The Truth About Selecting The Right Facial Wrinkle Cream
by Leanne Wumoult
Are you plagued by wrinkles on your faces and bodies? Most of our facial expressions and movements make our skin prone to wrinkles. People who frown a lot might develop frown lines, while people who laugh a lot might get creases near their mouths and foreheads. Luckily, there are many anti wrinkle cream treatments on the market that target facial wrinkles.
Wrinkles inevitably come with age. They cannot be avoided completely. When our skin grows older and loses its ability to retain moisture and lipids, it also loses its firm, smooth texture. Sunlight and pollution also speed the aging process along.
Natural Wrinkle Therapies
Some face wrinkle creams not only diminish the appearance of wrinkles, they also delay the effects of the aging process by replacing the moisture and vitamins in our skin. With extra moisture and fatty acids, skin is less likely to wrinkle.
A healthy, balanced diet is one natural treatment for facial wrinkles. We should consume the right foods to nourish our skin from the inside out. When you get the right amount of vitamins and fluids in your system, you make it possible for your skin to regenerate its cells. Proper diet can also stimulate collagen production.
There are other steps you can take to protect your skin. If you are a smoker, give up the habit to prevent premature wrinkles. Smoking restricts blood flow to the tissues, including the skin. This keeps the skin from receiving the oxygen it needs, and results in an aged, weathered appearance. Over consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs can also dry out the skin and make it vulnerable to sores, infections, pimples, or diseases.
Many skin care regimens include vitamins and minerals in addition to topical creams. Dermatologists recommend vitamins A and E. These vitamins produce soft skin and help the body produce more collagen. Do not overuse these vitamins, though. In particular, too much vitamin E in the system might have unwanted effects.
Always use sunblock on your face when you go outside. Put it on your arms, hands, neck, and any other region that might be exposed to the sun. This will prevent cell mutations caused from ultraviolet rays. These mutations lead to wrinkles. Look for a face wrinkle cream that contains sunscreen, and keep it on whenever you go outdoors- particularly between 9am and 3pm.
Start Today
Do not wait until you get your first wrinkle to start using face wrinkle cream. By starting young, you can prevent the formation of many wrinkles. Even though wrinkles are a fact of life, early prevention will minimize their appearance in later years.
About the Author
Pick up proper anti-wrinkle treatment tips at Our report on wrinkle causes won't be available forever". Get these secrets today absolutely free and find out how you can.
Labels: wrinkles removal
posted by Evie @ time 9:45 PM 1 comments