Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ayurveda for Natural Skin Care

By: Dr John Anne

Skin: - Ayurveda describes the skin as one among the “PANCHANHANENDRIYAS”. We feel with our skin. The skin is the most exposed part of our body and is hence the most affected area of our body. It is more prone to diseases since the dirt, grime, polluted air and exhaust from the vehicles all gets accumulated here. Hence skin is to be given proper care.
The things that affect the skin: -

Changes in weather: - Often we have to go out. The summer takes the toll on the exposed part of the skin and heat tends to darken the skin. Tan is often good. But overexposure to sun can cause even small-scale burns and blackening. Hence the part that is more often exposed to sun becomes dark whereas that part of the skin, which remains under the dress, retains the original color. People often complain about this change in color especially on the face. Lot of sunscreen lotions is available in the market and is prescribed for this problem. Winter poses another problem- dryness of the skin. The skin becomes dry during the winter season, which often leads to the ageing. The skin looks old due to the dryness. Companies manufacture and market lot of lotions specially made for this purpose.

Atmospheric pollution: - Since we are living in an era of pollution, many diseases which were not heard of earlier are very common nowadays. As mentioned in the introduction, the exhaust fumes coming out from the vehicles and dirt and grime affect the skin. The skin loses its glow after some time. It is a very difficult task to preserve the glow and texture of the skin.

Ailments: - Various skin ailments are on the rise these days. Of these the most common ones are Luekoderma and Psoriasis. Both were very rare earlier but are quite common now days. In Luekoderma , the body is not able to produce a pigment called “MELANIN” which gives the skin its characteristic colour and thus certain parts shows white patches which is prominently seen. It looks like disfigurement in some cases especially when it is seen in the face. This has become common irrespective of the climatic conditions or the places we live in. Equally seen is Psoriasis. The number of patients suffering from these diseases is on the high. People suffering from psoriasis often develop allergy like itching and blemishes on the skin. These are often seen as small spots, which gradually spread to other parts of the body. Treatment would be more effective if started in the initial stages. These have no effective cure in Modern Medicine other than intake of steroids. Ayurveda relates these to the vitiation of humors like “VATA” , “PITTA” and “KAPHA”. Treatments such as “VAMANA” or emesis, “VIRECHANA” or purgation are recommended. These treatments help in detoxifying the body.

The changes in lifestyle: - The changes in the lifestyle and the use of chemicals affect the skin a lot. Extensive use of soaps, shampoos and the like causes dryness. The skin of some people is extremely sensitive and bleaching and other beauty therapies cause blemishes on the skin. We do not have the time to take care of the skin these days and hence the skin looks old very easily due to the lack of proper care. Extensive use of makeups results in premature ageing. Our grandmothers knew how to take good care of the skin with oils and other natural herbs

Food: - Use of fried food is on the increase now days. People have no time for a regular meal and they often end up eating junk food from the roadside. Often children take these fries, which comes in packet for their snacks to school daily. The use of these may cause eruptions on the skin. To have a good skin one must include a lot of leafy vegetables, fruits etc in their menu.

Tension: - Stress and tension has become a part of our modern day life. Hypertension is the most common disease. This leads to numerous ailments, which can also affect the skin.


Ayurveda recommends “ABHYANGA” or oil bath. Oil bath is the most effective medicine. It acts as a tonic for the skin. Massaging the body with oil and then washing it off with herbs like gram flour, besan, rita, amla etc can work wonders on the skin. This will help to have a glowing skin and also acts as a precaution for skin ailments. From childhood itself it is recommended to use oil on the baby and have a herbal wash. Including leafy vegetables is essential for good skin. Drink lot of water and wash the face with water as many times as possible. Fruits like pappaya, cucumber etc can be pulped and applied to get a glowing skin. Honey prevents ageing of the skin and it also helps in easy healing of wounds. Turmeric is an antiseptic and also enhances skin colour. Henna leaves pasted with a little turmeric and betel leaves were used for applying mehendi on the hands and feet before. Apart from beautifying purpose, this also was good for the skin. This paste when applied on the feet helped to control fungus infection during rainy seasons.

There are numerous remedies mentioned in Ayurveda for skin care but above all, a healthy mind is necessary for a healthy skin.

Know more on Natural Skin Care through herbal cure and aromatherapy. Also read more about the benefits of Facial Creams.

Learn more on Ayurveda – through World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies.



Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Answer to Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

By: John Morris

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

- Changes in your body’s fluid balance
- Aging
- Allergic reaction
- High blood pressure
- Irritation
- Eyelid dermatitis
- Hangovers
- Medications
- Can be hereditary.

Avoid getting puffy eyes:

1. Stay hydrated
Always make sure you take in water or juice as much as possible. Not only is it good for puffy eyes, it is good for the whole body as well.

