Thursday, March 22, 2007

Beauty Products – Hair And Skin Care – Which To Choose!

By: Joe Guntherson

Although most recent numbers have shown that 1 out of 3 Americans have purchased something online, it still boggles the mind that there are so many products to choose from. So which products should you choose and which products will actually work for you. We decided to take products by section and see if we couldn’t help you, as the consumer to make some wise decisions. Most people think that brand names are all good but that can’t be true!

Let’s start in the skin care section. Our two top selling products are STM Stretch Marks & Scar cream and Vitamin K Cream for Spider Veins and Varicose veins. You read that right. Out of all of our beauty products people are most haunted by stretch marks and spider veins. So do any products actually help with spider veins and stretch marks and the answer is yes. We repeatedly have calls from customers that saw drastic reduction in stretch marks when using the STM Scar cream. Why? Because it uses 3 things that work really well at reducing scars. The first is emu oil. There have been numerous studies that show that emu oil helps to reduce scars and marks in just days. It also helps to blend the color of the stretch mark to more of the color of skin. STM scar cream also has high levels of aloe vera which helps to generate new skin cells. And finally but most important are the peptides that have been studied and proven to reduce scars on the skin. This peptide combination is commonly referred to as Matrixyl. This peptide can also be found in many body skin firming products – not the ones in Walmart. Putting peptides in skin care is costly but makes perfect sense because the skin on the body is not much different than the skin on the face. They both need to be firmed and moisturized!

Vitamin K has long been used to treat bruises and dark spots as it helps to seal off leaky capillaries. These leakers can cause the look of spider veins on the face, nose, legs, arms and even in the mid section. The most common areas for spider veins are on the nose and the legs. These areas are also the areas that respond best to vitamin K creams for spider veins. Vitamin K works to scab over the leaking vein and prevent blood from spilling outside the vein. The good news is that it can heal the veins altogether and that ends spider veins for many people.

Another great seller is the double chin eliminator cream as this cream does a great job on the jaw line. Combined with exercise this cream does a great job to reduce a double chin. It contains many of the same ingredients as the Skin Firming Lotion.

The top selling firming and mending serums contain some of the most advanced ingredients on the planet but almost none of them compare to one basic ingredient and that is hyaluronic acid. This acid is normally found in the body but as we age it depletes and this depletion can cause the length of the collagen fiber and the amount of collagen made by the body to be reduced. The best bet for great skin is to make sure that your skin care products have hyaluronic acid in them. Two great products with hyaluronic acid are Golden Elegance Skin Care and Anti Wrinkle 55. Both of these products have very high levels of hyaluronic acid along with 24 karat gold flakes that help to pull out toxins from the skin. Anti Wrinkle 55 is our top selling serum and does wonders for the firming of loose skin and to help pull bloating and puffiness from under the eyes as well as fine lines around the lips.

So don’t be hasty! Be educated and you will find that shopping online is more than just Nioxin and Redken. There are hundreds of great products that can be found at super discount prices!



Sunday, March 18, 2007

Basic Skin Care Type That Everybody Should Know About

By: Low Jeremy

With the thousands of skin care products clogging the market, choosing one that is appropriate for you can be mighty frustrating. With different ingredients and formulas, one can never know for sure what kind of product your skin longs for.

Although one can never really know for sure unless you try the products yourself, one of the things that can narrow down the search for the perfect skin care product is the skin care type. The skin care type refers to the kind of skin that you are born with.

There are actually four main types, the oily skin, the dry skin, the normal skin and of course the combination type. This is basically determined by the degree of oiliness and dryness of your skin.

As you will notice, some people are more prone to oiliness than others. Pore sizes also come into the picture. In choosing products, you need to know your type is so that you can buy products that fit you.

To determine what type you are, wash your face first and then wait for about 30 minutes. This will give your skin enough time to become active. After the 30-minute period, get a tissue paper and dab you’re the following areas of your face, the forehead, the nose, the chin and the cheeks. Oily areas will of course leave an oily mark on the tissue paper.

In normal skin type, there is a balance between water and oil. This is the type that is not dry but also not too oily. Often, the pore is medium in size. Lines and wrinkles are not as visible compared to people with dry skin. This is because this type of skin is more elastic and flexible.

Dry skin, on the other hand, will be course and rough. There will be mo moisture on the skin. This is the type of skin that is often prone to wrinkles and lines.

Oily skin is perhaps the most easily identified as it tends to shine. This is often a result of overactive oil glands, which produces too much. The danger of oily skin is the fact that it is more prone to acne and pimple problems.

