Monday, October 23, 2006

Natural Antiaging Skincares

by Bell Samantha

Nothing has been more better pursued by people than antiaging methods. Since it is such a heart subject it involves a lot of mystique and unfounded beliefs. Sometimes myths are better looked at and believed than the naked truth because they are more popular since they are usually spread by word of mouth, and they come from tradition. There are some natural antiaging skincares that are traditional.

The best way today to keep fit and healthy is exercise. With the age the body metabolism slows down, and same slows down the blood circulation, the body oxygenation. Exercise keeps the body going and with it increases the blood circulation to all of the parts of the body including the skin. Good exercise provides good blood circulation, this provides adequate oxygenation to the skin making it supple and radiant.

Probably everyone knows the term - beauty sleep. People say that if you sleep four hours before midnight you will not get wrinkles for a long time. And the true is that sleep plays a major role in the way your skin looks. Research has proved beyond any doubts that good sleep does really affect the skin cells life circle and elasticity. Getting regular sufficient sleep is one the best antiaging skincares you will ever get at absolutely no cost.

The human body's composition is mostly made of water. Hence if there is a depletion of water many complications set in, aging of skin being one of the most minor of them, though one of the most visible. One of the best antiaging skincares that are affordable and within everyone's reach is drinking plenty of water, that's definitely.

There are also a number of herbal and natural cosmetic products today that are freely available on the market which make exceptionally good antiaging skincares aids. Here's are some examples: there is the sun block which prevents the damage of skin due to sun burn and UV rays, there is the lipstick which keeps your lips moisturized and protected from sun, there is the moisturizer which will keep the skin supplied with the water it needs, and the list goes on.

The true is that you cannot stop aging, but you can definitely slow it down if you are willing to regulate your habits in your life and observe a few ground rules for your skin care on a daily basis. Antiaging skincare does not need to be something extraordinarily expensive or complicated.

If you respect nature, believe me, it has it's way of saying 'thanks' to you and your skin. So choose natural antiaging skincares first and you'll be rewarded.

Bell Samantha writes for where you can find out more about wrinkle creams and other topics.



Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Antiaging Skin Care

by R. Drysdale

The foundation of antiaging skin care is to protect your skin from damage as the years go by, specifically to protect it from exposure to the sun. This is very difficult for several reasons: most of us have a lot of exposure to the sun when we are small children and, in Western culture, it is both fashionable to have a suntan and a popular form of recreation to lounge in the sun on a summer day.

It's a strange contradiction that we tend to spend a lot of time in the sun, causing premature damage to the skin, and then go to great lengths to obtain antiaging skin care treatment to reverse the damage done. By the time we are adults, we have already sustained a lot of damage to the skin, even though we are not seeing it yet. Sun damage is cumulative over the years, and doesn't show up until later in life. Antiaging skin care, then, should start when we are very young - skin should be protected with sunscreens and sun blocks whenever we are out in the sun.

Sunlight contains various wavelengths of light ranging from infrared through visible light and into the ultraviolet range. It is the ultraviolet rays of the sun that do the majority of damage to the skin. Ultraviolet sunlight is typically dived into UV-A and UV-B rays. UV-A penetrates to deeper layers of skin and stimulates tanning, but does not burn the skin as readily, while UV-B has more superficial penetration but causes more sunburn. Both types have been implicated in cell damage and malignancies of the skin, therefore exposure to both the sun and to the UV light in tanning beds will require some level of antiaging skin care treatment.

Skin tone is created by the pigment melanin, produced by cells deep in the skin. Melanin actually protects the skin from sun damage like a naturally produced sunscreen and this is why the skin produces more melanin, turning brown, in response to exposure to sunlight. Some people have more natural melanin in the skin than others, resulting in darker skin, and these people, not surprisingly, appear to have a lower incidence of skin cancers than light skinned people. It's not good logic however, to tan in order to produce more melanin and protect your skin from sunlight - while you are acquiring that tan, the UV rays are doing damage to your skin cells. An antiaging skin care treatment that protects your skin from sun damage is a much better approach.

