replaced, why not care for your skin with a top of the line bath and body beauty product? If you answered no to all three questions, then you really need to ask yourself an entirely new question.. Do you care about yourself?

In today's world, those who look clean in appearance radiate a glow of success,importance, and dignity. Those who don't, tend to not feel good about themselves and the rest of society can see it.

PleasantSpa.com is a cool new bath and body site with top of the line fragrances and skin care products that will help to make your appearance shine. If you're searching for a good bath and body site, that's the one.

I have been in fashion retail for over a decade and know a thing or two when it comes to looking young and creating an attractive, overall, appearance.



Friday, September 15, 2006

Toxic Ingredients For Your Face

by Paul Wolbers

Have you ever examined the ingredients listed on the labels of your cosmetics or other skin care products? Do you know what those ingredients are?

What you may not realize is that many of the skin care products and cosmetics you are buying contain ingredients that are not only harmful to your skin, but also to your long term health. Many of these ingredients are known carcinogens (cancer-causing) and are used by the cosmetic industry simply because they are cheap.

Here are just some of the synthetic chemicals used in cosmetic products that have been identified by scientific studies to be harmful to your health.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS):

Often described as being "derived from coconut" to disguise their toxic nature, these chemicals are commonly used in shampoos, toothpaste, foaming facial and body cleansers and bubble bath. SLS and ALS can cause severe skin irritation, and are easily absorbed into the body, building up in the brain, heart, lungs and liver, leading to potential long term health problems. SLS and ALS may also cause cataracts, and prevent children's eyes from developing properly.

Paraben Preservatives:

Parabens are widely used in cosmetics, deodorants, skin care and baby products to prolong their shelf life. They are known to be highly toxic and have caused rashes and allergic reactions. Recent scientific studies in the UK found a strong link between the use of parabens and the increasing rate of breast cancer in women. Researchers found a high concentration of parabens in 90% of breast tumors tested.

Propylene Glycol:

Found in many beauty creams, cosmetics and cleansers, Propylene Glycol can cause skin rashes and contact dermatitis, and has been shown to cause damage to the kidneys and liver.

Isopropyl Alcohol:

Alcohol is used as a solvent in many skin care products. It causes skin irritation and strips the skin of its natural acid mantle, promoting the growth of bacteria, moulds and viruses. It may also cause premature ageing of skin.

DEA (Diethanolamine), TEA (Triethanolamine) and MEA (Monoethanolamine):

These substances are harsh solvents and detergents that are used in cosmetics and face and body creams as an emollient. They can cause allergic reactions, and long term use of DEA-based products (such as Cocamide DEA) have been linked to an increase in the incidence of liver and kidney cancer.


A common ingredient in antiperspirants, aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's Disease.

Mineral Oil:

Derived from petroleum (crude oil), mineral oil is commonly found as a main ingredient of face and body creams and cosmetics. Baby oil is 100% mineral oil! It coats the skin like a plastic film, clogging pores and stopping the skin from eliminating toxins, which can lead to acne and other skin disorders. Other petroleum based ingredients include paraffin wax, paraffin oil and petrolatum.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG):

Used as a thickener in skin care products and cosmetics, PEGs interfere with the skin's natural moisture balance, causing an increase in ageing and leaving the skin vulnerable to bacteria.


Talc is a soft mineral used in talcum powders and cosmetic powders. Scientific studies have shown that routine application of talcum powder to the genital area is linked with a three-to-fourfold increase in the development of ovarian cancer. Inhaling cosmetic powders containing talc may also be harmful to long term health.

How To Avoid These Toxins:

Examine the labels of your cosmetics and skin care products carefully, and learn to recognize ingredients that are harmful to your skin and to your health. Many web sites have lists of potentially harmful ingredients in addition to those shown above (e.g. Environmental Working Group).