This is because the oil can clog the pores and trap dead skin cells with hair follicles. Pores of oily skin are larger.

Combination skin, as the name implies, can have oily skin in some areas and dry skin on the other parts. Often, it is the T-zone, which is often oily. The T-zone consists of the forehead and the nose.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Skin-Care & other useful information, please visit



Friday, March 09, 2007

Skin Care for All Ages

Author: David Chandler

American women are taking better care of their skin, seeking out sophisticated serums and lotions that will prevent or lessen signs of aging. With today's technology and medical advances a longer life span demands even greater discipline and understanding for anti aging skin care. Serious skin care regimes include cleansers, moisturizers, body lotions, eye cream, and sunscreens.

The skin around the eyes is the most prone to premature aging, showing signs of stress with wrinkles, crows feet and sagging. Rapid weight loss can also cause wrinkles by reducing the volume of fat cells that cushion the face. Relax; a tense face encourages the formation of wrinkles, especially around the outer eyes, bridge of nose, and on the forehead. By the age of 20 early signs of damage and wrinkles in skin are visible. Protecting your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation is the most significant thing you can do to prevent wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration. UV light creates free radicals, which induce lipids peroxidation, which leads to skin damage, wrinkles and skin cancer. Both UVA and UVB rays cause damage leading to wrinkles, lower immunity against infection, ageing skin disorders, and cancer. Did you know that dermatologists can identify the side of the face you sleep on just by looking at your wrinkles.

Botox injections have been used to reduce wrinkles on the face, and remove the frown lines on the forehead. Produced by bacteria, Botox is a chemical agent, which has the ability to paralyze these muscles, and thus reduce or "soften" wrinkles. Retinoids are also clinically proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and may boost skin-firming collagen production.

When vitamin C is properly delivered into skin cells, there is a good chance to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. In addition, regular use of cucumber peels and lotions prevents pimples, blackheads, wrinkles, and dryness of the face. Cleansers are also an essential skin care product since they aid in the removal or dirt, make-up and dead skin cells from the skin. By far, the most important skin care product available to prevent wrinkles and skin cancer is sunscreen, but most people do not use sunscreen correctly.

Young people are realizing the necessity of following an anti aging skin care regimen that incorporates quality of physical, psychological and spiritual health. In order to keep the skin healthy - take care of it and your daily regimen of skin care will take care of you. Drink plenty of water in your daily skin care regimen, especially after exercising. A good skin care regimen need not take hours every day, but must be, without fail, be attended to every day.

Drink plenty of water in your daily skin care regimen, especially after exercising. In fact, skin care and protection should be an essential part of your health, fitness, and beauty regime. If you are thinking about a skin-rejuvenating treatment of any type, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your plastic surgeon.

For more information about skin care and wrinkles, visit these sites: Wrinkles and Skin Care

About The Author:

David Chandler
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hollow Eyes Are Not Dark Circles Under The Eyes

by Brooke Seckel

Many people of all ages complain of dark circles under their eyes. The phrase "dark circles under the eyes" is used to describe a wide variety of different conditions, but the phrase dark circles under the eyes refers to a very specific anatomical condition of the lower eyelids that is easy to diagnose and readily corrected by modern techniques. However, many people who complain of dark circles under their eyes frequently have a condition more appropriately termed "hollow eyes' which is a distinct anatomical condition very different from dark circles under the eyes. Recognition of the "hollow eye syndrome" is very important because the technique frequently used to treat "dark circles under the eyes" does not correct the hollow eye look and can actually make the 'hollow eye syndrome' worse.

To clearly understand the difference between the varying lower eyelid conditions which many people have and seek treatment for, it is important to understand the difference between "Dark Eyelid Color", Puffy Lower Eyelids, Dark Circles Under the Eyes, Hollow Eyes, and Festoons:

Dark Eyelid Color- The color of the lower eyelids is darker than the surrounding facial skin on almost every human face. This is a normal condition. The dark lower eyelid color is caused by the fact that the lower eyelid skin is very thin, so thin that you can see through it. The eyelid muscle beneath the lower eyelid skin is a purple color, thus the purple color of the muscle shows through the thin eyelid skin and the lower eyelid looks darker than the surrounding skin. People often complain that the lower eyelid looks blue or purple. The fairer your skin, the thinner your lower eyelid skin and thus the darker your eyelids will appear. In many thin skinned individuals the veins running under the eyelid skin also show through the eyelid skin making the blue color more pronounced. This is a normal condition and cannot be treated. No laser, cream or surgery can correct this. The only solution is a concealer such as Dermablend or Cover mark.