2. Watch your sleeping position
With your neck well supported, sleep with your head elevated slightly with a pillow to avoid fluid to settle around your eyes.

3. Get enough rest and sleep
Insufficient sleep is one of the principal causes of both puffy eyes and dark eye circles. Give yourself at least eight hours sleep and enough rest so as to avoid getting puffy eyes.

4. Listen to your eyes
When working in front of the computer, watching television or reading a book, be certain that you are listening to what your eyes are trying to tell you. If you feel that your eyes are getting tired, don’t push it. Give it a rest. Lie down awhile, close your eyes for a minute or two and pat it with warm cloth to soothe it.

5. Watch what you eat
Too much caffeine and salt encourages water retention. Taking multivitamin with large doses of vitamin C and Iron supplements, eating more vegetables and fruits can help your problem of water retention as well give your body other benefits such as a steady blood pressure and lesser body fat.

6. Cold compress
Use cooled teabags, cucumber, or potato slices over your eyes for at least fifteen minutes and relax.

7. Concealer helps
Concealers can very well hide the puffiness or dark circles around your eyes. Make sure though, that you choose a color that is just slightly lighter than your skin tone. Choosing a very light shade may even draw more attention to the puffiness. Blend the concealer well on your skin before you apply foundation, and then dust it with a little powder. Be very certain that the concealer, foundation and powder that you will use do not contain any chemicals that can cause allergic reactions.

8. Eye creams
The market if filled with eye creams that offer promises of a cure for dark under eye circles and puffy eyes. Test some; chances are the very first cream that you apply will greatly improve your eyes condition.

Eye exercises:
- While seated, relax, breathe and look at a certain figure or spot that is lined above your nose’s bridge
- Look at the spot for five seconds, and then relax your eyes
- Look at the tip of your nose for a count of five seconds and relax. This will help lessen the tension in your eyes
- While seated, looking straight in front, inhale and look to the right as far as possible, not turning your head
- Repeat the exercise for the left side of the eye
- Doing this three times will relive tired eyes
- While seated, look down and roll your eyes to the right, to the top, in a circular motion
- Repeat three times For more great dark circle related articles and resources check out eyecream.skincarehq.com



Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Basic Skin Care Type That Everybody Should Know About

By: Low Jeremy

With the thousands of skin care products clogging the market, choosing one that is appropriate for you can be mighty frustrating. With different ingredients and formulas, one can never know for sure what kind of product your skin longs for. Although one can never really know for sure unless you try the products yourself, one of the things that can narrow down the search for the perfect skin care product is the skin care type.

The skin care type refers to the kind of skin that you are born with. There are actually four main types, the oily skin, the dry skin, the normal skin and of course the combination type. This is basically determined by the degree of oiliness and dryness of your skin. As you will notice, some people are more prone to oiliness than others. Pore sizes also come into the picture. In choosing products, you need to know your type is so that you can buy products that fit you.

To determine what type you are, wash your face first and then wait for about 30 minutes. This will give your skin enough time to become active. After the 30-minute period, get a tissue paper and dab you’re the following areas of your face, the forehead, the nose, the chin and the cheeks. Oily areas will of course leave an oily mark on the tissue paper. In normal skin type, there is a balance between water and oil. This is the type that is not dry but also not too oily. Often, the pore is medium in size. Lines and wrinkles are not as visible compared to people with dry skin.

This is because this type of skin is more elastic and flexible. Dry skin, on the other hand, will be course and rough. There will be mo moisture on the skin. This is the type of skin that is often prone to wrinkles and lines. Oily skin is perhaps the most easily identified as it tends to shine. This is often a result of overactive oil glands, which produces too much.

The danger of oily skin is the fact that it is more prone to acne and pimple problems. This is because the oil can clog the pores and trap dead skin cells with hair follicles. Pores of oily skin are larger. Combination skin, as the name implies, can have oily skin in some areas and dry skin on the other parts. Often, it is the T-zone, which is often oily. The T-zone consists of the forehead and the nose.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on Skin-Care & other useful information, please visit skin-care.articlekeep.com



Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tired Eyes, Dark Circles, Puffy Eyes - A Common problem

By: Kevin Pederson
This is due to excess strain on your eyes. Staring continuously at the computer screen is one of the problems. Lack of sleep also causes this problem. Such kind of strain to your eyes gives the tired look. You start developing dark circles as well as eye bags which can be a put off many people by having a glance at you.