Whenever possible, choose products with 100% natural ingredients such as essential oils and herbs. Your skin will love you for it! You can find these types of natural products and more information about living a more healthy life at: http://www.magnumnutrition.com



Thursday, September 14, 2006

Natural Skin Care Products - Remove Toxins From Your Body And Environment

by Pamela Strutters

Why choose natural skin care products? Today, more men and women are trying to live a healthy lifestyle. They go to the gym or take yoga even if their schedule almost doesn't permit it. They buy organic food even if it's a bit more expensive. But a lot of people still don't realize that all the makeup, moisturizers and skin care products that they use could be containing extremely contaminating ingredients.

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, almost 900 ingredients used in skin care cosmetics have been known to be toxic. Moreover, there have been hundreds of documented cases where skin care cosmetics caused a variety of ailments on users. Common makeup and skin care products are also a leading cause of accidental poisoning in small children.

Skin care should not be taken lightly. Human skin is lightly porous. By applying typical skincare products on yourself, you are allowing your skin to absorb all the toxins that such cosmetic products contain. Gels, creams and makeup can easily pass through the skin's pores. The answer is to go natural. Natural skincare products use ingredients found in nature and contain no artificially fabricated components. Consumers had better be careful, though, as many of these products claiming to be natural may not be.

Products claiming to be organic or all-natural, in fact, can have toxic chemicals. Simply adding a natural ingredient shouldn't make a product "all-natural" - unfortunately, there is no strict regulating body that monitors this. Strangely, the FDA does not regulate skin care producers. Cosmetic companies will often use the word "natural" as a marketing ploy, without truly meaning it. The best way is to study the ingredients yourself. If you have difficulty choosing which brand is the best, you should consider asking for some professional help from a skin expert. Consulting a dermatologist, of course, would be the best recourse.

Read the labels of natural beauty products and be alert for chemical ingredients. Normally, natural skin care should not contain any harsh fragrances or artificial colors. When purchasing organic shampoo, lotion, gels or creams, make sure to open the bottle and see how it smells and appears. Organic stores can be a good place to look for organic cosmetic products. While sometimes priced higher than their ordinary counterparts, most organic cosmetic products can be less expensive than high-end brands that are known to contain serious toxins.

If you are not buying makeup and all you want is skin conditioners and lotions, you can be a lot safer by making your own skin care items using all-natural home ingredients. The traditional oatmeal mask is a cliché, but it does work. Ground and rub it on your face to work as an exfoliant; or lightly cook with a small amount of water to use as a conditioning face mask. A sugar and oil rub does wonders to dry skin. Place olive oil on your face and rub table sugar on it. Your skin will be exfoliated and feel incredibly smooth. There are many homemade recipes out there on the internet available for free. Be sure to check them out.

Ordinary skin care products can actually cause skin deterioration. While most of these products tend to provide immediate noticeable results, it's because of the exfoliating or moisturizing properties of the chemical ingredients. However, such results are short-term. At worse, the harsh chemicals can even enter your body and cause health problems. Yes, natural cosmetics can be a bit more expensive, but is your health not worth it? So the next time you groom yourself, think about the many natural alternatives out there and ask yourself if a few dollars is worth the risk. Ask your dermatologist, and you will discover that all-natural skincare products can complete your healthy lifestyle.

Pamela Strutters is a contributing writer for Cosmetics-n-Skincare.com. For more News, Articles, Guides, Tips, Tricks and various Cosmetics and Skincare Products information... visit our site at http://www.cosmetics-n-skincare.com.



Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Anti Wrinkle Treatment Information

By: Ryan Cote -

Wrinkles are the fine lines and indentations that form on your skin over time and due to exposure to various elements. Wrinkles are actually caused by the breakdown of tiny fibers in the skin known as elastin. When these fibers are damaged, your skin loses its flexibility and is less able to snap back after being stretched. Several conditions can cause your skin to form wrinkles, regardless of your age or skin type.