Puffy Lower Eyelids- As we age many people notice that the lower eyelid skin becomes puffy or bulges outward. People often refer to this condition as "bags under the eyes". Bags under the eyes is caused by a combination of weakness and sagging of the lower eyelid skin and tissues cased by aging changes, and protrusion of fat which lies beneath the lower eyelid skin and underneath the eyeball. Younger healthy lower eyelid skin and tissues normally are taut and prevent the fat from protruding, however with aging and laxity of the lower eyelid skin the fat pushes forward and protrudes, like a hernia. This condition, bags under the eyes or puffy eyelids is technically called fatty orbital herniation, that is a hernia of the fat which is normally contained in the orbit or eye socket. The Plastic Surgery operation called a lower eyelid blepharoplasty often includes removal or repositioning of the protruding fat to lessen the appearance of bags under the eyes.

Dark Circles Under The Eyes- The phrase Dark Circles Under The Eyes refers to a dark depression below the lower eyelid which starts near the corner of the lower eyelid near the nose and runs along the cheek bone below the lower eyelid out towards the ear. Technically this is called the naso-jugal fold, and at advanced stages of facial aging runs into the Tear Trough Deformity, a dark depression that runs out and down the cheek towards the side of the face. The dark circle under the eye or naso-jugal fold is caused by a combination of factors. Most importantly the skin of the dark circle is tethered tightly to the underlying bone of the eye socket, called the orbital rim, by a ligament called the arcus marginalis. Since the skin of the dark circle is tethered to the bone, it cannot sag downward with the lower eyelid and cheek skin as the skin ages and becomes lax. Thus the lower eyelid skin as it sags and is pushed forward and down by the protruding lower eyelid fat, puffs and falls over the tethered dark circle and creates a dark shadow, the Dark Circle Under The Eye. The only truly effective technique to remove Dark Circles Under The Eyes is called arcus marginalis release with fat grafting or repositioning. During this procedure, the arcus marginalis is released from inside the lower eyelid and fat is placed beneath the dark circle to plump the dark circle and prevent the arcus marginalis from re-attaching and recreating the Dark Circle Under The Eyes.

Hollow Eyes- Hollow Eye Syndrome describes a condition in which the entire lower eyelid appears "sunken in" and can be a natural or normal human condition or can be caused by trauma or following a lower eyelid blepharoplasty during which too much lower eyelid fat has been removed. The primary cause of the normal Hollow Eye Syndrome is a congenital lack of orbital fat beneath the eyeball that allows the lower eyelid skin and tissue to sink in, or by an eye socket, also called the orbit, which is larger than normal and allows the lower eyelid, fat and tissues to sink in causing the Hollow Eye appearance. Abnormal Hollow Eye Syndrome occurs when too much fat has been removed during a blepharoplasty or when the bone beneath the eyeball has been broken, most commonly by a fist or baseball striking the eye, breaking the floor of the orbital bone and pushing the fat surrounding the eyeball through the break in the bone down into the sinus cavity beneath the bone. To correct the abnormal Hollow Eye Syndrome, either fat must be surgically replaced, or in the case of a fracture, the fat must be pulled back under the eye and the broken bone repaired. In the case of normal Hollow Eye Syndrome, fat must be surgically replaced to correct the fat deficiency and in some patients, who have an unusually large eye socket because of a deficiency of the bone, an implant to must be placed to make up for the deficiency of the bone of the orbital rim at the top of the cheek bone. This implant is called a tear trough implant.

Festoons- Festoons are puffy skin on the cheeks which lie just below the lower eyelids, at the top of the cheeks and just below the Dark Circles Under The Eyes. Festoons are cheek skin, not lower eyelid skin, a very crucial distinction. Their primary importance is that they must be recognized, and you must know that they will not be improved or removed during a blepharoplasty. In fact, a blepharoplasty during which puffy eyelid fat is removed and lax lower eyelid skin is tightened will in fact make the festoons look more prominent and worse. Festoons are poorly understood and difficult to treat. Traditionally the only method was direct surgical excision and removal, however this method usually leaves unacceptable, visible scars on the cheeks. Sometimes a partial face-lift called a cheek lift can improve Festoons. Laser resurfacing can improve them, but the skin color becomes lighter which makes this method risky. Recently newer skin tightening methods using Infrared and Radiofrequency energy hold much promise.

