Friday, June 30, 2006

Evie's Skin Care Tip: great moisturizer

For a great moisturizer try olive oil: this healthy fat is good for you, and is great for your skin. You can also use it to soothe sunburned skin.



Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Useful Skin Care Tips

Author: Isabel Rodrigues

Skin care tips you should know

• Sun Protection: Sun plays a major role to deteriorate your skin. You need to protect your skin from the sun in order to prevent the aging of your skin. The sun is largely responsible for wrinkles, dry skin, and blotchy pigmentation; thinning of skin, skin texture, skin dullness, thinning of skin and some other sun related diseases that can make your skin look older.
• Avoid Smoking: This tip is mostly for men as large population of the people into smoking are men. Smoking is directly responsible for yellow and wrinkled skin. Many scientist have suggested that nicotine present in the cigarette has the same influence on elastin as sunlight.
• Maintain your fitness: With age its quite possible that extra weight can accumulate under the skin, neck or cheeks giving the skin an older look. In order to improve the appearance of your skin you need to have a balanced diet and exercise regularly. You need to have at least eight to ten glasses of water everyday.
• Smile can do wonders: Your face tends to conform to the position or expression that you carry most of the time. If you often frown or get angry your skin is more likely to develop wrinkles between the eyes, lines at the corner of your mouth or other lines that add your frowning expression. In order to avoid such a phase all you have to do is just smile. A Smile can do wonders for your skin and help keep you looking younger.
• Skin Care: Taking care of your skin is very important. You need to wash your face immediately after you had an outing in the sun. Scrubbing your skin dry can help you get rid of the dead cells which could lead to rough skin.
• Sleeping positions: Sleeping on your face can cause sleep wrinkles. Also avoid sleeping in one position for the major part of the night as this could crease your skin. You need to have at least 8 hours sleep everyday.

Isabella Rodrigues writes for,
offering the latest information on skin care, visit them today for more information
on skin care products.



Monday, June 26, 2006

Natural Treatment for Serious Skin Care

Author: Scott Baker

Believe it or not, your skin is the biggest organ of the human body. The principle purpose of your skin is to protect your body from foreign agents. The skin is the first line of defense against disease and infection. It is also the skin that gives us protection against the sun.

However, it is also the skin that first betrays the effects of aging. Skin ailments such as psoriasis or dermatitis can be irritating and make our lives miserable. While we never needed things like wrinkle creams or moisturizers when we were younger and our skin more resilient, the fact is that some degree of skin care is inevitable as we age.

But skin care treatment is also necessary because of factors unrelated to our aging skin. Dry skin is caused by a number of conditions and therefore its treatment options will depend on the actual cause. Here are some causes of dry skin:

Medication Side Effects

As a society, we have increasingly become dependent on medication for things like high blood pressure, tension headaches, and even depression. Skin care treatment for dryness may very well be necessary due to some side effect of your medication for a completely unrelated condition. For this reason, you always want to monitor any potential skin irritation immediately after starting any new medication. If you already have dry skin and can't remember whether or not it was a problem before starting your medication, you may need to consult with your physician and discuss an alternative medication in order to rule out side effects as the cause of your dry skin.

Poor Nutrition

Skin care problems are often the result of poor nutrition. Our bodies require a delicate balance of nutrients in order to keep everything functioning properly,
especially the skin. Vegetarians and vegans often run into dry skin issues as a result of not consuming enough animal fats in their diet. A vitamin B12 deficiency will cause your oil glands (sebaceous glands) to function improperly, generally leading to acne.

Basically, any attempt to address a skin care issue (be it oily, dry, or even itchy skin) should begin with a close look at diet. Dermatologists can best assess potential diet-related skin care problems and recommend corrective measures to naturally restore skin vitality. However, here are some foods to avoid where possible in order to keep your skin as healthy as possible:

· fried foods (chicken, French fries)
· processed sugars
· caffeine, coffee, tea, soft drinks
· high fat dairy products like milk or cheese (consuming low fat varieties of milk and cheese may not be great, but they are better for your skin!)

Now the best thing that you can ingest for improved skin care is water. That's right, water. Water naturally removes toxins from your body-so the more you drink of it, the purer your body will be. Drinking lots of water is especially good for people with acne problems and it will also help reduce the onset of wrinkles.