Self-care Measures

- Get enough sleep
- Eat a vitamin A rich diet such as fruits, apricots, green leafy vegetables, carrots, egg yolks and butter
- Drink plenty of water
- Avoid alcohol, smoking and direct sun
- Try to wear sunglasses whenever you are outside
- Avoid too much television
- Can do yoga asanas like Simhasana to help your eyes

Home Remedies for your eyes

- Easiest of all the solution is to wash your face with cold water. This helps in making your face clean and clears your face from any inflammation and also moisturizers it to avoid any eye problems.
- Take some boiled tea in a cup of water. Once the water cools, dip two gauzes in it, place each of the gauzes on your eyelid for 15 minutes. Once the gauzes are dried, dip it again to gain the most from this remedy.
- Lavender oil is another soothing agent which helps to keep your eyes fresh and radiant. Add a drop of this oil in two and half cup of water. Shake it well before using. You can use two cotton pads as eye pads which are dipped in this solution.
- Use two chilled and soaked chamomile tea bags to be placed on your eyelids
- The first thing in the morning you see in the mirror is the puffed eyes. You can use ice, chilled spoons or tea bags on your eyes to remove that look.
- Place couple of slices of chilled cucumber on your eyes and try to relax in a secluded place. You can use the same procedure by using boiled potato
- Soak couple of cotton pads in Witch Hazel to be placed on your eyelids. Due to the good starch content, potatoes work greatly to minimize puffiness and redness.
- You can dip cotton in a mixture of rosewater or milk or almond oil to keep your eyes refreshing
The reader of this article should exercise all precautions while following instructions on the recipes from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Kevin Pederson is the webmaster of Hair-n-Skin-Care site; it guides you with the various hair and skin care treatments. Natural Cure for Tired Eyes Vitamin A rich diet, good sleep and many other things just make this problem non-existent.



Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Natural Skin Care Tips for a Perfect Beaty

By: Dr John Anne

How many times did it ever happen that you watch at the beauty pageants and have wondered if you can also possess the same texture of skin that the ramp scorchers you are seeing so gleefully flaunt? Or is it some untimely ageing had taken a toll of your once smooth and soft skin? Well Nature has its own course of mending whatever little scars it creates over anything. Those who were down earlier probably would feel a bit easier. It is too good to have a great skin, and is the former requisite headed for an excellent makeup. Skin therefore plays a vital role in our life, how one looks and feels directly relates to ones skin Making the best choices for our bodies, and ultimately our skin, is achieved through diet/ food, exercise, regular professional treatments, personalized homecare, and a healthy mental attitude.

Undertaking health and beauty “rituals” indiscriminately - slowing time and gravity's tentacles continues to lead us on a trail that has been philosophized throughout history and evolving into the current trends of spending quite a handsome amount to the pocket of your Javed Habibs and God knows who else. Beauty comes from within, for the beauty that is without resemblances is the beauty that is within oneself, a beauty that makes each person unique.
The type of skin you have is dependant on your genes, sex, age, environment, structure and regeneration. How you treat your skin will always be evident in your face, hands and body. Some say it's never too early or too late to begin looking after your skin.

This is an era where people try to pull two opposite ends together as far as possible. So in this age of intense pollution reckless urbanization and all other factors that play a lead role in damaging your skin, still remaining a “conch-shell skin possessor” would demand your skin cleansed, because pollution, grease and grime cling to the skin, clogging pores, while the body eliminates toxins through perspiration. If the cleansing process is not thoroughly undertaken, the skin will look and feel sluggish, tired and minor skin problems and irritations will transpire.
Try and explore the methods to keep up a skin that ever lasts for your life by different ways. For example, proper diet is giving major importance (sorry to break the hearts of rash eaters) to the shine of skin. A diet for blemish-prone skin must be consistently high in protein and fresh raw fruit and vegetables. There are some regulations to observe in the diet.

Although intense exposure to the sun can produce symptoms of aging and can even predispose it to cancer, constant little exposure to sun light in your day's schedule is important to rejuvenate your skin. But at the same time it should be pointed out that the sun rays in the current situation can do a lot of damage than good. The most damaging effect of the sun is that it dehydrates the skin causing it to become dry and rough and wrinkled, freckles, pigmentation and patches may also occur. An immediate reaction is expansion of blood vessels that is why skin looks flushed, red and gets tanned if stayed out in the sun for long. However sun is very good for children, as they require Vitamin D, which is abundant in sunlight for their growth and metabolism.

There are actually some secrets to choose the right method to care your skin. Some tips you would love to follow while you plan a day in beach. Your skin can also shine with the fragrances of Aromatherapy.

There are special tips to follow, to prevent your skin from Anti aging. Your skin in addition sometimes needs facial treatments and look out for the fabulous facial treatments. Do not forget to sense that the skin on your eyes, are also in need of special and unique care.

Know more on Natural Skin Care through herbal cure and aromatherapy. Also read more about the benefits of Body Scrubs.

Learn more on Ayurveda – through World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies.



Sunday, February 04, 2007

Winter Skin Care Tips

By: David Maillie

The changes in the seasons can have an effect on the condition of your skin. Especially if you live somewhere with very harsh winters this can have a negative impact upon the health of your skin.