Gravity is a contributing elements to the development of sagging skin. The pull of gravity over time on your skin can create noticeable sagging of the skin on your face, neck and upper arms. Gravity is a natural element and cannot be controlled.

Exposure to the ultraviolet rays of sunlight accelerates the damage done to the elastin in your skin and causes premature aging, which not only includes wrinkles but age spots, blotches and even makes you more susceptible to developing skin cancer. This also applies to artificial tanning, which should be avoided. Limiting your time in the sun and staying clear of its harmful rays between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon is part of an effective anti wrinkle treatment. Using a sunscreen or moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or better will protect your skin from the sun's rays.

Repetitive facial expressions and sleeping with your face on the pillow the same way for several years can also lead to wrinkles. These lines are often referred to as “laugh lines” and “sleep lines”. By frequently changing your various behaviors, you can minimize the impact to particular areas of your face. For example, sleeping in a different position every few nights can help you to avoid a series of wrinkles in the same spot of your skin.

Cigarette smoking has also been shown to breakdown the elastin in your skin, causing wrinkles. For a wide variety of health reasons, you should not smoke cigarettes.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process but you can minimize their appearance by watching your behaviors and using a good cleanser and moisturizer every day.

For more free anti wrinkle treatment information like this article, please visit www.FreeSkinCareAdvice.com



Monday, September 11, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care : "Pharmaceutical" Cosmetics

by Danna Schneider

Copyright 2006 Danna Schneider

Have you ever heard the new buzz term "cosmeceuticals"? This nifty term refers to the fusion of two areas, one which cultivates necessary medications which control our bodily processes internally, and the other, which manipulates our body from the outside, cosmetically improving our appearance.

You guessed it, the first is "pharmaceuticals" and the second is "cosmetics". The joining of these two fields, both extremely lucrative, and arguably necessary, is called "cosmeceuticals", and this exciting new breed is causing a stir in the beauty community lately.

Although they have been united in this new genre of cosmetics, the two are very different when it comes to government and advisory board regulation. Pharmaceuticals, at least in the US currently, are heavily regulated by the organization known as the FDA, while cosmetics are not government regulated.

Why? Cosmetics are not regulated by any government agency because they are not considered a device that alters bodily chemistry of function internally in any way, nor are they advertised as substances that change the chemistry of the body.

Currently, cosmetics manufacturers are walking on eggshells to keep this paritcular pharmaceutical and cosmetic distinction in tact, as precious dollars could be lost if the new breed of cosmeceuticals were government regulated.

Even if a wrinkle cream currently marketed had the ability to actually "get rid of wrinkles", cosmetic marketers are very careful to still note that they only decrease or eliminate the "appearance" of aging and wrinkles, since this still technically is not pharmaceutical in nature.

Some of these new cosmeceuticals which feature high grade vitamins and various proteins and peptides actually do "get rid of wrinkles" and remove signs of aging though, although they still are careful to avoid this overzealous marketing for fear of FDA regulation.

Cosmetic companies specializing in anti aging have come up with everything from potent vitamin extracts, to skin tightening complexes with antioxidants, restructuring aids like peptides and other skin cell regenerators, and a host of other interesting sounding ingredients that keep popping up as the latest in age reversal and age prevention.

And which of these latest "cosmeceutical grade" anti aging and wrinkle creams is best? Well, it's hard to say, because there are now quite a few in competition with one another that do contain ingredients that are beneficial in different ways.

If you're looking for a fresher and brighter look, with more cell turnover, you may turn to a formula with acids such as alpha hydroxy and other fruit derived acids, or one loaded with antioxidants.

If you're looking for more of a quick fix, skin tightening formula, you may choose a formula with ingredients like copper, hyaluronic acid and DMAE, which is a substance that is found naturally in the skin of certain fish and is excellent for almost instantaneous firming and toning.

Either way you slice it, women have the best options for anti aging and wrinkle fighting in the here and now, than they ever had in the past.

