Wrinkle Creams Secret: Have You Got The Right Type Of Vitamin C? - Part 1
by Marcus Ryan
If you're into looking younger, then no doubt you would have heard of Vitamin C and how this vitamin is important in helping you look younger.
You may have heard for example, that Vitamin C helps with skin repair, makes our skin clearer and have more even pigmentation, and of course stimulates out skin to produce collagen, which is needed for strong, young looking skin.
But there is a well kept secret regarding the use of Vitamin C and wrinkle creams, and its one that many skin care product makers would prefer remain a secret. There are two types of Vitamin C currently being added to wrinkle creams. One of them fights free radicals and is absorbed into all the layers of your skin, so that it can actually stimulate collagen production. The other doesn't, and isn't.
You, of course, are only interested in the Vitamin C which will actually protect your skin from free radicals and reduce your wrinkles. You are not at all interested in the Vitamin C which will actually produce its own free radical molecules to join the ones you think you are battling.
So what's the good stuff?
The Vitamin C which you want in your wrinkle cream is Ascorbyl Palmitate, a combination of ascorbic acid and Palmitic acid which is not only stable, but fat soluble so that it can penetrate the outer portions of your skin cells, is where the free radicals do most of their dirty work. Unlike its cheap imitation, Ascorbyl Palmitate will keep its wrinkle fighting strength to the last dab in the jar.
The cheap imitation, L-Ascorbic Acid, on the other hand, is highly unstable and will begin to oxidize as soon as its jar is opened. That oxidation is the same process which causes free radicals, so when you use a wrinkle cream which contains L-Ascorbic Acid you might just as well send out invitations to all the wrinkles in the neighborhood!
Ascorbyl Palmitate, as tough as it may be on wrinkles, is amazingly gentle on your skin and will actually speed the healing of cuts and abrasions. L-Ascorbic Acid, however, must be used in high concentrations if it is to have any effect whatsoever, and will irritate and inflame sensitive skin.
The skin care giant Proctor and Gamble has done studies showing that Ascorbyl Palmitate, because it is fat soluble, penetrated the skin at levels tenfold that of water soluble L-Ascorbic Acid, and penetrated it rapidly as well, getting on with the job of fighting wrinkles in very short order.
Vitamin C is not just a gimmick presented by skin care product makers to capitalize on the antioxidant craze; it's a proven natural substance with real wrinkle fighting properties, as long as it is used in the right form.
If you're one of the millions of people who want to look younger, but break into a cold sweat at the thought of cosmetic surgery, or simply don't have the finances to pay for it, you now have a safe, inexpensive, and highly effective alternative. Just do some research to find a first-rate anti wrinkle cream which contains Ascorbyl Palmitate, and forget about the scalpels and sutures!
You only have to read the labels of any wrinkle creams boasting of their Vitamin C content, and walk away from any which do not contain Ascorbyl Palmitate!
You are now one of the "insiders" sharing the secret of Vitamin C in truly effective wrinkle creams, and can use your knowledge to make those years drop away like the leaves of autumn!
Time is marching on, so why not march in step to the nearest computer, search for a retailer of fine cosmetics, and get your Ascorbyl Palmitate enriched wrinkle cream today?
About the Author
Want to get the wrinkle creams that work? Then get your free trial of Lifecell Skin Wrinkle Cream at Marcus Ryan/s review site www.wrinklecreamsreview.com and look 10-20 years younger right away!
Labels: wrinkles removal
posted by Evie @ time 8:54 PM 0 comments

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