Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Perfect Natural Beauty Tips

by Jerrick Foo

Natural Beauty Tips

Not everyone wants a complete makeover as some like to preserve a more natural appearance. Let's face it, many men are attracted to the low-maintenance, "girl-next-door" look and accomplishing that can be just as challenging as looking model-perfect.

So, how do you achieve a desirable look without the heavy use of cosmetics and makeup? Our natural beauty tips and advice will help you do just that, and put you on the path to a more beautiful person like you.

Practice a Healthy Lifestyle

Natural beauty is akin to an overall healthy appearance. Start with a better lifestyle. Your own attitudes and daily life reflects in how you look to others. Take care of your body and it will take care of you.

Eat a proper, well-balanced diet. Food that's good for your body helps your internal organs function properly and shows on the outside as well. The trick is to read the labels carefully and eat healthy foods with minimal preservatives. Good nutrition is key to your outward appearance and longevity.

The best skin in the world will not overcome a flabby body. Get in good physical shape if you've been slacking off. Set some reasonable fitness goals to get your body fit and trim. Begin with short-term goals and set new ones once they're achieved.

Jerrick is webmaster for http://www.dry-skin-care-guide.com



Thursday, November 23, 2006

Preserving Perfect Health And Beauty In Pregnancy

by Jerry Goldfarb

Most women think that it's okay to stop exerting effort in looking beautiful during pregnancy but it's not. Pregnancy is a time when your hormones are in a rage. It is easy to be overwhelmed by new feelings, sensations, and changes in your body that make you feel not in control. Taking care of your pregnant self lets you be in control and preserve your health and beauty. It's not easy to look in a mirror with disheveled hair and dry, blotchy skin. It's also frustrating to try and fit yourself in your pre-pregnant outfits. Get rid of the idea that this is normal. What's normal is a pregnant woman embracing and enjoying her pregnancy by taking care of her body, her health and beauty.

Studies by the MRC/US Anxiety and Stress Disorders Research Unit show that babies born of happy mothers are healthier -- they are heavier, more active, and agreeable. They also absorb more nutrients from their first feedings which are essential for their nourishment. Happy mothers are also found to produce better-quality milk for their babies. Negative emotions increase the risk of developing post-pregnancy depression. This affects how a mother bonds and cares for her newborn. The best way to ward off this negativity is to preserve your health and beauty.

First, follow a healthy diet under the specifications of your doctor. Do not assume that the diet your other pregnant friend follows is right for you. Your health and beauty needs are unique. You may have deficiencies or skin care needs, which your friend's diet cannot address. Second, take supplements and vitamins according to your doctor's instructions. Never take drugs or any form of medicine without your doctor's approval. It may have adverse effects on your baby. Third, exercise lightly to avoid gaining excess weight. Expectant mothers normally gain 15-20 pounds; anything higher than that can give you a difficult delivery. Fourth, get adequate sleep and rest. Nothing is more stressful than sleepless nights because of hormones and restlessness. Make up for lost sleep during the day; your body tells you when it needs some shut-eye.

Of course, a pregnant woman's health and beauty are not limited to her physical needs. Her emotional and psychological well-being are just as important. You know that nothing boosts your confidence than being thought of and complimented as beautiful. You can easily get that goddess feeling again through modern maternity fashion. Take all those loose, tent-like dresses your mother-in-law lent you. Contemporary maternity designers are coming out with new designs that showcase your pregnant body rather than hiding it. Take advantage of your fuller cleavage and wear lower necklines. Show off your pregnant belly in stretch tops that hug your curves in solid colors. Avoid hiding in busy prints and opt for simple, understated accents and accessories. Change your hairstyle -- pregnancy is a perfect excuse to try the new pixie cut. Keep your posture straight and your feet pretty in fun flats and funky mules.

Health and beauty are essentials for a pregnant woman. Take care of yours to be better-equipped in caring for your baby. Treat your pregnancy as your time to shine with natural health and beauty. Staying healthy and beautiful during pregnancy is not only easy; it is the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby.