The best part is, it only stands to get better, with the constant development of new anti aging products. As long as the cosmetics companies keep responding to increasing consumer demand for anti aging aids, we will have consistent upgrades in cosmeceutical offerings.

The downside? Some of it can become a bit pricey, but remember, a little usually goes a long way, so you may actually be going through the "expensive" stuff at a fraction of the speed you would go through a cheaper, lighter formula. And who can put a price on looking and feeling young? Call me vain, shallow, or narcissistic, but I'll pay the extra money, as long as I get serious results!

Danna Schneider is the founder of two skin care and beauty online magazines with the latest news, tips, "Skin Science", and products in skin care Natural Acne Treatment and Skin Care Product Reviews .



Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cleansing Skin Care Information

By: Ryan Cote -

Properly cleansing is the basis for healthy skin, no matter what your age or skin type is. Whether your skin is dry, oily or combination, or you have acne, keeping it clean is an important part of having skin that looks and feels beautiful.

Harsh chemicals and soaps should always be avoided so as to not strip your skin of natural oils. Gentle soaps and cleansers work the best on all skin types. If you are particularly concerned about your dry or oily skin, choose a cleanser that is formulated for specific skin type you have. When cleansing your skin, the best temperate to use is lukewarm. If you have oily skin, a steaming facial over hot water can help to unclog the pores without stripping your skin of essential oils, as cleansing with hot water itself would.

A clean, cotton facecloth can be used to gently moisten your face prior to cleansing, but do not rub or scrub with it, which can irritate or dry your skin. A facecloth does not have to be used to properly cleanse your skin and is a matter of personal preference. A soft towel made of natural fiber should be put in service to dry the skin. Blot the towel over your skin, without rubbing or scrubbing, until your skin is smooth and dry to the touch.

For dry or normal skin, it is sufficient to cleanse your skin twice per day. If you have acne, oily skin or combination skin, you can wash your face up to three times per day. Sometimes a toner or astringent is used to deep cleanse oily skin or skin with acne after the traditional cleansing routine. This removes oil that is trapped in the pores to leave a cleaner, smoother complexion.

Drinking enough water and eating well-balanced meals can assist your body's system in internally cleansing skin care. A healthy lifestyle reflects on your skin so staying in good physical condition can aid in the the good appearance of your skin.

Following a sensible cleansing routine will help to give you the lovely, china doll complexion you want.

For more free cleansing skin care information like this article, please visit www.FreeSkinCareAdvice.com



Friday, September 08, 2006

Anti-Aging Skin Care Ideas

By: Aurel Radulescu

It’s a natural part of life and we all have to deal with the fact that, just like our bodies, our skin is aging every day. In an effort to combat these signs, many people turn toward an anti-aging skin care program that is specifically designed to help minimize fine lines and wrinkles and provide a smooth and even tone.

There are a number of over-the-counter anti-aging skin care products, but a more aggressive approach to combating the signs of aging may be available by prescription from a dermatologist. At the very least, a recommendation can be given as to the most effective anti-aging skin care products to use in each individual situation.

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing an anti-aging skin care regimen. Among them, the time that it takes for a product to show results, potential side effects and the reputation of the company. Some of the most popular anti-aging skin care products are those manufactured by Oil Of Olay, which is commonly found at most retail and specialty beauty store.

Aside from products that can be used to combat the signs of aging, there are several ways that an individual can begin an effective anti-aging skin care regimen even before the visible signs appear. One such way is to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, which can cause premature aging. In addition, individuals concerned with anti-aging skin care should completely avoid tanning beds, which some believe are even more harmful than the sun. Rather than soaking up the dangerous rays from the sun or a tanning bed, self-tanning lotions are recommended for a healthy glow that doesn’t reek havoc on your skin.