Skin Care Problems Due to Sebaceous Gland Problems

If you have ever been to a dermatologist because of acne problems then you are probably very familiar with sebaceous glands. Because the skin needs to be lubricated, it is covered with oil secreting glands known as sebaceous glands. If these glands become clogged with dirt, then bacteria begin growing inside and a pimple is the result. However, sebaceous glands can either become clogged and dry skin is caused or they can produce too much and cause oily skin. More often than not, problems with the sebaceous glands are due to poor diet and can usually be corrected rather easily.

Skin Care Problems Due to Diabetes

Believe it or not, even diabetes can cause you serious skin care problems. A person with diabetes has trouble regulating the blood sugar levels. When there is an excess of blood sugar in the body, the excess must be absorbed. To do this, the body uses a lot more water than normal and that can lead to dry skin.

Skin Care Treatment for Dryness

While diet must always be part of any skin care treatment regimen, it is just a simple fact that our bodies will need more help as we age. For this reason, a moisturizer of some sort will ultimately be needed. To this end, it is HIGHLY recommended that you use a natural skin moisturizer.

Moisturizers using natural ingredients are far less likely to cause the irritating side effects mentioned earlier. Synthetic ingredients are often less expensive to use in moisturizers but they are not the best skin care option because the body is less receptive to them. Natural ingredients, on average, cause fewer side effects and are therefore better where skin moisturizers are concerned.

Skin Care for Wrinkles

Wrinkles are probably the biggest cause of all skin care treatments in the United States. As a person ages, the skin naturally becomes less elastic. As a result, fine lines begin to form on the face which ultimately become the wrinkles we hate so much. There are two main skin care strategies when it comes to wrinkles: affect the muscles that reveal the wrinkles or fill in the skin so the wrinkles are less noticeable. The first strategy involves Botox and the second Collagen injections.

Botox Skin Care

A person is actually having a strain of Botulism injected in their face when they opt for Botox skin care treatment. Botox actually interrupts the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles that reveal our wrinkles. It may sound radical, but these injections do actually reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the face for a significant period of time. Now these injections can be costly and they must be repeated-but they are generally affective.

Collagen Injection Skin Care

Many people have a serious misperception about collagen injections. The perception is that collagen is a form of fat that is injected into your face to fill in the lines caused by wrinkles. Actually, collagen is an effective form of skin care treatment for wrinkles not because it is fat-but because it is protein. In fact, collagen is a special protein that helps cells and blood vessels connect to one another. When this happens, the wrinkles fade because the collagen helps the skin to “rebuild” in areas where wrinkles form and actually fill in the lines. Again, collagen treatments tend to work but they also are expensive and need to be repeated.

Natural Anti-Wrinkle Creams

A cheaper, but slower, alternative to expensive skin care treatments for wrinkles is a simple cream. Anti-wrinkle creams work to rebuild the skin texture and helps with the elasticity over time. However, unlike Collagen or Botox injections, anti-wrinkle cream skin care treatment is only applied to the skin surface. This is why it takes so much longer. Still, an anti-wrinkle cream is a cost-effective and non-invasive treatment for wrinkles that does work if given enough time. Again, in order to reduce possible side effects, stick with creams that use natural ingredients as they will react better with your skin.

For a natural skin care product, try SkinSoSilky today to help manage any of your anti aging, acne, or dry skin care needs.

Scott Baker writes for Trusted Health Products, Inc who offers all natural heath products.



Thursday, June 22, 2006

How To Take Care Of Your Skin Correctly

Author: Joseph Camilleri

Skin Care
Your outer shell is the clearest indication of your inner health. The smoother and shinier your skin is, the healthier you will look. Taking care of your skin is easy and it only takes 10 – 15 minutes per day.

What you should know
Contrary to what most people believe, bacteria and dirt are not the main cause of problematic and blemish-prone skin. In fact the problem might be hereditary. The inability of your skin to shed old, dead skin cells allows dirt and bacteria to be trapped and this might be the cause of most of your blemishes. Also eating fatty foods such as pizza, chocolate and French-fries rarely effects your skin, however knowing this should not encourage such foods into your diet (as I believe you should know).

