Thursday, May 17, 2007

Uncovering The Oldest Antiaging Secret

by Michelle Bery

Who among us does not wish to grow old gracefully - with beautiful skin, strong muscles, and, most importantly, a healthy body? Cultures the world over each has their own secrets when it comes to staying young and vital. And the countless department store counters give credence to our quest as a society; displaying row upon row of anti-wrinkle cream, antiaging masks, and the like. Medically speaking, society pops all manner of pills in an effort to hold aging at bay. In all of the madness, it becomes easy to forget the very best antiaging secret - nature's own.

Living a life of health - of treating our bodies with respect - is the antiaging secret that will far outlast all of those pills and creams. It is a matter of choices - integrated into our daily lives - that will determine our aging process. From the food we eat, to the activity we perform, to the sleep we get - it all works together to decide the path of our futures.

The first antiaging secret that holds by far the most power in determining how we age is diet. Research has shown time and time again that the foods we eat largely determine our body's ability to fight disease and fight the aging process. A diet heavy in additives, preservatives, and saturated fat will work against our bodies and compromise the natural functions of our body. This can actually speed the process of aging.

Rather, eating a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients feeds the healthy cells of our bodies allowing them work at optimum efficiency. Nurtured by healthy nutrients and antioxidants these cells can keep disease at bay and allow our bodily systems to work efficiently even as we age.

These nutrients will also make themselves known on the outside of our bodies - in the form of glowing skin, shiny hair, and healthy nails and teeth. Drinking plenty of water will also feed healthy skin.

Additionally, exercise is another simple, yet effective, antiaging secret. Make an effort to combine cardiovascular work with strength training to keep muscles strong and to remain flexible throughout aging.

The best antiaging secret is that which works specifically for you. Integrate healthy eating, plenty of rest, consistent exercise, and enjoyable, stress-relieving activities into your life. Aging doesn't have to leave you old and tired; there are choices!

About the Author
For easy to understand, in depth information about antiaging visit our ezGuide 2 Antiaging.





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