Anti-aging skin care products are primarily designed for use on the face and neck, but some are also produced for the purpose of minimizing age spots on the hands. Before you begin to apply any type of anti-aging skin care cream, place a small portion of the creme on a test area before moving forward with the application. This will allow you to make sure that the skin will not have a negative reaction to the product, which is rare but possible with any type of skin product. After several minutes, or according to the manufacturer’s instructions, continue to apply the anti-aging skin care creme to the rest of the area once you are certain that a negative reaction will not occur. This process should not only be performed when you first begin using a product, but also every time that you use it or when you purchase a new supply. The reason is because the skin may not react negatively on one occasion, but may have a very different reaction the next time you use the product.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes. It should not be considered as, or used in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding anti-aging skin care. Consult your dermatologist prior to beginning any anti-aging skin care regimen or if you have been diagnosed with any disorder involving the skin.

Find more about anti aging skin care products and anti aging skin care treatments and many other related resources on www.aging-skin-care.com



Thursday, September 07, 2006

Pumpkin Seed Oil For Skin Care

By: Ally McNeal -

Growing up, I always looked forward to watching the Peanuts special: The Great Pumpkin. Little did I know that once I grew up, I’d learn just how great pumpkins really are- especially for skin care.

I’ve seen a big interest in pumpkin seed oil as a skin care product, and wanted to find out more about its skin boosting benefits. This article will share with you what I’ve learned about pumpkin and why it works so well in a modern skin care regimen.

Antioxidant properties

It appears that the biggest skin benefits of pumpkin seed oil are that it possesses very high levels of the natural antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pumpkin seed oil is especially high in the gamma-tocopherol form of Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant.

Antioxidants protect cell structure and health by neutralizing “free radicals”, which are unstable molecules generated from sources like radiation, air pollution, and peroxides. Left unchecked, free radicals can attack the skin’s structure, leaving it vulnerable to wrinkling, infection, and other damage.

Vitamin E works by stabilizing the free radical- Vitamin E gives up one of its electrons to complete the unstable molecule. This, in essence, renders the free radical harmless, and helps the skin retain its normal structure.

Vitamin E has been shown to have a wide range of skin benefits. Vitamin E has been shown to reduce the amount of scarring from wounds, and has been shown to diminish the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Also, it has been shown to decrease the effects of psoriasis, and to diminish the redness associated with erythema, which is one symptom of rosacea.

Fatty Acids

Aside from the high levels of Vitamin E found in pumpkin, there is also a high level of oil content (as high as 50%). The four fatty acids which comprise 98% of pumpkin seed oil are palmitic, stearic, linoleic, and oleic acids.

Palmitic acid works to promote natural oil regeneration. Oil is an important component for the skin to retain its protective barrier. With too little oil, the skin will crack and bleed; opening it to a greater risk of infection and disease.

Stearic acid acts primarily as a lubricant. It allows the skin to retain the proper moisture balance vital for good health (and good looks).

Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid, which means our bodies don’t manufacture it, and so we must ingest it in our diets. Linoleic acid is one step for the manufacture of prostaglandins, which decrease inflammation in the body. Linoleic acid helps maintain smooth skin, and will help repair flaky, itchy, or rough skin.

Oleic acid is the final fatty acid found in pumpkin seed oil. It works to replenish and maintain skin’s moisture and lubrication. It is an Omega 9 acid and has similar health benefits (both general and to the skin) as the more well-known Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential fatty acids.

Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil

Taken together, it’s clear that pumpkin seed oil has significant benefits for skin health and skin care. With powerful antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, it appears that adding pumpkin seed oil to your skin care regimen will help you retain moisture, maintain normal cell structure, and keep your skin looking and feeling healthy.

Ally McNeal is the owner of SkinCareSmarts.com and a self described "skin-a-holic"; someone who enjoys learning and teaching about skin care. To learn more about healthy skin nutrition, please visit: healthyhabits.skincaresmarts.com/vitamin-e-for-healthy-skin



Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Foods for Healthy Skin: What Vitamins and Minerals are Good for Your Skin?

By: Alex Fir

eat is very important. Skin is the biggest organ, and it deserves all the nutrition we can give it.