Skin and Sun
Another myth is that sun is not good for your skin. The latter statement would be true if there was the word excessive in the beginning. Sun is vital for the skin and believe it or not the sun delivers a vitamin that helps your skin’s elasticity, which will prevent it from cracks. Yes! You should avoid spending too much time in the sun but give your skin the chance to be exposed to natural light. Consult your dermatologist to buy a product that protects excessive UVA and UVB rays from damaging your skin, with an optimum SPF (sun protection factor) for your skin type especially if you are going to spend long hours in the sun.

Avoid over-washing
A common mistake within people with problematic skin is over-washing. This is due to the fact that they think that washing the skin more frequently will help to get rid of the bacteria that are causing blemishes. This is so not true. Limit washing to no more than two to three times a day. Apart from causing an increase in oil production, over-washing may lead to tear or irritate fragile skin and will aggravate problems. Limit the use of facial scrubs to 2 – 3 times a week. Facial scrubs usually carry high levels of isopropyl alcohol which tends to tear and irritate fragile skin, so limiting the use of abrasive scrubs will allow your skin enough time to produce new cells.

Damage cycle
Avoid squeezing blemishes because this only serves to force bacteria deeper into the skin causing inflammation and infection. Infections will make you itch and itching will worsen the problem. This will cause a damage cycle to your skin.

Oily habits
Wash your hands frequently and get out of the habits of touching your face or resting your chin on your hands as you read or think. The heat produced by your hands when in contact with your face will trigger the oil glands to produce more oil. Also your hands will produce sweat. Sweat and oil will clog the pores and produce perfect grounds for bacteria. If you need to touch your face for any reason use the ring finger which according to statistics is the least to come in contact with surfaces (in fact the ring finger-nail grows much faster that the other ones). Avoid stress which raises the levels of the hormone cortisone, which increases oil secretion.

Workout rules
Avoid wearing make-up while you exercise, also avoid wearing fitted clothing and hats. If you have long hair tie it up to avoid blocking the pores from perspiring.
Joe Camilleri writes about everything that can enhance the personal well being of a person. He also likes to write about personal image improvement and life etiquette. Get more information about health and fitness, wealth and success at



Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Evie's Tip: Cheap ways to do a mask

Take plain egg white, beat up the egg white, and then spread it on your face until dry about 20 minutes, rinse off with water. This leaves your face refreshed and helps clean the pores.

You can make masks of many things that are right in your kitchen, such as oatmeal. Grind it up. Mix it with some skimmed milk and let it dry. Rinse well. Milk can attract bacteria so you don't want to leave it on your face.



Friday, June 16, 2006

Take Care With Skin Care

By: Kirstine Pallette

Our skin is one of the parts of our bodies that we should have the most concern for. It is one of the things that is exposed not only to the people around us, but also to all of the harmful things found in our environment. Taking time to practice good skin care should be one of the things we do everyday.

Good skin care begins by knowing our own skin and by learning about ways to best take care of our skin. It will probably not take long for any of you to determine whether your skin is mostly dry, mostly oily, or a combination of the two. Skin care patterns will clearly look different based on what skin type you have. If you are unsure about your skin type, or even if you just want a second opinion, stop by any makeup counter at a local department store and ask for a skin diagnosis. Be careful, though, to not forget that these people are salesmen and women who will also want to get you to buy every skin care product in their line.

Don't let yourself make any huge skin care decisions just yet! Because of how valuable your skin is, you should take the time to research and learn about the best skin care products for you. Remember that just because a certain brand of skin care products works on your best friend, it doesn't mean the same products will be helpful for you. Certainly ask around and see what kinds of skin care treatments are working for other people, but ultimately settle on what works for you the best.

Good skin care is about much more than just using the right cleanser or moisturizer. Taking good care of your skin also requires that you protect it from one of the environment's most dangerous enemies of healthy skin: the sun! While we all need a certain amount of sun to stay healthy and happy, most people don't realize the amount of damage that the sun does to unprotected sun. Find a good makeup or moisturizer that contains an SPF of at least 15 and do not leave the house without it.

