Tuesday, January 01, 2008

To Reverse Wrinkles You Need The Right Type Of Vitamin C In Your Wrinkle Cream - Part 2

by Marcus Ryan

If you've ever looked at the ingredients list of your wrinkle cream, you may have noticed that Vitamin C is an ingredient that's often used. Dr Linus Pauling, who had been awarded a Nobel Prize was in fact the person who discovered and made well known the benefits of Vitamin C on our skin.
In part 1, we looked at the 2 types of Vitamin C used in anti aging creams. And now in part 2, we're going to look at what Vitamin C does for your skin, the problems of adding vitamin C to wrinkle creams, and how this problem is solved.

Well, the claims that Vitamin C can decrease the appearance of wrinkles and provide an overall improvement in the skin's appearance are backed by scientific proof.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is whether or not all the skin care products which contain Vitamin C will actually work, and unfortunately, the answer is a resounding "No!" Most of these anti aging and anti wrinkle, Vitamin C enriched products do not only fail to reduce wrinkles; they will actually cause more wrinkles to appear!

That's probably not what you wanted to read, but if you understand how Vitamin C actually works to improve the skin, as opposed to how the form of Vitamin C used in most wrinkle creams affects the skin, you'll see what the problem is, and how to avoid it.

What Vitamin C can do for your skin:

Your skin is far more than what you see when you look in the mirror. Over 70% of you skin tissue, in fact, consists of the connective tissue collagen, which supports your surface skin and keeps it firm. Your collagen is in a constant cycle of breaking down and repairing itself, but it can repair itself much less efficiently as time passes. The visible result is a surface skin both lacking tone plagued with wrinkles.

The magic of Vitamin C lies in its collagen production stimulating properties, which will help your body maintain the level of collagen repair it had during your youth. The greater the amount of Vitamin C your skin can absorb, the more wrinkle free and toned your skin will remain.

There are, of course, collagen injections, but they not only cost a lot; the collagen used breaks down at an accelerated rate, so you will need to be re-injected on a regular and continuing basis. Any time you inject a foreign substance into your skin you are taking a risk, so if you have a natural and safe, non-invasive alternative, why not check it out?

Vitamin C not only improves the collagen repair process; it is an antioxidant powerhouse which fights the free radical molecules which cause so much cellular damage to your skin. The anti oxidant effects of Vitamin C, in fact, reach all levels of your skin from its surface down to the collagen level.

Vitamin C even strengthens the walls of your capillaries, the tiny blood vessels which transport nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells. It will prevent your capillaries from breaking, as it improves your skin's color and tone. You'll notice fewer of those embarrassing age spots, as you complexion is clarified and its blotchiness disappears.

So where's the problem with Vitamin C enriched wrinkle creams?

More than three decades of research examining the effects of Vitamin C on the skin have shown that before Vitamin C can work its magic on your skin, it must first be absorbed into your skin's cells in sufficient amounts, but the form of Vitamin C which has this level of absorbability is expensive to produce. Most of the skin care product makers who are touting Vitamin C in their offerings simply don't want to spend the money to use it in this advanced form.

Most of the Vitamin C added to skin care creams is the L-Ascorbic Acid form of Vitamin C, and therein lies the problem. Ascorbic acid is simply far too unstable, and when it is exposed to the air, or even stored closed for too long, it begins to deteriorate. It is also highly acidic, causing inflammation and redness in those with sensitive skin.

As this form of Vitamin C deteriorates, it can actually become a free radical and begin causing the same sort of skin damage which you are trying to stop!

But there is a form of Vitamin C which is both stable and gentle on sensitive skin. Called Ascorbyl Palmitate, it will be easily absorbed and in amounts large enough to both repair collagen and battle free radical damage occurring in all of your skin's layers. This is because unlike L-Ascorbic Acid, Ascorbyl Palmitate is fat soluble, and research from Proctor & Gamble has proven that its rate of absorption is ten times greater than that of L-Ascorbic Acid.

The wrinkle cream that has this safe and effective form of Vitamin C is Lifecell cream. For recent customer reviews, see this page on LifeCell skin wrinkle cream reviews.

Ascorbyl Palmitate, in other words, will provide your skin with all the benefits of Vitamin C, and none of the negative side effects of the L-Ascorbic Acid form. As Dr. Linus Pauling has shown, Vitamin C has dramatic anti aging effects, provided that it is a stable and non irritating form of Vitamin C. So when you start shopping for a wrinkle cream enriched with Vitamin C, remember that you want Ascorbyl Palmitate.

There's a jar out there with your name on it!

So go ahead and use a wrinkle cream that will work for you to give you all these benefits of Vitamin C, to get younger looking skin.

About the Author
Go ahead and get your free trial of the breakthrough cream Lifecell skin wrinkle cream that works, at Marcus Ryan's www.wrinklecreamsreview.com. Go for it and look 10 to 20 years before your very eyes! It's an incredible feeling when you see this.





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