For more valuable information on Health and Beauty, please visit http://www.eknowitall.com



Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Skin Care Secrets - For a Perfect Beauty

by Chileshe Mwape

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, just like your heart or your kidney. Its job is to protect your insides so it is important for it to be healthy. If you eat a healthy diet, drink lots of water, keep it clean, and protect it from the sun, your skin will stay healthy all your life.

A skin care program is the combination of skin care products and a routine that will be most beneficial to the skin. You will first need to consider your diet and type of life-style since these two factors play an important role in the health of a person's skin.

Diet - Eat Well

What you put into your body has a huge effect on how the outside looks and feels. Eating healthy foods is important. Remember to feed and nourish your skin by eating the proper foods. Give your skin a drink too. Eight glasses of are essential to maintaining your skin's elasticity and suppleness, say experts. The water you choose can be sparkling water, mineral or straight from the tap. You still can't beat the old fruit and vegetable diet when it comes to good health and a good complexion.

Hygiene - Keep your skin clean.

You need to give some thought and consideration to the type of makeup you use. And be sure to clean your tools regularly. Things such as cosmetic brushes get dirty and can carry bacteria and germs and may cause skin irritations and breaking out. A good way is to soak brushes for about 10 minutes in a dish of warm, soapy water using mild liquid detergent or baby shampoo. Rinse and blot excess moisture with a towel and stand the brushes, handle end down, in a tall glass until they are thoroughly dry.

Keep environmental pollutants from being absorbed into the skin with a good moisturizer that also acts as a skin barrier. Check the labels for those with added Vitamin A, C and E, which help block the penetration of pollutants.

Exercise - keep fit

A good exercise program such as aerobics can activate and rejuvenate the skin and improve circulation and blood flow. Also, body sweat triggers production of sebum, which is the skin's own natural moisturizer.

Sleep - get an adequate amount of quality sleep

Be sure to get enough sleep. An adequate amount of quality sleep can help recharge and rejuvenate the body, making it more resilient. Lack of sleep can lead to tired lifeless skin and circles under the eyes. To avoid morning eye or facial puffiness, sleep on your back so fluid doesn't collect there. And, you can keep the oil from your hair away from your face by wearing a head covering or a soft headband when you go to bed.

De-Stress - Relax Get serious about stress reduction. Skin conditions such as acne appear on many people who are stressed out, and chronic skin conditions then to get worse. Set aside quiet time to meditate or daydream. Breathing exercises are excellent for reducing stress. And keep in mind that too much stress can affect your overall health as well as your complexion. A more detailed version of this article is available at: http://hair-removal-tips.blogspot.com/

Copyright © 2005. Chileshe Mwape writes for The Pregnancy Guide website at: http://www.pregnancyguide.org.uk/ and he's also a regular contributor to the Cosmetic Surgery Guide blog at: http://cosmetic-n-plastic-surgery.blogspot.com/ This article may be reprinted as long as all the above links are active and clickable.



Sunday, November 19, 2006

Natural Ways To Perfect Beauty

by Pascal E. Erdmann

Wrinkles. Aged skin. Grey hair. We all cringe at the thought of getting older, even though we know that it is inevitable. If only we had the opportunity to slow down time, and perhaps look better in the process. Fortunately, studies have proven that there are natural ways to gain just a few more years of youth. We no longer have to spend thousands of dollars on risky plastic surgery that may make us look even more aged.

One of the most popular ways to slow down aging is to eat a healthy diet. Though this may sound like common sense, many people do not realize how much of an impact it can have on your skin. By eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables which are high in nutrients and consuming a large amount of water a day, chances are you will look rejuvenated. Looking to decrease your age even more? Exercise will also play a significant role in how you feel. It not only makes you have more energy, but it additionally keeps you toned and young.

While we love to tan and sunbathe, this can also be a large factor that determines our appearance. It is absolutely crucial that you not only limit your sun intake, but that you also protect yourself. For instance, if you go to the beach, make sure you have sun screen with an SPF of 15 of more at all times. If you do not, your skin will start to develop sun spots, as well as wrinkles and perhaps cancer. Is it really worth acquiring so many flaws, just to look perfect? For most people, it just is too dangerous.