Another huge skin care tip that people might not realize is the benefit of drinking water everyday. Water is one of the best ways to purify our bodies and therefore to purify our skin. Grab a water bottle and drink it during the day. It is one of the very best things you can do for your skin.

Love yourself by taking care of your skin. It will be with you for a lifetime.

Kirstine Pallette is a consultant on many issues relating to health and beauty. She wants to inform people of simple ways to make their lives healthier. Learn more about skin care at



Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Anti Aging Skin Care Popular Methods

By Oliver Turner

While exploring the scope of anti-aging skin care treatment, the most commonly asked question is ‘What skin renovation medicines have so far proved to be effective’? Collecting right information regarding the anti aging treatments flooding the marketplace is the best strategy to adopt anti aging skin care techniques that suit your aging skin.

To regain your eternal beauty and to get back your youth, go with the anti aging skin care supplements. Anti aging cosmetic products can dramatically improve your look by nourishing you from inside. And that is a natural procedure. No need to go for a painful surgery. Anti aging skin care products can drastically change the way you look and can make you feel young. You can challenge the aging process with anti aging skin care medicines that provide life to your dry or oily skin. You can really stall the ageing process for a few more years with anti aging skin care treatments and enjoy the excitements of youthful life. Try to select anti aging products that will alleviate your rough and dry skin and provide sufficient hydration. Make sure that your anti aging skin products get promptly absorbed into your skin and produce immediate results. Check out whether your anti aging product is hypoallergenic and non-photo toxic. Be careful about damaging your skin instead of repairing it.

Anti aging supplements will rectify the health of your internal system as well as take proper care of your sensitive and wrinkle prone skin. Anti-aging skin care cosmetics usually contain active anti aging components that support the skin’s natural ability to remove free radicals, age spots, and chemical toxins that obstruct healthy skin, and improve your skin agility and elasticity. A good quality anti aging product can reduce skin drooping and wrinkling. Anti aging skin care supplements works in complete harmony with the body, supplying and balancing the necessary anti aging dietary requirements thus making your skin glow and look young for a long period of time.

We have made the most comprehensive research on the subject of anti aging skin care products. Find the results only on the antiaging cosmetic product research. Find more anti aging info on



Tuesday, June 13, 2006

An Anti-Aging Skin Cream, What To Look For?

by Tomas Labas

Today people can't go anywhere without seeing or hearing about the advancements made in the area of the anti-aging skin cream. The anti-aging skin creams are everywhere, and each one is supposed to be much more better than the others. Microscopic fibers, collagen, tea extracts, vitamins, minerals, and just about everything can be found in anti-aging skin cream. So what is it a person should really look for in an anti-aging cream?

People with more serious skin concerns may wish to take their skin treatments to another level. For many people, basic maintenance anti-aging skin cream isn't enough to deal with the wrinkles or skin damage they have accumulated through life. But again, be specific when looking for a more serious anti-aging skin cream. Some creams are made specifically for revitalizing the skin giving it a less dull look and feel, while others are made for particular parts of the body, like eye creams for dealing with those pesky crow's feet and hand creams for wrinkles on the hand. Even creams for dealing with the deeper wrinkles on the forehead are found on the market today. Be particular, and if all else fails check with a dermatologist for a professional opinion.

Not only is specificity a key in choosing an anti-aging skin cream, but so is the anti-aging skin cream's contents. Many creams claim to be made from only natural ingredients, touting how much healthier they are for a person. Don't be drawn in by this natural hype. Just because a cream is made from natural ingredients does not mean it is better. Each persons needs are individual, and some need more vitamins while others lack collagen in their skin, for reducing elasticity. Finding out what you need is important when choosing the contents of a cream.

Anyone concerned about their age, specifically the look of their skin, should find out exactly what it is they wish to treat. An anti-aging skin cream can have a huge range of uses and some treat specific skin problems, while others are made for more general use.

For those looking for a general anti-aging cream, look no further than your local pharmaceutical stores. Most stores carry a range of creams that help with skin care, and many of them very inexpensive. At the top of any list for general anti-aging skin care is your cleansers and moisturizers. Keeping clean and healthy skin, along with eliminating the possibility of dry skin can do wonders for a person. Dry skin can lead to cracking, and frequent cracking can eventually lead to permanent skin damage; something everyone should wish to avoid.