The different seasons have different weather conditions, and these changes can significantly affect your skin. Especially in climates with dramatic swings from cold to warm and back again. Not only do these climates wear down the bodys immune system, but also your skin.

If your skin is exposed to the elements then it can dry out, even start flaking, or worse, cracking (cracking and dried out skin can make your skin more susceptible to infection). You should take good care of your skin during these bitter winter months. As long as you are on your guard and take a few steps to protect your skin, you should be able to avoid the winter damaging your skin too much.

I know that most people only apply sunscreen when they go on holiday during the summer! This is not the right thing to do, you should apply suntan lotion every day of the year, even during the winter. Be sure to apply a sun screen with SPF of 15 or greater, otherwise there is no point. The sun reflects off the snow and ice that can not only cause snow blindness, it can also be damaging to your skin. It is also a good idea to use noncomodogenic sunscreens and lotions so you will not create a breeding ground for acne causing bacteria and viruses like herpes and canker sores.

Wrap up warm when you venture outside, wear a scarf that you can pull up over your cheeks. This not only protects the skin from the sun, but also from the bitter wind and harsh elements. Wind alone can severely dry out your skin and rub it raw, so bundle up and do not be afraid to use a hood.

You should exfoliate your skin on a regular basis, this helps to get rid of those pesky flaking skin, and also smoothes the skins surface. Exfoliation is essential to optimum skin health. There are two main types of exfoliant.

There is a chemical exfoliant or skin peel, such as the AHA skin peel, which works by killing off the top most layer of skin, to give you a radiant complexion. There are numerous types of skin peels and according to doctors and plastic surgeons the TCA skin peel is the easiest to apply and, by far, the most effective and longest lasting.

TCA peels are used in almost every dermatologist and plastic surgeons office for treating everything from dry skin and aging skin, to acne and numerous other skin problems and diseases. TCA skin peels normally run $500 to over $1000 per treatment, but have now been made available for in home use.

For the rest of this article and more great similar topic articles please visit TCA peel - www.bestskinpeel.com.



Friday, February 02, 2007

Skin Care for All Ages

Author: David Chandler

American women are taking better care of their skin, seeking out sophisticated serums and lotions that will prevent or lessen signs of aging. With today's technology and medical advances a longer life span demands even greater discipline and understanding for anti aging skin care. Serious skin care regimes include cleansers, moisturizers, body lotions, eye cream, and sunscreens.

The skin around the eyes is the most prone to premature aging, showing signs of stress with wrinkles, crows feet and sagging. Rapid weight loss can also cause wrinkles by reducing the volume of fat cells that cushion the face. Relax; a tense face encourages the formation of wrinkles, especially around the outer eyes, bridge of nose, and on the forehead. By the age of 20 early signs of damage and wrinkles in skin are visible. Protecting your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation is the most significant thing you can do to prevent wrinkles, sagging, and discoloration. UV light creates free radicals, which induce lipids peroxidation, which leads to skin damage, wrinkles and skin cancer. Both UVA and UVB rays cause damage leading to wrinkles, lower immunity against infection, ageing skin disorders, and cancer.

Did you know that dermatologists can identify the side of the face you sleep on just by looking at your wrinkles.
Botox injections have been used to reduce wrinkles on the face, and remove the frown lines on the forehead. Produced by bacteria, Botox is a chemical agent, which has the ability to paralyze these muscles, and thus reduce or "soften" wrinkles. Retinoids are also clinically proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and may boost skin-firming collagen production.

When vitamin C is properly delivered into skin cells, there is a good chance to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture. In addition, regular use of cucumber peels and lotions prevents pimples, blackheads, wrinkles, and dryness of the face. Cleansers are also an essential skin care product since they aid in the removal or dirt, make-up and dead skin cells from the skin. By far, the most important skin care product available to prevent wrinkles and skin cancer is sunscreen, but most people do not use sunscreen correctly.

Young people are realizing the necessity of following an anti aging skin care regimen that incorporates quality of physical, psychological and spiritual health. In order to keep the skin healthy - take care of it and your daily regimen of skin care will take care of you. Drink plenty of water in your daily skin care regimen, especially after exercising. A good skin care regimen need not take hours every day, but must be, without fail, be attended to every day.

Drink plenty of water in your daily skin care regimen, especially after exercising. In fact, skin care and protection should be an essential part of your health, fitness, and beauty regime. If you are thinking about a skin-rejuvenating treatment of any type, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with your plastic surgeon.

For more information about skin care and wrinkles, visit these sites: Wrinkles and Skin Care

About The Author:
David Chandler For your FREE Stock Market Trading Mini Course: "What The Wall Street Hot Shots Won't Tell You!" go to: The Stock Market Genie