Other possible natural ways to slow down aging is to consume natural supplements. Noni Juice, a 100% fruit product that is derived from the Pacific Islands, actually keeps your skin looking fresh. Surprisingly, it also helps with joint pain, cellular growth, and energy. With such a selection of benefits, it is clear why thousands of people are picking Noni Juice to help with aging. After all, why not try something that is risk free and natural? The opportunities are endless.

Stress also plays a huge role in how we look and feel. For this reason, getting at least seven hours of sleep a day is vital to your health. Still not seeing the results? If you have a fast paced life, it is important that you try your best to schedule some stress relieving time. For instance, taking a walk during your free time or having a hobby is a great way to reduce the tension. This alone will naturally relieve any stress within your body and face. In return, you will feel replenished and rejuvenated!

Regardless of how beautiful and perfect we look, chances are we are dying to look more youthful. The beauty about natural techniques to slow down aging is that they are safe and easy. Plastic surgery is not only dangerous, but it also is extremely pricey. As a result, we end up with holes in our wallets and are probably unhappy with the results. Fortunately, Noni Juice, sleep and exercise are three methods that may actually stop the hands on your clock. It's certainly time to stop the ticking.

The autor Pascal Erdmann is the owner of Natures Products Ltd a manufacturer and distributor of natural remedies like Noni juice. Website at Noni New Zealand



Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Anti-Aging Skin Care 8 Great Tips

By Patricia Venables

Do we all want to look younger? Of course we do! Once it was just the rich and famous who spent money on anti-aging products, but now we all care enough about our appearance to make anti-aging skin care a part of our daily routine.

So what can we keep our skin looking younger? There is no magic anti-aging formula, but a disciplined approach and a good regular anti-aging skin care routine will soon produce results.

Of course there are the more drastic solutions to anti-aging like cosmetic surgery and the now very popular Botox injections. This chemical causes a temporary “freezing” of grooves and wrinkles on the face but has to be repeated at regular intervals.

So, if you are wary of going to these extremes, what is available, and what can you do on a day to day basis?

Here are eight sensible anti-aging tips for looking after your skin:

1) The first step for anti-aging skin care is to drink lots of water. A good recommendation is to drink eight glasses a day. This will be difficult to start with, but will become easier! Persevere! Drinking enough water make a huge difference to very dry skin in particular.

2) Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables. The current guidelines tell us to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Avoid sugar and sugar based foods. Keep these as special treats!

3) Aim to cut down on stress, and lead a calm existence, not easy in the modern world! When you are stressed your body produces chemicals that can cause illness and skin problems. Relaxation is the key. Find your favourite way to relax. For some this may be a simple warm bath, or a massage. For others physical activity does the trick. Also try to ensure you get a good night’s sleep.

4) Make regular exercise a part of your anti-aging routine. Vigorous exercise at least three times a week will improve circulation, and this will soon show in improved skin tone and clarity.

5) Avoid the sun! We all want to display a healthy looking tan, but UV damage is the major cause of skin aging , wrinkles, and skin cancer. Make sure you always have adequate sun protection, and use a daily facial moisturising cream that contains UV protection. Many make up products now also contain anti-aging sun protection ingredients.

6) Stop smoking! Nicotine is death to good skin, and smoking will reverse your anti-aging skin care routine quicker than anything else. Keep your alcohol consumption within safe limits. It is generally accepted that an occasional glass of red wine is an excellent anti-aging antioxidant, but excessive drinking will make your liver less efficient in getting rid of toxins from your body.

7) Choose your skin care products carefully. Everyone’s skin is different, so try several anti-aging products to see which works best for you. These products don’t have to be expensive. Regular and disciplined use is what matters. There is no point in buying the most expensive face cream on the market, using it once a week, and expecting it to work miracles! It won’t!

8) Don’t lose too much weight. As we get older, we lose weight from our faces first, and excessive dieting can leave our faces gaunt and our skin saggy and wrinkled. A famous actress once said that when a woman gets to a certain age, she has to choose between her face and her behind! She chose her face, and while she now could not be considered slim, her face is sensational!

Using these guidelines to work towards a good anti-aging skin care regime, and you will soon see the benefits. We cannot stop the ravages of aging but we can delay them a little!