Antiaging Articles Discover some more of authors Antiaging Articles.



Monday, June 12, 2006

Summer Skin – Exfoliating for Smoother, Younger Skin

By Tammy Ames

Exfoliating is the first step to beautiful summer skin. As the sun gets warmer, you pull out the tank tops, shorts, skirts and sandals but then you realize that winter has been pretty tough on your skin. It doesn't do much good to whine about getting older or looking for jobs in better climates. (I know, I've tried!)

It's simply time to start using exfoliating soaps or body scrubs as part of your skin care routine. That glowing smooth skin of your younger days is really still there, it just needs a little push to shine again. Okay, so the word, exfoliation, sounds pretty painful and maybe even time consuming but it's not either of those things. Body scrubs and exfoliating soaps can be a great excuse for time to pamper yourself while you mentally plot out a fun!

How do you get summer ready skin by exfoliating?

Body scrubs and exfoliating soaps are a luscious way to smooth your skin all over! Exfoliating with a body scrub is actually a gentle way to remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and glowing. Depending on the type of body scrub and your type of skin, you can use a body scrub in the shower or bath at least once a week at home. Very popular at health spas, all over body scrubs do not have to be an expensive or time consuming skin treatment. We are taught that it is essential to exfoliate the face to unclog pores and even out skin tones but it’s just as important to clear away the surface of our whole bodies the same way.

Exfoliating Soaps - What exactly are they?

Exfoliating soaps contain ingredients that naturally scrub away that top layer of dead skin cells. Oatmeal, kaolin clay or finely ground pumice can be found in exfoliating soaps but make sure there are also moisture rich ingredients to nourish your newly exposed skin. Soaps that have shea butter, soybean oil, jojoba oil or cocoa butter blended in will give a great spa experience right at home.

Body Scrubs - Which works better?

Most body scrubs fall into two categories - salt scrubs and sugar body scrubs. Body scrubs can be applied by hand, of course but you can also use a loofah sponge and body brushes along with the body scrubs to help with the job of sloughing away that unwanted top layer of skin.

Salt scrubs boost the circulation to your skin and are coarser, with more exfoliating power than sugar-based scrubs. Sugar scrubs are perfect for sensitive skin because sugar is more gentle than salt. Both remove dead skin cells, slough away dirt and toxins while giving your skin a revitalized, healthy glow. An added benefit of sugar scrubs is the anti-aging properties of sugar. Because sugar produces glycolic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid that has been used for centuries to rejuvenate skin, sugar scrubs give your skin a younger glow and appearance naturally.

Exfoliating with a body scrub can be done dry or wet. If you have sensitive skin, avoid salt scrubs or dry bathing and start out your exfoliating routine at once a week.

Be careful - don't be too vigorous with the body brushes or loofah sponges to avoid irritated skin. It's often not the scrub itself that irritates but what we use when exfoliating or the frequency of using the scrub. Natural body scrubs often work fine without extra "tools of the trade" - simply using a clean bath cloth or your hands will do the job nicely!

If you have very dry or sensitive skin, remember to only use sugar scrubs applied to damp skin to avoid over-drying or irritating your skin. AND...don't forget to follow up your facial treatment or body polish routine with a moisturizer to match your skin type.

Now, Get ready for Summer

Tammy Ames is a registered nurse living in Maine. Tammy invites you to visit Home Spas by Tam – offering natural handmade skin care products including a luxurious home spa line.



Friday, June 09, 2006

Facial Skin Care According to Skin Types

By Natalie Aranda

Beauty and makeup tips are available everywhere – on newspapers and magazines, or on hundreds of beauty websites. The beauty of healthy and glowing skin, however, can not be replaced by any makeup techniques. The most important thing you can do is be responsible to your skin. Wash your face gently twice a day, don’t use harsh products unless medically necessary, and avoid the sun.

Besides daily simple skin care, facial skin care products are also essential to keeping your beauty and preventing aging and other skin problems. Before selecting the right skin treatment for you, it is necessary to determine your skin type. There are five main skin types and different facial skin care products for every one of them, depending on your skin type the skin treatment will vary. Normal skin, dry skin and oil skin are the three most common skin types.

