Natural Skin Care for Oily Skin (II)
by Alisia Friend
Not all skin care treatments work the same for all people; you need to find a skin care product that helps you care for your oily skin without being harsh. Natural skin care products work the best because they are not as rough on delicate skin.
Diet for Oily Skin Eat green vegetables and fresh fruits, don�t eat meat, meat slows your digestion and makes it harder for your body to flush out the fats. Stay away from alcohol. Alcohol makes the liver work harder. This keeps it from doing the job of removing toxins. Toxins build up and sit in your fat, organs and your skin. Make sure you are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. Get your blood tested; find out what you might lack. If you do not want to get your blood tested, at least take a good multivitamin. Not getting enough vitamin B2 can cause oily skin. Nutritional yeast and wheat germ are a good source of vitamin B2, other sources are whole grains, beans, and nuts.
Drink enough quality water to keep the skin hydrated and flush out toxins. Moisture makes your skin firm and elastic. Dryness makes your skin look and feel like sandpaper.
Cut down on the fat you eat; do not eat fried foods or any foods you know are high fat. Do not cook with or any heat processed oils, use cold pressed canola or olive oil only. Do not drink soft drinks, stay away from sugar, and junk food.
One of the best natural skin care products for your insides and your outsides is Aloe vera. Drink the juice and smear the jell all over you. Tomato is a great astringent; tomatoes tone the skin, but don�t dry it out like astringent skin treatments that.are not natural. Slice the tomato and put it on your face, or crush it and mix it with cooked oatmeal. Let it dry and wash it off.
If your face dehydrates from washing to much, apply a mixture of just about any mashed melon, Aloe vera gel and cooked oatmeal. Rinse it off with warm water after it dries. Watermelon makes a great natural cleanser crushed and smeared onto the skin. Wash it off with water after it sits a bit.
Mix honey with one grated carrot and smooth it on your face. Wash it off with water after it sits a bit. Carrot essential oil is extracted from carrots, it has skin protection qualities from the carotenoids and other antioxidants. Carrot oil is good for keeping your skin from getting dry and chapped. Never put any pure essential oil straight on your skin, you want to mix it with an oil like almond oil. Almond oil is not a greasy oil, it soaks into skin well, leaves only a slight residue and goes well with carrot essential oil.
Nothing in this essay should be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nothing in this essay is approved by the Food & Drug Administration to treat of any disease.
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