In today's world of increased life spans and abundant leisure time, it's hard to achieve a balance between perfecting a healthy lifestyle, following the fashion trends and enjoying the pleasures of outdoor life: there's a trade-off to be made between having that glowing tan and having younger looking skin. Hard as it is to accept, the best antiaging skin care treatment is to stay out of the sun. Period.

R. Drysdale is a freelance writer with more than 25 years experience as a health care professional. You can learn more about anti aging skin care on the AntiAging Information site.



Friday, October 13, 2006

Antiaging Skin Care Treatment

by Adam Henley

There are many products on the market today that deal with the aging of the human body. Many of these products are cosmetic in nature. These cosmetic or temporary solutions include the dying of the hair or the wearing of makeup to smooth over those facial features associated with age.

However, the fight against the natural aging process needs to go deeper than just addressing the symptoms of aging. The obvious level of treatment is the human skin which shows the effects of aging. These effects include the wrinkling and drooping of the skin

One effective method of going beyond the treatment of the symptoms and addressing the needs of the skin is an antiaging skin care treatment. To take simple steps affiliated with a antiaging skin care treatment routine, it may be beneficial to understand the aging process of the skin.

Aging Skin

To fully understand the need for antiaging skin care treatments it is important to understand two key components. The first component is the importance of the skin and its relationship to the body. Secondly, how the aging process affects the skin.

The largest organ of the human body is the human skin. The importance of the skin is in the functions that it provides. Two of these important functions include the skin's ability to be the first line of defense in warding off illness. Also, an important function of the skin is the cooling of the body through sweating. The perspiration process allows the human body to maintain its 98.6° temperature.

As we grow older, the skin becomes less supple and elastic. This condition results from the body producing less collagen. This loss of elasticity results in the wrinkling and sagging of the skin.

Other aging symptoms demonstrated by the skin include the appearance of blemishes, "age spots" and warts. In addition, women who have experienced menopause have associated dryness of the skin. This dryness is due to the fact that the skin generates less oil and therefore a decrease in the skin's moisture. Also, as we grow older the skin's ability to perspire is lessened. This decrease in the skin's ability to perspire puts the older individual at risk for heat stroke.

Anti Aging Skin Care Treatment

Some practical steps that can be taken as part of an antiaging skin care treatment includes limiting your exposure to the sun. If, however, your exposure cannot be limited, it is important to apply a quality sunscreen to exposed areas of the skin whenever exposed to sunlight. Another preventative measure, when outdoors, would be the wearing of protective clothing and head cover.

Also, nutrition plays an important part in maintaining the health of the skin and as part of an antiaging skin care treatment. Great care should be taken to keep the body hydrated through adequate amounts of water and a proper diet of fruits and vegetables that will help to stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the element of the body that contributes to the elasticity of the skin.

Another antiaging skin care treatment suggestion is to keep the skin properly moisturized. This moisture is can be accomplished by applying lotions that contain ingredients that help to exfoliating the skin. Exfoliating is a process that aids in the removal of dead skin from the body. This removal helps keep the pores of the skin unobstructed and helps in maintaining the health of the skin. This simulation of the skin, through exfoliating, also helps to reproduce and encourage new cell growth.

Written and Published by Adam Henley. For more on Anti Aging Skin Care. For more on Anti Aging. For more on Antiaging Skin Care Treatment.



Saturday, October 07, 2006

Women's skin ages faster than men's

It may seem that women make much ado about nothing at the first signs of wrinkles, but they do have reasons to get paranoid, as a research has demonstrated that women's skin ages faster than men's.

Researchers have now devised the first non-invasive test to measure skin aging. This new laser-based technique images the fabric of the deeper layers of the skin, combining methods for imaging collagen and elastin, whose degeneration causes the appearance of wrinkles and the progressive loss of skin smoothness.

The technique measures relative amounts of collagen and elastin by a single factor, which can be positive or negative, like temperatures. Higher values of the factor correspond to higher collagen content, and to lower elastin content. Previously, each of the imaging techniques had only been tested on tissue extracted from live patients.

In the new paper, researchers at Friedrich Schiller University, in Jena, Germany, at the Fraunhofer Institute of Biomedical Technology, in St. Ingbert, Germany, and at JenLab GmbH, a Jena-based laser technology company, tested the technique directly on the forearms of 18 patients, measuring the collagen/elastin factor.

