Find Out The Truth About Anti Wrinkle Skin Care
by Tom Woods
By the time you finish reading this, you will have more knowledge on how to choose an effective anti wrinkle skin care product than the average consumer will.
It is quite easy to fall for the glitzy advertising campaigns that many of the large cosmetic companies use. You see, they put millions of dollars into their television commercials. Usually, you will see a popular celebrity promoting the latest greatest skin cream.
However, do you think that she actually uses the product? Chances are that she does not.
In order for an anti wrinkle skin care product to be effective it must contain the right ingredients. And, I am not referring to chemicals or synthetic ingredients either.
Do Not Be Mislead
Be careful of misleading advertising as well. For example, it is fairly common to see products that claim to contain collagen.
First, let's look at exactly what collagen is. Collagen is a vital skin protein that gives your skin its structure.
When you are younger, your body produces an abundance of this protein, however, as you age, your body stops producing it.
So, some cosmetic companies claim that by applying an anti wrinkle skin care product that contains collagen is all you need to do to start to reduce the signs of aging.
Unfortunately, that is not going to work. You see, the body must produce collagen naturally. So, a product that claims to contain collagen will be ineffective because the collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the layers of skin.
Thankfully, There Are Specific Natural Substances That Will Stimulate the Re-Production of Collagen
In addition to collagen, another protein is vital to the health of our skin. That protein is elastin. It too decreases as we age. The loss of these two proteins in one of the major causes of aging skin.
One of the reasons that many of the big name cosmetic products do not work effectively at reducing lines and wrinkles is that they do not contain the right ingredients to stimulate the re-production of collagen and elastin.
One of the most effective substances used to stimulate the re-growth of these proteins is called Cynergy TK. It was developed in New Zealand and is derived from the wool of sheep.
It is a major breakthrough in the field of skin care. You will not find any of the major cosmetic companies using this substance at this time.
After just a few weeks of use in a clinical study, most volunteers noticed a definitive reduction in the lines and wrinkles on their skin.
So, there you have it! An anti wrinkle skin care cream that contains Cynergy TK, will help to reduce the signs of aging after just a few weeks.
About the Author
Tom became an advocate for using organic skin care products when researching for a safe and effective skin cream for his fiancé. He now hopes to educate people on how to find the best natural anti aging skin care products. Visit his site today!
By Tom Woods
Labels: skin care, wrinkles removal
posted by Evie @ time 2:48 AM 0 comments

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