Sunday, February 08, 2009

Natural Skin Care for Oily Skin (I)

by Alisia Friend

There are several natural ways to treat your oily skin, though whether they work depends on the severity of the oily skin and how dedicated you are to applying them. It is best that you to contact a dermatologist or your natural health care provider to help you come up with choices that are work for you.

You need oil on your skin to keep it from drying out and being open to infection. Healthy skin has a glow, natural skin oils are necessary to achieve this glow. Oil protects the skin and makes it more elastic so it will not wrinkle. Too much oil attracts dirt that can clog pores. Excessively oily skin leads to larger than normal pores that give the skin a rough look.

The oil comes from the sebaceous gland. The gland secretes an oily substance called sebum. Sebum protects skin from bacteria, cuts down on the water that evaporates from the skin, and gives your hair shine. When sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum your skin will be too oily.

Natural Oily Skin Care To care for your oily skin you need to keep it clean. What you need to do is to removal excessive sebum from the skin. Wash your face with hot water and a mild natural soap. Then wash with cold water, then rinse with pure rose water. Rose water is a mild astringent, it will help tighten your skin�s pores, balance the skin�s pH levels and it has a marvelous aroma! Do not apply rose water to broken or irritated skin, if you find out you are sensitive stop using it. After cleaning, apply a natural oil free moisturizer to keep your skin from dehydrating.

You need to wash your face enough to keep the pores from getting clogged. Do not wash your face more than two or three times a day, or you will stimulate your glands to produce more oil. If your face feels dry your glands will produce more oil.

Use a pure soap without artificial additives. Avoid the use of harsh soaps or cleansers. If you need to, try a lightly medicated soap. Use hot water when washing your face then finish with cold water. Always check the ingredients of the oily skin care product before you take it home. Be careful when you pick your cleanser or soap. Harsh astringents strip your skin of oil; you do not want to let your skin dehydrate. When your skin dehydrates your pores restrict blocking oil flowing out.

If washing with soaps make the problem worse or if your skin is sensitive try washing your face in warm salty water. Another skin care treatment you can try is mixing fresh squeezed lemon juice from one lemon with one cup of water. Strain this and pour it into a spray bottle, spray your face and let it to dry, then rinse your face with warm water. Finish with a cold water rinse. This should get the oil off your face without irritating it.

(to be continued)

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