Importance of Skin Care
by Stayson Graham
The skin is your largest organ on the body and as such it is the most unique and important body that acts as a protective layer; after all, it is the only organ that is exposed to the outside world directly . Your skin is ultimately essential to your survival and great effort should be taken to keep your skin as healthy as possible. This article will outline simple ways you can keep your skin vibrant and healthy so that it may serve its purpose to the fullest.
The first thing you want to do is limit your exposure to the harmful rays of the sun. Obviously, you don't want to stay indoors at all times but when you are outside in the sun take care not to spend too much time during prime daylight hours. It is also very important to wear an adequate layer of good sunscreen to shield you from rays that can cause dryness, wrinkles, and even cancer. If you think of your skin as an organism that needs nutrition then you should take care to feed it properly, and more specifically give it the essential water it needs to remain healthy.
Drinking water every day is important to keeping your skin nourished and in good condition - not to mention it will improve your overall health in the long run. You will also want to avoid smoking as that unhealthy activity can cause a variety of damaging effects on the skin. Other things to avoid are long hot baths or showers since they can really sap the moisture despite exposing your skin to water.
There are also certain soaps that are much too potent or tinted with perfumes that may irritate your skin, and these should be avoided at all costs. Good moisturizers are on the market that can keep your skin feeling nice in addition to improving appearance.
About the Author
Overall each person is unique and different dry skin remedies will work for others but if your goal is to have nice looking skin or to get rid of wrinkles, these simple tips are a good way to get on the road to healthy skin.
Labels: skin care
posted by Evie @ time 10:14 AM 0 comments

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