Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Anti Wrinkle Treatment Information

By: Ryan Cote -

Wrinkles are the fine lines and indentations that form on your skin over time and due to exposure to various elements. Wrinkles are actually caused by the breakdown of tiny fibers in the skin known as elastin. When these fibers are damaged, your skin loses its flexibility and is less able to snap back after being stretched. Several conditions can cause your skin to form wrinkles, regardless of your age or skin type.

Gravity is a contributing elements to the development of sagging skin. The pull of gravity over time on your skin can create noticeable sagging of the skin on your face, neck and upper arms. Gravity is a natural element and cannot be controlled.

Exposure to the ultraviolet rays of sunlight accelerates the damage done to the elastin in your skin and causes premature aging, which not only includes wrinkles but age spots, blotches and even makes you more susceptible to developing skin cancer. This also applies to artificial tanning, which should be avoided. Limiting your time in the sun and staying clear of its harmful rays between ten in the morning and three in the afternoon is part of an effective anti wrinkle treatment. Using a sunscreen or moisturizer with an SPF of 15 or better will protect your skin from the sun's rays.

Repetitive facial expressions and sleeping with your face on the pillow the same way for several years can also lead to wrinkles. These lines are often referred to as “laugh lines” and “sleep lines”. By frequently changing your various behaviors, you can minimize the impact to particular areas of your face. For example, sleeping in a different position every few nights can help you to avoid a series of wrinkles in the same spot of your skin.

Cigarette smoking has also been shown to breakdown the elastin in your skin, causing wrinkles. For a wide variety of health reasons, you should not smoke cigarettes.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process but you can minimize their appearance by watching your behaviors and using a good cleanser and moisturizer every day.

For more free anti wrinkle treatment information like this article, please visit




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