Pat Venables is a qualified beautician and Healthcare professional specialising in nutrition and skincare. She also has interests in home business enterprises,and advises on public speaking. Be sure to visit http://www.antiageinginformation.com and http://www.bestlittlebusiness.com She has also just set up a discussion forum http://www.whyzit.com



Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What Is Anti-Aging Skin Care Treatment?

by Burt Cotton

Do you know the secret behind that ever glowing skin of Madonna? Do you know the reason behind those perennial seduction charms of Sharon Stone? Well, it is certainly not the magic. So what is it-- that makes these women so ravishing even in their 40's and 50's? Well, the answer is simple; it is all about the magic of anti-aging skin care treatments offered by the modern science. An effective skin care treatment can make those wrinkles and fine lines, a matter of the past. So let us take a closer look at this concept of anti-aging skin care treatments.

Aging is a natural phenomenon. The aging reveals its symptoms in the form of wrinkles on your face. Some of the first aging signs generally become visible in the age of 30s or 40s as the collagen molecules present in the skin start to break down. This makes the skin look old and along with the creation of unwanted wrinkles and lines on the face. It is impossible to reverse the aging process, but we can for sure reduce its effects. Antiaging skin care treatment deals exactly with the latter part of the above statement. It can reduce the prominence of aging symptoms to a substantial level and diminishes the evident aging effects on the skin.

Today, there are many different antiaging skin care treatments available in the cosmetics world. The ant-aging experts say that if you really wish to outrun the aging effects, you should start using the anti-aging skin care treatments at an early stage. The reason is that if you will keep your skin healthy and free from aging effects at an earlier age, you will get the better results. And above all, anti-aging treatment is all about delaying the aging effect as long as possible. So the basic idea is not to ignore the appearance of wrinkles on the face, instead its time you start caring about your skin to reduce their prominence. Ignoring the wrinkles is the worst possible step at this stage.

You must be wondering, what is this anti-aging skin care treatment all about? Well, the answer is right here. A good quality anti-aging treatment contains the application of vital vitamins and nutrients as these help the skin cells to rejuvenate and revitalize themselves. A majority of anti-aging treatments employ the usage of retinol, a type of Vitamin A, as their basic component. Moreover, these treatments contain all the essential components that have been proven to have a significant reviving effect on aging skin. Other types of antiaging skin care treatments bring in use various chemicals and vitamins to recover the vanished look of the aging skin.

The anti-aging creams contain collagen molecules that work to reduce the aging effect. But these molecules are constituted partially as they are too big for the skin to imbibe them at once. On the other hand, some advanced anti-aging skin care treatments include a unique system of infusing collagen in the skin. Through this treatment, you can get back all the collagen molecules back into your skin. This makes the antiaging skin care treatments more effective than the anti-aging creams. The anti-aging skin care treatments can give you healthy and rejuvenated glow by removing the lines and wrinkles in a much effective way.

Considering some other useful anti-aging alternatives, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion and hydroderm are some of the excellent examples of anti-aging skin care treatments. Dermabrasion is the oldest known German technique successfully used to remove skin abrasions and tattoos. You can easily avail it from your local chemist shop. Moreover, you can also have laser Dermabrasion from a dermatologist in a local hospital.

Microdermabrasion is an anti-aging treatment utilizing a fine mist of crystals. You can get a smooth skin, free of all dead layers of skin after this treatment. Microdermabrasion can cure age spots, wrinkles, sun-damaged skin and fine lines. It is one of the best solutions for all types of aging skin problems.

Considering all these aspects and benefits of anti-aging skin care treatments, there is no better and durable way to look beautiful despite the growing age. Try the anti-aging skin care treatments and flaunt your beautiful skin.

Burt Cotton http://www.anti-aging-natural-supplements.org



Monday, November 06, 2006

Antiaging Skin Care Product

by R. Drysdale

What do you want from an antiaging skin care product? There are as many products to choose from as there are skin problems to deal with, so before you buy, know what you need. Do you want to prevent your skin from damage so you will look young for longer, or do you want to turn back the clock on skin damage. Perhaps you are just looking for something to temporarily hide shadows, spots and wrinkles, or you may be looking for a product that will help you keep your skin healthy and comfortable.