In summary, the normal anatomical variation and the aging changes of the lower eyelids are very complex, and often poorly understood by both patients and many physicians. A proper and clear understanding of lower eyelid and cheek anatomy and the effects of aging on these areas is crucial if proper aesthetic correction of the lower eyelid is to be achieved. Newer eyelid rejuvenation therapy must employ techniques that address the intraorbital fat, the arcus marginalis, and the festoons if pleasing aesthetic results are to be achieved and serious deformity avoided. True Hollow Eye Syndrome requires fat volume replacement and in some cases implant placement to correct bony volume deficiency. It is important to distinguish Hollow Eyes from Dark Circles Under The Eyes because their correction requires decidedly different reconstructive techniques. The recognition of Festoons is very important because standard blepharoplasty eyelid rejuvenation techniques will make Festoons more noticeable.

Brooke R. Seckel, M.D., FACS

About the Author
Dr Brooke R. Seckel, Asst. Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School was recently named a Top Doctor in Boston by Boston Magazine. He is also listed as one of the Best Doctors in America. Dr Seckel is an internationally recognized expert in Plastic Surgery. Dr Seckel's office is in Boston at 617-262-2208 or at



Sunday, March 04, 2007

Eight Great Tips for Natural Skin Care

By: Dr John Anne

Skin is a very important and visible part of our body. It’s a kind of protective coating on our entire body parts.
For a good easy skin care here are a few tips:

· First thing should be keeping your skin clean. Rather than using soaps on the face, its better to use mild face wash according to use skin type as oily for oily skin, dry for dry and combination for the combination one. One can use our home remedies for a beautiful, healthy and glowing skin. One can use rose water, lemon juice, and fruit juices to clean and wipe the skin with. It will give a refreshing look to one’s skin. If the skin is dry than one can use a pinch of milk cream and a drop of lemon juice on it, mixed and rubbed on the skin and then washed. Which is very good to clean the skin.

· Then is drinking lots of fluids. To have a good, healthy skin one should drink lots of water which is said to be at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day and some skin and health specialist say that it should be in proportion to your weight as for every 10 kg of weight, one should drink a liter of water so if the weight is 60 then the person should drink 6 liters of water. Which can be substituted with fruit juices too.

· Always apply sunscreen lotion on the skin. One should never go in the sun without applying a sunscreen lotion, which protects the skin from harmful UV rays. Which are known to give even skin cancer. It damages the skin and makes it tan, give blemishes, burn mask and pigmentation, which can never get healed 100%. So it’s better to apply the right sunscreen lotion on the skin to save the skin from early aging.

· One should avoid all unhealthy food if the skin is already suffering from bad patches or pimples. Even caffine drinks are harmful for the skin. Too much consumption of tea, coffee, saturated drinks damage the skin. Smoking too is a very important factor to harm the skin. It makes the skin dry, makes it look dull and gives puffiness on the face. Drinking alcohol too isn’t good for the skin. So if one can’t stops consuming all these things completely, one can at least have them in moderation to help the skin stay young and healthy.

· Where one don’t get proper time to care the skin as full time working people, never mind, they can care their skin in a very well way by a little effort from there side. Working people should keep moist tissues in their bags and purses to wipe their face to remove dirt and sweat when they cannot wash their face again and again. Should apply sunscreen when outside home and nice mild moisturizer on the skin while doing anything else. Even in the night before going to bed one should wash the face, keep it clean, remove any make up if had put on the face and then should apply a good moisturizes according to the skin type.

· One can judge the skin type in the morning. As in the morning without washing the face one should wipe the face with a tissue paper, if there is lots of oil on the nose sides and chin then the skin is t-zone, if there is oil all over the face then the skin is oily, if its somewhere dry and somewhere oily then it’s combination skin, and if there is no oil n stickiness on the skin, the skin is dry and you are lucky if the skin is just perfect neither there is oil nor dryness.

· If the skin is prone to pimples and acne, one should give it a little more care. Should clean the skin more often, should apply medicated soaps and lotions. One should check it up with a skin specialist too as dandruff in the hair and scalp or some hormonal changes too can be a cause of a bad skin. One should never pinch or squeeze the pimples or acne or should not try to remove black head on their own as it will ruin the skin more and will give it permanent scars.

· One should avoid too much make up on the skin as if you care about your skin and keep it healthy and clean, you would definitely not require make up to make it look good. But if anytime you had applied make up on the skin, you should clean it as soon as you come back home. Let the skin breathe without any make up on it. One can use baby oil, baby lotion or mild cleansing milk on the skin to remove the traces of make up.

So one can get a glowing, healthy skin by giving it a little care and can keep the skin away from black heads, pimples, blemishes and pigmentation.

Know more on Natural Skin Care through herbal cure and aromatherapy. Also read more about the benefits of Body Srubs.