Normal skin type does not feel or look dry or oily, and looks fresh, clean and comfortably smooth after washing. The pores of normal skin type are visible but not large or clogged although occasionally they may break out in spots. For normal type skin, a gentle foaming facial wash accompanied by mild massaging is enough for basic care. A set of facial skin care products, designed for this type of skin, are applied after washing your face. You may want to include a refreshing facial toner.

Dry skin has a papery and thin texture with fine pores. After washing, it feels extremely dry and tight though it practically does not break out in spots. But by mid-day, flaky patches may appear if you didn’t use a proper dry skin treatment. Dry skin needs special facial skin care products like creamy cleansers instead of soap. Dry skin care requires extra attention and efforts than normal skin. For instance, the cleanser must be left on the skin for several minutes before sweeping it away with cotton. Splashing cold water onto your face or using a thick cream moisturizer will be very helpful throughout the entire day.

Oily skin type looks and feels very greasy and its texture is coarse and thick with large and visible pores. Although it feels fine after washing it in the morning, the skin looks shiny and usually breaks out in spots by mid-day. Because the nature of oil skin, most facial skin care products, not especially designed for oily skin, are useless. A gentle foaming facial wash and an astringent lotion are basic for oil skin, along with a light oil-free moisturizer. Make sure to absorb the excess of the skin care products with a tissue to avoid the shiny appearance of your face. You only have one face, so baby it.

Natalie Aranda writes on beauty, health and skin care. Beauty and makeup tips are available everywhere – on newspapers and magazines, or on hundreds of beauty websites. The beauty of healthy and glowing skin, however, can not be replaced by any makeup techniques. Dry skin treatment requires extra attention and efforts than normal skin.



Thursday, June 08, 2006

Evie's Tips: Soaps

Don't use soap that's too alkaline; use oil soap, e.g.



Monday, June 05, 2006

Herbal Vitamins for a Healthier You

By Paul Ghossain

Herbal supplements and vitamin supplements are often interchanged. Most herbs contain some vitamins. Vitamins are usually either synthetic or derived from animals, herbs or fruit. From this close association, the concept for herbal vitamins emerged.

The need for vitamins

Since our bodies cannot manufacture or synthesize most of the identified vitamins, we must get vitamins from outside sources. When we use the phrase “herbal vitamins”, we are typically referring to vitamins that have been derived from herbs. Like any other vitamins, herbal vitamins are taken as either a dietary component or a dietary supplement.

What herbal vitamins do

Vitamins, whether derived from herbs or from another source, are essential to the proper functioning of the human body. Herbal vitamins can provide support to the human body in the forms of healthy growth, vitality and overall health.

However, don't fall for the belief that herbal vitamins can be a replacement for healthy food. In fact, most experts now believe that the body can't properly use even herbal vitamins without the other components that typically accompany these vitamins in healthy foods. That is why it is usually recommended that you take your herbal vitamins with a meal, one that is preferably healthy.

One of the main functions that these herbal vitamins are intended to assist in is the regulation of metabolism. They help in transforming fat and carbohydrates into a form that the cells can use. Also, vitamins are believed to aid in the proper formation of bones and tissue.

Herbs rich in beta-carotene

Perhaps one of the best examples of herbal vitamins is beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. The human body uses vitamin A in order to aid the growth and repair of body tissues.

Many herbs contain beta carotene. The herb known as agrimony, or what many people refer to as “plant healing to eyes”, is a particularly good herbal source of beta-carotene. Herbal skin care treatments usually has beta-carotene in hopes of maintaining smooth, soft, disease-free skin. Vitamin A converted from herbal vitamins can be used by the body to counteract night blindness and weak eyesight.

Another popular herbal vitamin is Vitalerbs. It can be found in many health food stores and nutrition centers. It is composed of herbs such as alfalfa, dandelion, kelp and purple duce. Because the vitamins remain intact with their herbal sources, the body is more able to absorb and put the vitamins contained in it to use. It contains many vitamins in their natural form such as ascorbic acid, biotin, calcium, choline, and pantothenic acid, iodine and iron.