If you are interested in covering up the telltale wrinkles, age spots, and shadows under the eyes that accumulate as the years pass, you need only consult a cosmetician and choose from the many products available. Good products and makeup techniques make it possible to cover almost any flaw so that you can face the world with confidence. But if you really want to look younger, consider buying an antiaging skin care product that will have a lasting positive effect on your skin. It's money well spent.

An antiaging skin care product that protects the skin from damage and therefore slows the signs of aging is likely to contain a sunscreen. The sun's rays are the most damaging environmental force for skin, so blocking harmful sunlight before it acts on skin cells is the most effective form of skin protection. Other things, such as wind and air pollution also harm the skin - a good nongreasy skin cream will provide a protective layer between your skin cells and the outside world. It's important to look after your skin after exposure has occurred as well - after a day on the beach, the water, or the ski hill, apply a good vitamin enriched skin cream to restore moisture and sooth any irritation.

A vitamin and mineral enriched antiaging skin care product will actually repair cell damage and restore health to skin cells. People have long recognized the helpful effects of Vitamin E application to the skin, but recent evidence identifies Vitamin C as another antiaging vitamin. Vitamins A and D are also incorporated into quality skin creams, and the minerals zinc, selenium, and copper are being used as well. These vitamins and minerals collectively restore keratin structure, collagen and elasticity to the skin, smooth out age spots, and remove damaging products of cell metabolism. Some antiaging skin care products contain estrogen, a hormone that has a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

While topical anti aging creams and lotions do help the skin look younger, many people are interested in improving skin health from within - by eating healthy foods, taking anti aging supplements and maintaining a healthy exercise routine. It just makes sense that, since the body builds and maintains the skin in the first place, excellent physical health should result in healthy skin. Again, vitamins and minerals are important, as are healthy fats, and other components of a healthy diet. While a vitamin supplement specifically designed as an antiaging skin care product is hard to find, any anti aging vitamin formula will have the effect of improving skin health as it improves general health.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. You can learn more about antiaging skin care products on the AntiAging Information site.



Thursday, November 02, 2006

Antiaging Skin Care Treatment Information

by Ryan Cote

Your individual genetics determine how quickly your skin ages and show signs of aging. Signs of aging skin include fine wrinkles, dry and itchy skin, thinness and transparency of skin and the inability to sweat enough to cool the surface of the skin. There are two types of aging, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic aging is determined by your genes and is also referred to as the natural aging process. Extrinsic aging is external and is caused by the presence of various environmental factors.

Intrinsic aging factors are inevitable since they are defined by heredity so there is no way to change their natural course. However, extrinsic aging factors can be controlled by your behaviors and habits so as to slow down the aging process and prevent signs of premature aging. Sun exposure, facial expressions, cigarette smoking and even sleeping positions can cause your skin to age and form wrinkles. Gravity also plays a part in aging skin because of its constant pull on our bodies, coupled with the inevitable decline in elasticity in your skin in your 50's, causing effects such as droopy eyelids and jowls.

There are several ways to help aging skin with antiaging skin care treatment. Avoiding the sun and artificial tanning can help to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Gentle cleansing twice a day and using a moisturizer with a sunscreen of SPF 15 or better can block harmful ultraviolet rays from damaging your skin. Avoiding or quitting cigarettes can halt the biological changes caused by smoking and improve the appearance of your skin. Resting your face on your pillow the same way for years can lead to wrinkles, so changing your position can reduce the likelihood of such fine lines that can be etched into the skin over time.

Finally, healthy living overall is a key factor in slowing down the aging process of your skin. Drinking six to eight glasses of water per day, regular exercise, proper sleep habits and a well-balanced diet will reflect on your skin and slow down the extrinsic aging process. It is also important to take vitamin supplements that contain Vitamin A, B and E to maintain the well-being of your skin and body health.

Aging is inevitable but with the right habits, you can make your skin look its very best at any age.

For more information on antiaging skin care treatment, please visit: http://www.FreeSkinCareInformation.com