Large variations appeared from patient to patient, and even from one part of a patient's forearm to another. "In a healthy 35-year-old, some areas can appear like the skin of a 25-year-old, and others like that of someone who's 50," said Johannes Koehler, a dermatologist at Friedrich Schiller University and a coauthor of the Optics Letters paper.




Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Why You Need Anti Aging Skin Care Products

By: Tony Jacowski

As people grow older they become more conscious of the way they look, which has led to the popularization of anti aging skin care products. Anti aging skin care products are the best way for people to hide their real age.

One of the best ingredients for anti aging skin care products is vitamin C, while these products are expensive they are highly effective. Vitamin C has been shown through clinical studies to penetrate the skin faster than all other products which helps start the skins collagen synthesis process. In addition, vitamin C is an excellent anti oxidant since when exposed to the air it evaporates easily. Since vitamin C evaporates so easily make skin care products often have other ingredients. There are also skin care products that contain derivatives of vitamin C, however these are less effective than skin care products that contain regular vitamin C.

Other anti aging skin care products contain B vitamin ingredients such as B5, B6 and B12. In addition, to anti aging B vitamins will help you prevent dermatitis and hair loss. B vitamins are also helpful in reducing stress and depression. Acne, eczema and psoriasis has also been helped by those who take B vitamins.

Although there is still another anti oxidant option which is vitamin E. Vitamin E is found in our blood and is a fat soluble vitamin that helps the body fight against viruses. To overturn the aging process and reverse damage to the skin liponic acid can also help.

You also have the option of anti aging skin care products that contain chemicals found in plants. Many of these chemicals are derived from fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes which have always been good for the skin. Anti aging products that contain phytochemicals are often effective and there are a variety of these chemicals in the anti aging industry. Phytochemicals also have the added benefit of helping the body prevent various cancers such as prostate, colon and breast cancers.

It is a lot of work to put up a business that produces anti aging skin care products. A company needs to do thorough research in order to develop the best possible products for their consumers. Even when a good product is found, manufacturers will often continue to research new products. This is because consumers are always looking for better products that will give them better results, this can often be challenge for the skin care company.

Although if you want good skin the best thing you can do is help it the natural way. The natural way includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, a good sleep cycle and trying not to overstress your body. By incorporating these natural ways into your life your anti aging skin care products will be more effective.

Tony Jacowski is the writer of Anti Aging Skin Care Products. He also writes on beauty tips and skin care.



Monday, October 02, 2006

Want Youthful Skin? Anti-Aging And Anti-Wrinkle Solutions

by Gary Tooth

It's often said that beauty is wasted on the young. I never understood this until I hit my early 40's, which is when the first major signs of aging became apparent. You know the kind of thing, a neck that begins to wobble just under the chin and those lines on the forehead and around the eyes that are slow to shallow after a facial expression. These are the first signs of aging.

I understand now why getting older is such an unpleasant experience (visually), and why so many of us are slow to accept it as a natural part of being. When we're young, that's all we know, so we have nothing to compare our youth to. Young people don't appreciate taught skin, lineless faces, and thick crops of hair, because that's just the way it's always been. When we're old of course, we can compare how we are now with how we used to be, and it's this yearning for our youthful good looks which make us rebel against the aging process. The anti-aging and anti-wrinkle entrepreneurs of the 21st century have made their fortunes out of folks just like me.

Unless there's a miracle cure for the appearance of aging, then there will never be a shortage of cosmetic products dominating the ground floors of department stores and salons. But is beauty or youthful looks really only skin deep or does physical appearance really have an influence on our daily lives. I can't speak for every town in every state, but where I come from you would rarely find a receptionist over weight and over 35 in most of the high street office buildings down town. I have had personal experience of having numerous job rejections and ignored job applications at just 41 years of age. As an experiment, I applied for a bunch of jobs I had no interest in and put my age down as 28. Of those 10 applications I got 2 rejections and 8 invitations for interviews.

Okay, so there comes a point where we have to accept those things we cannot change and just focus on the ones we can. As far as aging is concerned, we can't reverse the process but we can and should take great pride in our appearance, and look as good as we possibly can for our age. There are plenty of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle lotions, creams, and potions