You can find more information on herbal nutrition supplements as well as other vitamin related topics



Friday, June 02, 2006

Aging Skin Care - What Is Chemical Peeling

By CD Mohatta

As the name implies Chemical peeling peels the skin with chemicals. It is also called dermapeeling or chemexfoliation. By peeling off the skin layer, it allows new skin to form, which is new and fresh, and without some wrinkles. Chemical peeling is used to remove photo aged skin damages.

How chemical peeling is done for skin care- in chemical peeling, chemical solutions are applied on the skin. The choice and strength of chemical depends upon the results desired. For mild peeling, mild chemicals are used and so on. Sometimes, light peel is repeated over time to get desired effect. With mild peel, superficial wrinkles and sun damage is removed. For more damaged skin such as skin having age spots, freckles and acetinic keratoses, a medium peel is used.

Skin care and strength of chemicals- depending upon the skin damage, and the results desired, the dermatologist decides about the kind of peeling to be performed.

Skin care and peeling chemicals- common peeling chemicals include alpha hydroxy acids, trichloroacetic acid, carbolic acid and other chemicals.

Skin care and side effects of chemical peeling- the chemicals peel the old skin and that is like sunburn. What the doctor is doing is to remove the old skin to a certain depth. That naturally causes redness and scaling of the skin. as new skin forms, the redness and scaling disappear. With medium or deep chemical peeling, the skin may develop blisters and swelling along with redness and peeling that may last for up to two weeks.

Skin care and discomfort with chemical peeling- some discomfort is the result as the skin peels. Your doctor will prescribe some lotions to reduce the discomfort. Exposure to sun must be avoided for some time and protection must be taken from sun till the new skin forms and all the side effects disappear. With chemical peeling, surface skin damage is removed. Please consult your doctor for further details.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

The author C.D. Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. You can visit for more information about how to have good skin. You can read articles, advice and tips on love, dating, relationship and break-up on If you love to solve a quiz, please look at This site has free flash quiz cards on different topics including Personality, Friendship, Love, dating and many other subjects.



Thursday, June 01, 2006

Skin Care Tips

By Josh Riverside

Women across the world scan magazines and television channels for wonder tips for rejuvenating their skin. Men, too, are becoming increasingly conscious of their looks, and cosmetic giants are catering to their specific skin care needs.

Both men and women need to follow a proper skin care regimen to prevent premature aging and possess glowing skin. Mothers should begin skin care of their children right from infancy. This will not only keep children’s skin healthy, but encourage children to undertake a proper beauty regimen later in life. Clinically tested baby products such as body oil, soap, cream, and lotion can be applied to babies’ skin to keep it clean, soft, and supple.

Teenagers across the world constitute one of the most avid supporters of regular skin care. One reason is that they face a host of skin problems due to hormonal changes and improper lifestyles. Teenagers with oily skin tend to suffer most from acne. Pimples should not be picked or squeezed, as this leaves marks on the skin. The face should be washed at least twice every day with water and a mild face wash to keep out grime and reduce oiliness. A basic skin care regimen involving the use of cleanser, toner, and moisturizer should be followed.

Women, apart from following a similar regimen, need to take special care during and after pregnancy. Oil or cream massage is essential to avoid ugly stretch marks and sagging of skin. Older women need to apply outer eye cream, night cream, and anti-wrinkle cream and masks to avoid age-related skin problems. Exfoliation is also necessary to get rid of dead cells.

Men can choose from an array of pre-shaving oils, shaving gels, and post-shaving moisturizers in addition to skin rejuvenators and scrubs exclusively manufactured for men. All individuals also need to use a sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher when they go out during the day, to protect their skin from premature aging.

To conclude, regular skin care is essential for healthy and glowing skin.

Either natural or cosmetic products can be used for this purpose, based on individual choice. However, external care must be supplemented with a nutritious, low-fat diet, sufficient intake of water, and adequate sleep. In addition, stress should be avoided.

Skin Care provides detailed information on Skin Care, Skin Care Products, Natural Skin Care, Anti Aging Skin Care and more. Skin Care is affiliated with Natural Skin Care Products.