One the most critical elements of skin health is vitamin A, and one of the best sources of this vitamin is low-fat dairy products. As a matter of fact, the health of our skin depends on vitamin A. Low-fat yogurt is high in vitamin A. Other excellent sources of vitamin A include cod liver oil, carrots, leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes and fortified breakfast cereals.

You also need to eat foods rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, and plums. The benefits of these fruits for healthy skin are considerable. The antioxidants found in these fruits can protect the skin cells. As a result, there is less chance for damage.

This in turn protects against early aging and skin looks younger. Other fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants include artichokes, black, red, and pinto beans, pecans and prunes.

Essential fatty acids are vital to your skin. You should include salmon, walnuts, canola oil, and flax seed. Essential fatty acids keep cell membranes healthy, and allow nutrients to pass through.

We also need healthy oils. Eating good-quality oils helps keep skin lubricated and keeps it healthier overall. Try to find oils that are cold pressed, such as olive or extra virgin oil. Our bodies only need approximately 2 tablespoons a day of healthy oils.

Selenium plays a crucial role in the health of skin cells. Eat foods like whole-wheat bread, cereals, muffins, turkey, tuna and brazil nuts. Latest studies discovered that if selenium levels are high, even skin damaged by the sun will only suffer negligible harm.

Processed and refined sugars can instigate inflammation that may eventually lead to skin break outs. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, and it protects the membrane of the cell. Green tea also plays an important role in the prevention of skin cancer.

Water has an enormous effect on the health of your skin. Healthy and young-looking skin is also a well-hydrated skin.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website Skin Care News. If you wan to read more skin care tips visit his site right now.



Monday, September 04, 2006

Aging Problem can be Effectively Dealt with Natural Skin Care Tips

Author: Adam Frazer

Skin problems are unfortunately very common in every human life. The skin being the largest part of a body is in fact the easiest way to get infected. Besides, most part of the skin remains exposed to heat, dust and air especially our face. This leads to various common and major skin problems like aging or wrinkling.

Factors like heredity, the damage caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun have a significant influence on the aging process. Since diet plays a large part in on human skin, the first step for overcoming aging problem is to make dietary changes. The key for maintaining a youthful glow is a lifetime dedication to healthy lifestyle and constant skin care. The fact is that beauty treatments related to skin will not help if a healthy lifestyle is not maintained.

The aging of skin may be inevitable. But there are certain natural skin care tips to slow down wrinkles or avoid flabby skin. One common therapy is using of skin creams. It may be a part of your daily regime, but the best way to start an anti aging effort is from inside our body.

First of all, it is necessary to check our water intake. There are varying opinions about how much water an individual needs for good health, but the general consensus remains that probably we aren’t drinking enough water. This means dryness and wrinkles. So it’s necessary to hydrate our skin by drinking plenty of water. But remember that alcohol, tea, tobacco and soft drinks contains caffeine and can dehydrate our skin leading to a wrinkle prone skin.

On this context, a multivitamin is always acceptable. But instead of going for any multivitamin tablets, it’s better to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in our diet. It’s because our body easily absorbs nutrients from food.

People who look younger than their age, repeatedly reveal one vital secret and that is getting enough sleep with a bit of daily exercise. Exercise helps our body to keep our weight down helps to digest our food easily and makes our sleep easy.

A good sleep and a exercise helps us from aging, speed up our heart beats and at the same time tone our muscles by getting the blood flowing to the skin.

Sometimes we might feel that we don’t have enough time to take care of our skin or to follow certain skin care tips, but remember a healthy skin will not only make you look younger but also make you feel younger.

Adam Frazer writes on beauty and health. He has been working in the same field and writes informative articles for OnlineSkinCareTips. To learn more about Skin Care tips, natural skin care tips, Treatment of Acne, Sunburn Treatment, Anti aging effort visit http://www.onlineskincaretips.com